
So, why do we want yet another base-class implementation on CPAN? Well,
OOP and perl5 are not necessarily 100% sympatric, and to that end, many
developers have contributed OOP frameworks, usually modeling other,
langauges like C++, smalltalk, etc. However, this framework was
designed with a slightly different goal in mind; To allow _perl5_ OOP
without code duplication. Said another way, I wanted to let perl5
remain perl5, while still providing all the benefits of OOP best

The perlboot and perltoot man pages that ship with perl describe one
particular kind of object, blessed hash references. These have 
often been forsaken in lieu of inside-out-objects, and other
lexical trickery. These alternative object types are usually chosen 
in attempts to "protect" users of your class' from their internals. 
This level of encapsulation is great, if the language both
a) allows it, and b) benefits from it. However, perl5 isn't such
a langauge. There is no way to really protect instance data entirely,
but more importantly, no particularly compelling reason to do so.

You can encapsulate "within reason", but not at the expense of
maintainability, legibility, runtime-efficiency, etc.

This OOP framework encapsulates accessor data in inheritable, 
validatable, immutable, and safe ways, but makes no attempts to really
"hide" the internals, it simply presumes that if you bypass safeties
that you know what you are doing, and makes it difficult to do so on

More importantly, using this framework, your code will still look like
perl5 (perhaps slightly prettier in some ways, but still 100% recognizable
and understandable to any perl programmer maintaining your class)

Here's what this module currently provides for:

   Meta-programming (class introspection; quite useful with mix-ins)
   Generational Inheritance (complex hiarchies of inheritance)
   method overriding/overloading
   Accessor validation
   Accessor cascading via validator
   Multitons (aka: multi-singletons, keyed singletons, named singletons, singleton-maps)
   Polymorphism (aka duck-typing for ruby folks)
   Abstract Classes (aka interfaces, protocols, traits, flavors, roles, class-prototypes, etc)


To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Makefile.PL
	make test
	make install


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc OOP::Perlish::Class

You can also look for information at:

    RT, CPAN's request tracker

    AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

    CPAN Ratings

    Search CPAN


Copyright (C) 2009 Jamie Beverly

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.