=====>>> BETA level interface to version 2.0 <<<=======

a) Should be installed inside or near pari-2.* source directory.
b) Patches to PARI (in `patches11', or 'patch12', or 'patch13'
   depending on the version of PARI) should be applied (or may be done
c) paricfg.h should be created beforehand in pari-2,* build directory
	(run configure to do this) (or may be done automatically).
d) We skip "compatibility" tests, and do not support "compatibility" mode.

Next paragraph is an excerpt from documentation inside Pari.pm:

  Package Math::Pari is a Perl interface to famous library PARI for
  numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations.  It allows use of
  most PARI functions (>500) as Perl functions, and (almost) seamless merging
  of PARI and Perl data. 

Documentation to this package is contained inside Pari.pm. After
installing it is accessible by standard means, like

  perldoc Math::Pari
  man Math::Pari

and possibly in other forms particular for your system.

A copy of documentation of the PARI library in POD format is provided as 
well, access it as Math::libPARI:

  perldoc Math::libPARI
  man Math::libPARI

For long instructions to install Math::Pari see file INSTALL.  Short
instructions work if you have PARI build directory, or have Net::FTP

  a) Get the latest version of Math::Pari similar to

	perl -MCPAN -e shell
	CPAN> test Math::Pari

     or manually FTP the file, extract it, and try to build

        tar -zxfv Math-Pari-2.001200.tar.gz
	cd Math-Pari-2.001200
	perl Makefile.PL
	make test

  b) If the necessary patches were not applied to the latest version
     of PARI yet, and the above step did not auto-apply the patches,
     you need to manually apply the patches (see INSTALL) in the build
     directory after "make test" fails, and redo

	make test

  c)	make install

     will finish the installation

(lowercase test scripts translate native PARI tests from GP syntax to
Perl syntax.  You can get a better understanding of these translations
by running the tests manually, as in

	perl t/all.t

after install, or

	perl -Mblib t/all.t

before install.)

The version 2.001104 was tested with OS/2 and Solaris, the versions
2.001200 and 2.001300 with Solaris.  They were tested with the patched
versions 2.0.11/2.0.12/2.0.13 of the PARI library.