# NAME dtwmic - disable touchpad when a mouse is connected # INSTALL curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - App::DTWMIC Note: you may wish to install a package like libffi-platypus-perl on your distro to fast installation # SYNOPSIS dtwmic [OPTIONS] dtwmic f | config-file=CUSTOM_CONFIG_FILE_PATH h | help - show help v | version - show dtwmic version l | list - list mouse/touchpad devices # DESCRIPTION Add dtwmic to your X window manager autostart. A default configuration file is created on the first run in ~/.config/dtwmic/config.yml (if not exists). You need synclient or xinput by default otherwise edit the config. # BUGS Please report any bugs through the web interface at [https://github.com/Ilya33/App-DTWMIC/issues](https://github.com/Ilya33/App-DTWMIC/issues). Patches are always welcome. # AUTHOR Ilya Pavlov <ilux@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019- Ilya Pavlov # LICENSE GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1