###  README --- Spork-TKSlide

## Copyright 2004 Liu Kang-min
## Author: gugod@gugod.org
## Keywords: Spork, Slide

What is TKSlide?

TKSlide stands for "Tkirby's slides", 
It's XML / HTML backend, and pure JavaScript navigation.
Design to be Cross Browser
Please see http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~b88039/slide/
for the latest generator and DTD, and online demostration.

What doesn Spork::TKSlide do ?

It uses easy Spork/Kwiki syntax
and generate the very cool tkslide effect.
That's all it does. You don't have to remember
those XML/HTMl tags anymore.

Install this module from CPAN and check the usagee in
Spork::Config::TKSlide pod, enjoy it.

Kang-min Liu