"File::Shuffle" - Randomly shuffle the lines in a file.

      use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
      use File::Shuffle qw(fileShuffle);
      use Data::Dump qw(dump);
      my ($handle, $inputFile) = tempfile();
      print $handle join("\n", 0..9, '');
      close $handle;
      fileShuffle (inputFile => $inputFile);
      open ($handle, '<', $inputFile);
      my @lines = <$handle>;
      close $handle;
      print @lines;

    "File::Shuffle" provides the routine "fileShuffle" to randomly shuffle
    the lines in a file.

    The subroutine "fileShuffle" randomly shuffles the lines in a file with
    the following parameters:

          inputFile => '...'

        "inputFile" holds the path to the file whose lines are to be
        shuffled; if it does not exist or if it is not a file an exception
        is thrown.

          outputFile => '...'

        "outputFile" is the file the shuffled lines are to be written to, it
        may equal "inputFile"; the default is "inputFile".

          tempDirectory => File::Temp::tempdir()

        "tempDirectory" is a temporary directory that intermediate files are
        written to if the "inputFile" is too large to shuffle using only
        internal memory; the default is set using File::Temp::tempdir().

          encoding => ''

        "encoding" is the encoding to used when openning the input and
        output files; the default is the the system default of the Perl
        "open" function.

          fileSizeBound => 1000000

        If the input file contains less than "fileSizeBound" bytes, the file
        will be shuffled entirely using internal memory, otherwise
        Sort::External is used to shuffle the lines in the file.

    Use CPAN to install the module and all its prerequisites:

      perl -MCPAN -e shell
      cpan[1]> install File::Shuffle

    Please email bugs reports or feature requests to
    "", or through the web interface at
    <>. The
    author will be notified and you can be automatically notified of
    progress on the bug fix or feature request.

     Jeff Kubina<>

    Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Kubina. All rights reserved. This program is
    free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
    terms as Perl itself.

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.

    file, permute, randomize, shuffle
