The MacPerl FAQ is currently being edited and maintained by Bob Dalgleish and Bob Wilkinson. Contact them for editorial or publication information. The initial version of the FAQ was prepared by Hal Wine. The current outline and a lot of the useful words in this edition were prepared by Hal, as well.
This FAQ is intended as a supplement to the main Perl FAQ , and does not replace it.
They are mirrored from MacPerlFAQ.html and MacPerlFAQ.txt, but this web-site has some name registration problems.
Versions of the FAQ can be retrieved by e-mail. Send e-mail to with a subject of either:
get FAQfor the text version or
get FAQ.htmlfor the html version.
The MacPerl FAQ also contains information on some unique applications of MacPerl. However, pointers to other information are more likely for these topics.
Finally, the MacPerl FAQ contains information useful in porting Perl scripts to and from the Unix environment.
The MacPerl FAQ is also not a tutorial. Nor is it a 100% correct authority on anything! However, we ask your indulgence by sending comments, clarifications, and revisions to one or both of the editors.
Both Perl version 4 and 5 have been ported to the Mac. Much of the information in this FAQ is not unique to the Perl version being used.
Where there is a distinction or discrepancy between the versions, the applicable version will be mentioned. The most frequent difference is how package qualifications are made. In Perl4, a variable in a package was entered as $Package'variable
. In Perl5, it is entered as $Package::variable
, although the old form is acceptable.
The major emphasis of the FAQ has moved to MacPerl 5, so the new package syntax will be used.
Where possible, the users of MacPerl should upgrade to MacPerl5, since its extensibility and generality are very much enhanced. Perl4 scripts will run almost unimpeded under Perl5, but you can easily check for problems by setting the -w
switch to flag common errors. The reference file perltraps.html
in the release describes common problems.
Unless you already have MPW, and know its environment, you want the standalone version, hereafter called the MacPerl Application.
Perl5 introduced several powerful new technologies, including object-oriented programming to the PERL project. This allowed modules to be much more self-sufficient, yet extensible, as well as allowing system extensions. These extensions will be capitalized upon in further releases of MacPerl.
as files:
can be deciphered as follows: 5
is the major Perl release, .01
is the Mac revision level, and 1m
is the patchlevel of the Perl core.
The source code for these versions is also available in the same directory. Consult the file
for details on which sources are needed for which version.
After decompressing the archive, be sure to read all the text files in the top level directory. (Or just review them if you're upgrading.)
A searchable archive of the mailing list is available.
Routine | MacPerl4 | MacPerl5 |
alarm | Not implemented | |
chmod | Meaning of the mode of files is different | |
chown | Meaning of ownership is different | |
chroot | Not implemented | |
crypt | Not implemented | Implemented but not distributed in the sources. |
dump | Not implemented. See runtimes. | |
exec | Not implemented | |
exit | Needs to be accompanied by MacPerl::Quit to do what you expect. | |
fcntl | Meaning of controls is system specific | Meaning of controls is system specific. provides a useful interface. |
fork | Not implemented | |
getlogin getpgrp setpgrp getppid getpw* getgr* setgr* endgrent endpwent | Not implemented | |
ioctl | Meaning of controls is system specific | Meaning of controls is system specific. provides a useful interface. |
kill | Not implemented | |
link | Not implemented | |
msg* | Not implemented | |
open | Pipes are not supported, except with ToolServer support. | |
pipe | Not implemented, except with ToolServer support. | |
shm* | Not implemented | |
syscall | Not implemented | |
time | Uses January 1, 1904. | |
utime | Not 100% compatible | |
umask | Does nothing | |
wait | Not implemented | |
waitpid | Not implemented |
) not work?Perl5 has significantly extended the syntax and the preparation so that most preprocessing is not needed. The usual use of preprocessing is to provide manifest constants. Subroutines can be made into "bare-words", which allow what-look-to-be constant values, like ENOFILE
, to be used in Perl code.
Matthias has hardcoded some strings to be processed by MacPerl itself.
See the documentation file MacPerl.Specifics
in your release for up-to-date information. (This file has been superceded in MacPerl5 by the pod:macperl.html
For greater portability, there is a module called
which sets the environment variable PWD
. For instance,
use Cwd; chdir_init; $p = $ENV{'PWD'}; ... chdir $newdir; $p = $ENV{'PWD'};
require ''; $infilename = &StandardFile::GetFile('TEXT','ttxt','ttro' , "Default file"); $outfilename = &StandardFile::PutFile("Output file", "Default output file");
The same is true for the results of standard file calls.
This is about to be fixed in MacPerl5r2.
property env : {"HOME", "Boot", "TEMP", "Boot:Temporary Items"} property perlScript : "Boot:Scripting:MacPerl �" property opts : {"-n", "-x", "Boot:Scripting"} tell application "MacPerl" try Do Script ({perlScript} & opts) mode batch environment env without extract on error errorMessage number errorNumber return errorNumber end try end tell
bing in MacPerl?opendir
, readdir
, closedir
commands. For example,
@files = <*.error>;is equivalent to:
opendir( DIR, ':' ) || die( "Can't open ':': $!\n" ); @files = grep( /\.error$/, readdir( DIR ) ); closedir( DIR );For MacPerl5, globbing is available.
and &MacPerl::Subroutine
These are documented in the included documentation file macperl.html
The top 128 characters which can be stored in a byte are the extended characters. However, which character is represented by which bit-pattern is font-dependent, and especially machine-dependent. Some machines do share the same extended character set e.g. Unix and MS-Windows both use the ISO-lat1 (Latin-1) character set; this is not the same as that generally used on a Macintosh.
In regular expressions, \w can be used to match against an alphanumeric character, where this set of characters is [A-Za-z0-9_]. This will not match against å, é, ü, è, or any other accented characters which are found in the extended characters of the Macintosh character set (or any other extended characters for this matter).
Portability of code (from platform to platform, and on the Macintosh from font to font) would not be compromised, if the extended characters were used within the \w, \W matches. Presently, the only way I know to do this safely is to build up a set of characters on an ad hoc basis, as and when they are needed.
Recently, Matthias has released Perl extensions that allow access to the Macintosh toolbox for Memory, Resources, and Apple Events. Currently, this is PowerMac-compatible only.
To make a droplet, simply open your script in MacPerl, then choose "Save As". One of the "Type" options is "Droplet". The droplet is actually an application program that contains the text of your script, plus some code (about 8KB). When launched, the droplet uses Apple Events to launch MacPerl (if it isn't already running), and then sends it the script to execute.
You can reopen and change the script of droplets from within MacPerl. Subsequent "Saves" will retain the droplet file type.
If the user launches a droplet by dragging and dropping some files onto the droplet's icon in the Finder, those file names will appear as arguments to the script (i.e. they will be in @ARGV). This is one of the simplest ways to access the command line from outside of MPW.
The only downside to droplets is that users must have a complete installation of MacPerl, including any libraries that are called by your script. This means that the first application you distribute this way take over 800K. However, future droplets only take up 8K over the size of the script.
If having your users install a version of MacPerl is too onerous (required for droplets), then you can save them as a runtime application. However, not all features are supported in the runtime applications. Also, runtime versions take over 500KB per script!
Note: runtime versions do not execute any quicker. Perl (pre version 5) is always interpreted every time the script is run, period.
If you just send the script as a TEXT file, your friend has to install all of MacPerl application and libraries. Then, they have to start up MacPerl with your script and run it.
Runtime Modules allow your script and it's libraries to be packaged with perl into one application file. While this is convenient, it is quite large (over 500KB), and multiple scripts can't share the runtime module (2 scripts would take over 1MB). To save a script as a runtime module, debug your script, then choose "Save As". Two of the options are runtime modules: one for System 6, and the other for System 7.
The preferred approach is to save the script as a droplet. A droplet is a tiny (about 8KB) application that also contains your script. When a droplet is executed, it uses AppleEvents to have the MacPerl standalone application run the script. Also, your friend can specify the files to process by simply dropping them onto the droplet's icon in the Finder. Your friend still needs all of MacPerl installed, but doesn't have to directly interact with it.
Droplets are also created using the "Save As" menu option, and selecting the "Droplet" option. Droplets do require System 7 to work.
) placed in the script's directory, or in the library, where they will be found by searching the @INC
The Macintosh way is to package everything that is needed into a single file using (named) resources to differentiate components. In support of this, MacPerl allows you to include CODE resources (of type XCMD or XFCN), as well as TEXT resources containing source modules, into the droplet or runtime. To get access to the CODE resource, you need to use the MacPerl::LoadExternals()
function. To get access to the source modules, the require
primitive searches the TEXT resources of the droplet for the module name.
ATDT 1-900-MACPERLto the Serial Tool.
resources by name using
open(STREAM, "Dev:Pseudo:Stream");
for some resource named Stream.
open(CON2, ">Dev:Console:Another Window");
, data associated with event parameter FOOB is read/written.
You may want to consider getting the shareware text editor Alpha as well. Alpha offers a Perl editting mode in which keywords and comments are automatically colorized, subroutines are easily indexed, and the rather complete Perl man page is readily available as an online help file (indexed by section and command through a menubar popup menu) - ... Beyond that, Alpha is one of the nicest text editors (and my favorite) on any platform.Check the Alpha home page for more information. The FTP site has the most recent version, and it is available on all Mac repositories.Contact W. Thomas Pollard
This should be in the same folder as the MPW executable.
An example "UserStartup*Perl" is given here, which uses PerlLibs for the libraries for Perl4 and Perl5libs for Perl5.
Set PERLLIB "{MPW}libraries:PerlLibs:" Export PERLLIB Set PERL5LIB "{MPW}libraries:Perl5Libs:" Export PERL5LIB
The code modules (XCMD/XFCN) developed for HyperCard may often be used in MacPerl. While there is no external documentation for which HyperCard callbacks are not implemented, most widely available code module libraries offer safe packages. See the macperl.html
file in the pod
directory of MacPerl for how to use MacPerl::LoadExternal()
Starting with MacPerl5r2, the extension system has gotten a lot easier, and Matthias has written a number of modules that give access to the MacOS functions. These extension modules are still in beta testing, but will be made available for general release.
and libwww-perl-5
, for MacPerl4 and MacPerl5 respectively. (Paul Schinder) has converted these respective libraries to work with MacPerl. See the scripts directory for more information.
If you want to do smaller versions of these tasks, then try Tom Christian's hacks for useful scripts.
print "Running under MacPerl\n" if $MacPerl::Version;Under MacPerl5, there is a more portable method, sanctioned by the Perl development community:
use Config; if ( $Config{'osname'} =~ /^macos/i ) { print "Running under MacPerl\n"; }
Accessing file names is different between Unix and MacOS. However, Unix, MacOS and MSDOS all use hierarchical file naming, and some of the commonality has been gathered together into Perl modules for Perl5. Learn to use the portability-oriented modules, such as, and
and MacPerl::Answer()
#!perl -pi.BAKwill invoke MacPerl with the parameters
(for wrapping an input loop around the code with autoprint), and -i.BAK
(for renaming the input file with .BAK
appended, and rewriting the file).
If you also want to give the user a chance to enter command line options, you can use the following code fragment:
if( $MacPerl::Version =~ /Application$/ ) { # we're running from the app local( $cmdLine, @args ); $cmdLine = &MacPerl::Ask( "Enter command line options:" ); require ""; @args = &shellwords( $cmdLine ); unshift( @ARGV, @args ); }
If your script just needs to know file names, then you can save the script as a droplet and start it by dropping the desired files onto the droplet's icon from the Finder.
In the MPW version, the command line is supplied in the same manner as on Unix. For the application, there are two choices, depending on whether or not you need just file names or also options.
If the parameters you need to supply are mostly fixed, you can also put them after the script itself, in the data portion of the script. For instance,
# Get the default parameters { my @parms = <DATA>; chomp(@parms); unshift(@ARGV, @parms); } ... __END__ parm1 parm2 ...
$dirSep = '/'; # assume Unix $dirSep = ':' if $MacPerl::Version; # change to Mac ($path, $app) = $0 =~ /^(.*$dirSep)?([^$dirSep]+)$/;or, better because it uses standard facilities,
use File::Basename; ($app, $path) = fileparse($0);
print "HEREIS\n";
The latest version of ObjectSupportLib is 1.1.
instead of carriage-return
at the end. This causes MacPerl to try to read the entire file at once, in an inefficient manner.
Set the record separator character to "\012"
using any of
use English; $/ = "\012"; $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = "\012"; $RS = "\012";
Alternatively, translate the file using an editor or file conversion program.