Mojo::Darkpan - A Mojolicious web service frontend leveraging OrePAN2


Mojo::Darkpan is a webservice build on Mojolicious to frontend [OrePAN2](https://metacpan.org/pod/OrePAN2). This module was inspired
by [OrePAN2::Server](https://metacpan.org/pod/OrePAN2::Server') but built on 
Mojolicious to take advantage of it's robust framework of tools. A good bit of the documentation
was also taken from OrePAN2::Server as the functionality is similar if not identical.


## Running the server

    # start a server with default configurations on port 8080
    darkpan --port 8080
    # start a server with AD backed basic auth
    # config.json
      "basic_auth": {
        "Realm Name": {
          "host": "ldaps://my.ldap.server.org",
          "port": 636,
          "basedn": "DC=my,DC=compoany,DC=org",
          "binddn": "bind_name",
          "bindpw": "bond_pw",
          "filter": "(&(objectCategory=*)(sAMAccountName=%s)(|(objectClass=user)(objectClass=group)))"
    darkpan --config ./config.json

#### Options:

- **-c,--config** _default: undef_: 
    JSON configuration file location
- **-p,--port** _default: 3000_: 
    Web application port

## Configuring the server

Configurations can be done using environment variables or by creating a json config file.

### environment variables

Environment variables are at a higher order than values set in the json configuration 
file and will take precedence if set. The **DARKPAN\_CONFIG\_FILE** env variable can be 
set instead of using the command line option to denote the path of the config file.

    Location of a json configuration file, same as passing the --config option
     Directory where uploads will be stored.
    URL path to function as cpan repository resolver/mirror endpoint.
    Setting whether to compress (gzip) the 02packages.details.txt file.
    Basic auth realm name. This variable needs to be set to enable parsing of additional
    auth settings using the following the format DARKPAN\_AUTH\_\[setting\].
- **DARKPAN\_AUTH\_\[setting\]**:
    Additional basic auth settings can be passed using this format. The settings
    will be parsed and applied to your basic auth configurations. See
    for additional details on configurations.

### config.json

The config.json file contains customizations for the darkpan web application. It can be
referenced by absolute path or relative to where the application is run from.

      "directory": "darkpan",
      "compress_index": true,
      "path": "darkpan,
      "basic_auth": {
        "Realm Name": {
          "host": "ldaps://my.ldap.server.org",
          "port": 636,
          "basedn": "DC=my,DC=compoany,DC=org",
          "binddn": "bind_name",
          "bindpw": "bond_pw",
          "filter": "(&(objectCategory=*)(sAMAccountName=%s)(|(objectClass=user)(objectClass=group)))"

#### config.json options

- **directory** _default: darkpan_: 
    Directory where uploads will be stored.
- **path** _default: darkpan_: 
    URL path to function as cpan repository resolver/mirror endpoint.
- **compress\_index** _default: true_: 
    Setting whether to compress (gzip) the 02packages.details.txt file.
- **basic\_auth** _default: undef_: 
    Basic authentication settings, see configurations for [Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus). When not provided
    no authentication is necessary to post modules to the service.

### Authentication

Authentication is handled by [Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus).
To configure basic auth, see the configuration options for [Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojolicious::Plugin::BasicAuthPlus)
and add your settings to the basic auth section of the config.json file.     

## How to Deploy 

### Deploying with POST

Publishing to darkpan can be done using a post request and a URL to git or bitbucket repo.

    #upload git managed module to my darkpan by curl 
    curl --data-urlencode 'module=git+ssh://git@mygit/home/git/repos/MyModule.git' --data-urlencode 'author=SHINGLER' http://localhost:3000/publish
    curl --data-urlencode 'module=git+file:///home/rshingleton/project/MyModule.git' --data-urlencode 'author=SHINGLER' http://localhost:3000/publish
    curl --data-urlencode 'module=git@github.com:rshingleton/perl-module-test.git' --data-urlencode 'author=SHINGLER' http://localhost:3000/publish

The module parameter can also be an HTTP url. see [OrePAN2::Injector](https://metacpan.org/pod/OrePAN2::Injector) for 
additional details.

    curl --data-urlencode 'module=https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/O/OA/OALDERS/OrePAN2-0.48.tar.gz' --data-urlencode 'author=OALDERS' http://localhost:3000/publish

### Deploying with [Minilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Minilla)

Minilla is a cpan authoring tool, see [Minilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Minilla) for more details.

#### minil.toml

Add a reference to a pause configruation file in your minil.toml that points to your darkpan instance. 
The configuration can reference a relative path as follows:


#### .pause file

The .pause file is a configuration file for uploading modules to CPAN or your own Darkpan Repository.
See [CPAN::Uploader](https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::Uploader) for more detail.

    upload_uri http://my-darkpan.server/publish
    user myUsername
    password myPassword

_\*\* if you don't set the upload\_uri, you will upload to CPAN_

If basic auth is enabled, the username and password set in the .pause file will be
used as basic auth credentials.

## How to install from your Darkpan

### cpanm

See [cpanm](https://metacpan.org/pod/cpanm) for additional details.

     # check CPAN and your Darkpan server
     cpanm --mirror http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan
     # check for packages from only your Darkpan server
     cpanm --mirror-only http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan
     cpanm --from http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan

### cpm

See [cpm](https://metacpan.org/dist/App-cpm/view/script/cpm) for additional details.

    # resolve distribution names from DARKPAN/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz
    # and fetch distibutions from DARKPAN/authors/id/...
    > cpm install --resolver 02packages,http://example.com/darkpan Your::Module
    # use darkpan first, and if it fails, use metadb and normal CPAN
    > cpm install --resolver 02packages,http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan --resolver metadb Your::Module

### carton

See [carton](https://metacpan.org/pod/Carton) for additional details.

    # in the cpanfile
    # local mirror (darkpan)
    requires 'Plack', '== 0.9981',
      dist => 'MYCOMPANY/Plack-0.9981-p1.tar.gz',
      mirror => 'http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan';

Carton also uses an ([undocumented](https://domm.plix.at/perl/2017_07_carton_darkpan.html)) environment variable PERL\_CARTON\_MIRROR that will enable you
to add your Darkpan server to its list of resolvers. Carton will install from 
your Darkpan and from the default CPAN mirror.   

    PERL_CARTON_MIRROR=http://my-darkpan.server/darkpan carton install  





Copyright (C) rshingleton.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.


rshingleton <reshingleton@gmail.com>