Catalyst::Plugin::UploadProgress - Realtime file upload information

        use Catalyst;
        MyApp->setup( qw/Static::Simple Cache::FastMmap UploadProgress/ );
        # On the HTML page with the upload form, include the progress
        # JavaScript and CSS.  These are available via a single method
        # if you are lazy.
            [% c.upload_progress_javascript %]
        # For better performance, copy these 3 files from the UploadProgress
        # distribution to your static directory and include them normally.
            <link href="/static/css/progress.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            <script src="/static/js/progress.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <script src="/static/js/progress.jmpl.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        # Create the upload form with an onsubmit action that creates
        # the Ajax progress bar.  Note the empty div following the form
        # where the progress bar will be inserted.
        <form action='/upload'
              onsubmit="return startEmbeddedProgressBar(this)">
          <input type="file" name="file" />
          <input type="submit" />
        <div id='progress'></div>
        # No special code is required within your application, just handle
        # the upload as usual.
        sub upload : Local {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            my $upload = $c->request->uploads->{file};
            $upload->copy_to( '/some/path/' . $upload->filename );

    This plugin is a simple, transparent method for displaying a progress
    bar during file uploads.

    Please see the example/Upload directory in the distribution for a
    working example Catalyst application with upload progress. Since Upload
    Progress requires 2 concurrent connections (one for the upload and one
    for the Ajax, you will need to use either script/ (which
    requires Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::POE >= 0.02) or script/
    -f. The -f enables forking for each new request.

    The included demo application has been tested and is known to work on
    the following setups with Catalyst 5.7003:

    C::E::HTTP ( with -f flag (OSX) C::E::HTTP::POE 0.03 (OSX)
    C::E::Apache2::MP20 1.07 with Apache 2.0.58, mod_perl 2.0.2 (OSX)
    C::E::FastCGI with Apache 2.0.55, mod_fastcgi 2.4.2 (Ubuntu)

    You don't need to know about these methods, but they are documented here
    for developers.

  upload_progress( $progress_id )
    Returns the data structure associated with the given progress ID.
    Currently the data is a hashref with the total size of the upload and
    the amount of bytes received so far.

            size     => 110636659,
            received => 134983
    Returns a JSON response containing the upload progress data.

    Inlines the necessary JavaScript and CSS code into your page. For better
    performance, you should copy the files into your application as
    displayed above in the Synopsis.

  prepare_body_chunk ( $chunk )
    Takes each chunk of incoming upload data and updates the upload progress
    record with new information.

    Watches for the special URI /progress?progress_id=<id> and returns the
    JSON output from "/upload_progress_output".

    Andy Grundman, <>

    The authors of Apache2::UploadProgress, for the progress.js and
    progress.css code:

        Christian Hansen <>
        Cees Hek <>

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.