NAME Catalyst::TraitFor::View::MarkupValidation - Validates output and replaces it with an error report if not OK SYNOPSIS package Catalyst::View::Validation; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; extends qw/Catalyst::View::TT/; with qw/Catalyst::TraitFor::View::MarkupValidation/; __PACKAGE__->config(MARKUP_VALIDATOR_URI => q[http://localhost/w3c-validator/check]); 1; DESCRIPTION This is a Role which which takes generated content that is ready for output and validates it. If there are errors it replaces the default output with an error report. CAVEATS This is useful when you're developing your application, as it will identify validity errors in the markup. In production, however, the performance cost is likely to be too high, and throwing errors at users that browsers could probably recover from is unfriendly. This module checks that Catalyst is running in debug mode and will not run if it is not. METHOD MODIFIERS after process Validates document and (in event of an error) replaces it with an error report. TODO Make document types that get validated configurable Add line numbering to output Hyperlink from error to source BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any you find using RT. If URI to validation service is incorrect, shows error report w/ 0 errors. AUTHOR David Dorward (dorward) "<>" CONTRIBUTORS Tomas Doran (t0m) "<>" LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This module itself is copyright (c) 2009 David Dorward and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.