NAME HTML::Data::Parser - parses data embedded in HTML SYNOPSIS Be like Google! Google Rich Snippets supports RDFa, Microdata and Microformats, so why shouldn't you? use RDF::Trine; use HTML::Data::Parser; my $parser = HTML::Data::Parser->new( parse_rdfa => 1, parse_grddl => 0, parse_microformats => undef, parse_microdata => undef, parse_n3 => undef, parse_outline => 0, ); my $model = RDF::Trine::Model->temporary_model; my $writer = RDF::Trine::Serializer->new('RDFXML'); $parser->parse_into_model($base_uri, $markup, $model); print $writer->serialize_model_to_string($model); DESCRIPTION This module parses data embedded in HTML. It understands the following standards and patterns for embedding data: * RDFa <> * Microformats <> * GRDDL <> * Microdata <> * N3-in-HTML <> * HTML5 Document Outline <> This module is just a wrapper around RDF::RDFa::Parser, HTML::Microformats, XML::GRDDL, HTML::HTML5::Microdata::Parser, HTML::Embedded::Turtle and HTML::HTML5::Outline. It is a subclass of RDF::Trine::Parser so inherits the same interface as that. Constructor "new( %options )" The options accepted are: * dom_parser - set to 'xml' or 'html5' to determine which parser to use on input strings. Defaults to 'html5'. * named_graphs - boolean; whether to return quads to handler in "parse" method. For advanced use only. * on_error - what to do when an error occurs. (Currently only a subset of all possible errors are covered by this option. Some errors thrown by other modules won't be caught.) Set to 'warn', 'die', 'ignore' or a callback coderef (which is passed one parameter - the error message as a string). Defaults to 'warn'. * options_microdata - a hashref of options to pass through to "HTML::HTML5::Microdata::Parser->new" if/when parsing microdata. * options_outline - a hashref of options to pass through to "HTML::HTML5::Outline->new" if/when parsing outlines. * options_rdfa - an RDF::RDFa::Parser::Config object to use if/when parsing RDFa. * parse_grddl - a "troolean" (yes/no/maybe-so). Set to true to indicate that you want GRDDL to be parsed. Set to false to indicate that you want it to be ignored. Set to undef if you don't really care: this will parse GRDDL if the required module (XML::GRDDL) is installed and working, but won't complain if it's not. Defaults to false. * parse_microdata - another troolean. Defaults to undef. * parse_microformats - another troolean. Defaults to undef. * parse_n3 - another troolean. Defaults to undef. * parse_outline - another troolean. Defaults to false. * parse_rdfa - another troolean. Defaults to true. Methods "parse($base, $data, \&handler)" Parses the data, given a base URI. The handler coderef is called for each statement. Other methods such as "parse_into_model", "parse_file" and "parse_file_into_model" are inherited from RDF::Trine::Parser. SEE ALSO This module is just a wrapper around: RDF::RDFa::Parser, HTML::Microformats, XML::GRDDL, HTML::HTML5::Microdata::Parser, HTML::HTML5::Outline, HTML::Embedded::Turtle. And around these DOM parsers: HTML::HTML5::Parser, XML::LibXML. It sits on top of Trine: RDF::Trine, RDF::Trine::Parser, RDF::TrineShortcuts. For more information on processing web data in Perl: <>. AUTHOR Toby Inkster <>. COPYRIGHT Copyright 2010-2011 Toby Inkster This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.