Config/Abstract version 0.14

Config::Abstract is not supposed to be used directly, but rather as
the base class for a bundle of file format specific classes sharing
the internal representation of the file data that lets us perform a
bunch of operations on that data, such as converting files from one
format to any other format, creating diffs between config  files of
different formats, patching files based on keys-values, rather than
line numbers and so on.

Since this is work in the early  stages of  development and I  don't
have the resources or the time to model this properly, the interface
is likely to change every now and then.  Most notably I am currently
reworking the accessor / mutator methods to use a 'path-based' name-
space, which allows arbitrary depth of nesting in the handled config


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


This module requires these other modules and libraries:



I want to thank my mum, God and swedish education for getting me
desperate enough to embark on an endeavour such as this.
Seriously, I'd like to thank my fellow developers here at CNET
Networks UK for valuable input and feedback that has been key
to much of this code, even though none of them have contributed
any actual code, yet :). I especially want to thank James Cohen
and Aidan Fitzpatrick for being such code freaks.


Copyright (C) 2003 Eddie Olsson <>