NAME Lingua::JA::Regular - Regularize of the Japanese character. SYNOPSIS my $string = Lingua::JA::Regular->new($string)->regular; my $regular = Lingua::JA::Regular->new($string); $regular->strip->linefeed->h_ascii->z_kana; if ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /Windows/) { $regular->win; } elsif ($ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} =~ /Mac/) { $regular->mac; } print $regular->geta->to_s; DESCRIPTION Regularize of the Japanese character Converts platform specific charactes to standard characters. Converts multi byte(Japanese) alphanumeric and symbolcharacters to single byte characters. METHODS new my $str = Convert::Character->new($str); Create object. to_s $str->to_s; It changes into a character sequence from an object. linefeed $str->linefeed; $str->linefeed("\r"); $str->linefeed("\r\n"); $str->linefeed("<br>"); A new-line character(\r\n, \n, \r) is replaced by the argument. If an argument becomes undef, it will replace by "\n". strip $str->strip; The blank character of order is deleted. uc $str->uc; uppercase. lc $str->lc; lowercase. z_ascii alphabet, number, and sign are changed into ZENKAKU. h_ascii alphabet, number, and sign are changed into HANKAKU. z_kana h2z of Jcode is performed. h_kana z2h of Jcode is performed. z_space HANKAKU space is changed into a ZENKAKU space. h_space ZENKAKU space is changed into a HANKAKU space. z_strip The blank and ZENKAKU space character of order is deleted. hiragana It changes into a HIRAGANA. katakana It changes into a KATAKANA. kanji The model dependence character of KANJI is changed into an alternative character. win The model dependence character of Windows is changed into an alternative character. mac The model dependence character of Macintosh is changed into an alternative character. geta The model dependence character is changed into an GETA. regular It is the same as the result which performed strip, linefeed, z_kana, h_ascii, kanji, (win|mac) ,geta, and the to_s method. AUTHOR KIMURA, takefumi <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Jcode, Lingua::JA::Regular::Table, Lingua::JA::Regular::Table::Kanji, Lingua::JA::Regular::Table::Macintosh, Lingua::JA::Regular::Table::Windows