Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module::GitHub - GitHub-related modules for
    IRC bots running Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable

    A set of modules for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable bots, providing useful
    GitHub-related functionality.

    If your team use GitHub and colloborate on IRC, these may well be of
    interest to you. They're already in use on the Dancer project's IRC
    channel, and internally at my workplace, UK2.

    Most communication with GitHub uses Net::GitHub::V2, and can use
    authentication with an API key for private repositories.

    The following modules are included - see the documentation for each for
    more details on how to use them.

        Provide quick URLs to view issues/pull requests etc when someone
        mentions one - for example:

          <user> Go have a look at Issue 42
          <bot1> Issue 42 (It doesn't work)
          <user> I fixed that in 5fcbb01
          <bot1> Commit 5fcbb01 (Retarded logic fail.) -
        You can set a default project per-channel, so the above examples
        will look at whatever project is set as default for the channel the
        message was in.

        You can also explicitly tell it to look at any other GitHub project:

          <user> 5fcbb01 @ bigpresh/Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-Module-GitHub
          <bot1> Commit 5fcbb01 (Retarded logic fail.) -

        Monitor pull requests for GitHub projects.


          <@bigpresh> !pr
          < sophie> Open pull requests for sukria/Dancer : 8 pull requests open
                    (felixdo:3, perlpilot:1, jamhed:1, dams:1, ambs:1, JTimothyKing:1)

        Announces issues raised/closed for each channel's default project.

        Periodically checks on issues for each project, and reports changes,
        for example:

          < sophie> Issues closed : 667 (YAML::XS for Session::YAML) by jamhed :

Loading modules
    See the Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable documentation for how to load these
    modules into your bot.

    Do not load this module directly; load the modules named above
    individually, to get just the functionality you require.

    This module is intended only to provide a base for the other modules,
    including shared functionality and common documentation.

Configuring the default project repo
    The modules above need to know what GitHub project repository they
    should refer to.

    The project (and, optionally, authentication details, if it's not a
    public project) are configured with the `!setgithubproject' command in a
    private message to the bot.

    You'll need to be authenticated to the bot in order to set the project
    (see the auth module).

    You set the project with:

      !setgithubproject #channel user/projectname

    That sets the default project repo to `projectname' owned by `user' on
    GitHub (in other words, <>).

    If the project is a private repository which requires authentication,
    you can also tell the bot what user and token it should use to

      !setgithubproject #channel user/privateproject someuser:githubtokenhere

    You can generate/find an API token for your GitHub account at

    David Precious `<'>

    James Ronan `<'>

    Contributions are very welcome.

    Copyright 2011 David Precious.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.