Minions - What is *your* API?

        # Imagine a counter used like this:

        use Test::Most tests => 5;
        use Example::Synopsis::Counter;

        my $counter = Example::Synopsis::Counter->new;

        is $counter->next => 0;
        is $counter->next => 1;
        is $counter->next => 2;

        throws_ok { $counter->new } qr/Can't locate object method "new"/;

        throws_ok { Example::Synopsis::Counter->next }
                  qr/Can't locate object method "next" via package "Example::Synopsis::Counter"/;

        # The counter class:

        package Example::Synopsis::Counter;

        use Minions
            interface => [ qw( next ) ],

            implementation => 'Example::Synopsis::Acme::Counter';


        # And the implementation for this class:

        package Example::Synopsis::Acme::Counter;

        use Minions::Implementation
            has => {
                count => { default => 0 },

        sub next {
            my ($self) = @_;



    This is an early release available for testing and feedback and as such
    is subject to change.

    Minions is a class builder that makes it easy to create classes that are
    modular <>, which means
    there is a clear separation between what end users need to know (the
    interface for using the class) and implementation details that users
    don't need to know about.

    Classes are built from a specification that declares the interface of
    the class (i.e. what commands minions of the classs respond to), as well
    as a package that provide the implementation of these commands.

    This separation of interface from implementation details is an important
    aspect of modular design, as it enables modules to be interchangeable
    (so long as they have the same interface).

    It is not a coincidence that the Object Oriented concept as originally
    envisioned was mainly concerned with messaging, where in the words of
    Alan Kay (who coined the term "Object Oriented Programming") objects are
    "like biological cells and/or individual computers on a network, only
    able to communicate with messages" and "OOP to me means only messaging,
    local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme
    late-binding of all things." (see The Deep Insights of Alan Kay

    Due to Perl's "assembly required" approach to OOP, there are many CPAN
    modules that exist to automate this assembly, perhaps the most popular
    being the Moose family. Moo(se) is very effective at simplifying class
    building but this is typically achieved at the expense of Encapsulation
    (the hiding of implementation details from end users).

    Minions takes inspriation from Moose's declaratve approach to
    simplifying OO automation, but does not require or encourage
    encapsulation to be sacrificed.

  The Tale of Minions
    There once was a farmer who had a flock of sheep. His typical workday
    looked like:



    In order to devote more time to "other_important_work()", the farmer
    decided to hire a minion, so the work was now split like this:



    This did give the farmer more time for "other_important_work()", but
    unfornately $shepherd_boy had a tendency to cry wolf
    <> so the farmer had
    to replace him:



    $sheep_dog was more reliable and demanded less pay than $shepherd_boy,
    so this was a win for the farmer.

    Object Oriented design is essentially the act of minionization, i.e.
    deciding which minions ($objects) will do what work, and how to
    communicate with them (using an interface).

  Via Import
    A class can be defined when importing Minions e.g.

        package Foo;

        use Minions
            interface => [ qw( list of methods ) ],

            construct_with => {
                arg_name => {
                    assert => {
                        desc => sub {
                            # return true if arg is valid
                            # or false otherwise
                    optional => $boolean,
                # ... other args

            implementation => 'An::Implementation::Package',

    A class can also be defined by calling the "minionize()" class method,
    with an optional hashref that specifies the class.

    If the hashref is not given, the specification is read from a package
    variable named %__meta__ in the package from which "minionize()" was

    The class defined in the SYNOPSIS could also be defined like this

        use Test::More tests => 2;
        use Minions ();

        my %Class = (
            name => 'Counter',
            interface => [qw( next )],
            implementation => {
                methods => {
                    next => sub {
                        my ($self) = @_;

                has  => {
                    count => { default => 0 },

        my $counter = Counter->new;

        is $counter->next => 0;
        is $counter->next => 1;

    Further examples of usage can be found in the following documents


    The meaning of the keys in the specification hash are described next.

   interface => ARRAYREF
    A reference to an array containing the messages that minions belonging
    to this class should respond to. An exception is raised if this is empty
    or missing.

    The messages named in this array must have corresponding subroutine
    definitions in a declared implementation, otherwise an exception is

   construct_with => HASHREF
    An optional reference to a hash whose keys are the names of keyword
    parameters that are passed to the default constructor.

    The values these keys are mapped to are themselves hash refs which can
    have the following keys.

   optional => BOOLEAN (Default: false)
    If this is set to a true value, then the corresponding key/value pair
    need not be passed to the constructor.

   assert => HASHREF
    A hash that maps a description to a unary predicate (i.e. a sub ref that
    takes one value and returns true or false). The default constructor will
    call these predicates to validate the parameters passed to it.

   implementation => STRING | HASHREF
    The name of a package that defines the subroutines declared in the

    Alternatively an implementation can be hashref as shown in the synopsis

    Minions::Implementation describes how implementations are configured.

    The implementation of a class can be quite easily changed from user code
    e.g. after

        use Minions
            bind => { 
                'Foo' => 'Foo::Fake', 
                'Bar' => 'Bar::Fake', 
        use Foo;
        use Bar;

    Foo and bar will be bound to fake implementations (e.g. to aid with
    testing), instead of the implementations defined in their respective

    Behavioural and Role introspection are possible using "$object->can" and
    "$object->DOES" which if called with no argument will return a list (or
    array ref depending on context) of methods or roles respectiively
    supported by the object.

    See the section "Using multiple roles" from "EXAMPLES" in Minions::Role
    for an example.

    Also note that for any class "Foo" created using Minions, and for any
    object created with "Foo"'s constructor, the following will always
    return a true value


    Please report any bugs or feature requests via the GitHub web interface
    at <>.

    Arun Prasaad <>

    Copyright 2014- Arun Prasaad

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU public license, version 3.