Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::TailingPolyester - extending the Polyester
    RNAsequencing simulator by including polyA tails

    version 0.01

    A collection of examples that demonstrate how to extend the polyester
    RNA sequencing tool by including polyA tails in the reference RNA being
    used to generate the simulated RNA sequencing data. The module also
    shows the general present day relevance of Perl for constructing
    bioinformatic applications related to sequence mapping.

    This distribution provides examples of the use of Perl, BioPerl and the
    Perl Data Language to extend the polyester RNA sequencing tool by
    providing it with the ability to include polyA tails in the reference
    RNA being used to generate the simulated RNA sequencing data. It also
    shows how to use these sequences for RNA sequence mapping. The main
    module created for the example is found under the namespace
    er and it is a command line tool that wraps over the Polyester
    simulator, which itself is a R based bioconductor package. In our
    extension we provided polyester with the capabilities to add a tail to
    the RNA sequences it simulated. To do so we also created a pure R
    command line tool for poyester and put it under the control of Perl.
    This example requires a few other modules that may be of some general
    use. Some of these modules are imported under the
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::TailingPolyester namespace. Other modules
    were given their own namespace under Bio::SeqAlignment. These modules
    fall in three separate categories:

    A Modules related to the simulation of random values from truncated
    distributions. Those are functional and will eventually find themselves
    under their own namespace once I figure which one this will be! Until
    then, one can load them by importing the relevant module under
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Examples::TailingPolyester 1. SimulatePDLGSL : module
    that uses the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) and the Perl Data Language
    (PDL) to simulate random numbers from truncated versions of the
    distributions provided by the GSL using two role plugins: one for
    simulating random numbers from the uniform distribution, and one for
    computing the CDF (Cumulative density function) of the truncated
    distribution and their inverse. 2. SimulateMathGSL : module that uses
    the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) base Perl to simulate random numbers
    from truncated versions of the distributions in GSL using using two role
    plugins: one for simulating random numbers from the uniform
    distribution, and one for computing the CDF (Cumulative density
    function) of the truncated distribution and their inverse. 3.
    SimulateTruncatedRNGPDL : a role plugin that implements the inverse CDF
    method for drawing random numbers from a possibly truncated version of a
    distribution using the Perl Data Language (PDL). 4. SimulateTruncatedRNG
    : a role plugin that implements the inverse CDF method for drawing
    random numbers from a possibly truncated version of a distribution in
    base Perl. 5. PDLRNG: a role plugin that draws random numbers from the
    uniform distribution using the Xoshiro256+ algorithm in the Perl Data
    Language (PDL). 6. GSLRNG: a role plugin that draws random numbers from
    the uniform distribution using the uniform (flat) distribution in the
    PDL::GSL module of PDL 7. PERLRNGPDL: a role plugin that draws random
    numbers from the uniform distribution using the builtin rand() function
    in Perl and returns a ndarray with these values 8. PERLRNG: a role
    plugin that draws random numbers from the uniform distribution using the
    builtin rand() function in Perl and returns a reference to array of said

    B. Modules related to generic tasks such as reading and processing
    collections of BioX::Seq objects, tailing of sequences, documenting
    sequence modifications etc. polyA processing and removal of such tails
    from sequencing data. BioX::Seq is a lightweight framework for
    representing biological sequences such as those that come from
    sequencing instruments. It is a simple object that holds the sequence
    data, the quality data, and the name of the sequence. It is used as a
    lightweight alternative to the BioPerl Bio::Seq object. It can handle
    both FASTA and FASTQ files, including their compressed versions. The
    modules that fall under this category are:

    1. Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Conversions::BioXFASTX . This module
    handles the conversion of lists of BioX::Seq objects to FASTX (where X
    is either A or Q indicating a FASTA or a FASTQ) file in the disk. The
    module is used as an example of input/output plugins for the
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::TrimTail module. 2.
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry::IOHelpers : a collection of
    modules that read, write and split FASTX (either FASTA or FASTQ) files.
    It provides convenience functions to read/write such files using the
    lightweight module BioX::Seq::Stream. 3.
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry::Tailing : This module provides
    functions to add various tails to the 3' of biological sequences. Such
    modifications are useful for e.g. simulating polyA tails in RNAseq,
    adding UMI (Universal Molecular Identifier) tags to sequences, etc. The
    function add_polyA is used by the
    er module to add poly A tails in the extension of Polyester presented in
    the talk. 4.
    Bio::SeqAlignment::Components::Sundry::DocumentSequenceModifications :
    This module is used to store modifications to sequences that are carried
    out by components of the simulator (or the modules that process
    sequences for mapping). During the execution of the Perl code, we use
    hash structures to store such modifications (a type of in-memory log)
    and then write them out in YAML, JASON or MessagePack formats. These
    files may be loaded at a subsequent point and used to analyze the
    results of what ever sequence modification was carried out in the source

    A single application script is provided in the bin directory of the
    distribution. This script is called and is used to attach
    the polyA tails to the reference sequences, before calling out the
    polyester R script.

    In addition to this distribution contains example scripts for the use of
    these modules and comparator scripts for high performance random
    frequency generation against R and Python. PDL just shines in this area.

    All modules, and application scripts were used for the talk given to the
    S cience Track of the Perl & Raku conference 2024.

    This is a directory that holds various scripts in Perl and R that are
    used to generate and analyze performance data of various aspects covered
    in this talk. The generated data are found in the subfolder data, while
    the results of these analyses are stored as image files under 'scripts'.
    The following files are found under this location:
    This script benchmarks various potential approaches to trimming the
    polyA tail from sequences, including various native Perl implementations
    of the cutadapt algorithm, as well as PDL and C implementations of the
    same algorithm. It also includes an implementation of a changepoint
    method in C.
    A python script for the implementation of the cutadapt algorithm for
    trimming polyA tails from sequences and a modified version developed for
    benchmarking. This script is used to compare the performance of various
    implementations of the cutadapt algorithm in Perl, Python, and C.
    This script tests different combinations of random number generators,
    and implementations of the inverse CDF method for sampling from
    truncated distributions. It's main output is a comma separated script of
    timing data.

    This script is used to test the performance of the GSL RNGs against the
    inverse CDF implemented via a procedural logic in R. It outputs a single
    PNG file with the violin plots (a combination of box plots and kernel
    density) of the timing data for different possible implementations of
    the inverse CDF method in either R or Perl.

    Performance comparison of Perl and R for the generation of truncated
    lognormal variates. It is produced by testsimsGSL.R

    This is a CSV file that contains the timing data for the Perl RNGs and
    the inverse CDF method implemented in PDL. It is produced by

    This is a text file that contains the timing data for the various
    implementations of cutadapt in native Perl, PDL and PDL/C methods. It is
    produced by the script

    This is a text file that contains the timing data for the various
    implementations of cutadapt in native Python. It is produced by the

    *   Bio::SeqAlignment <>

        A collection of tools and libraries for aligning biological
        sequences from within Perl.

    *   cutadapt <>

        This module provides an interface to the cutadapt tool for
        identifying and trimming adapters and primers from sequencing data.

    *   PDL <>

        The Perl Data Language (PDL) gives standard Perl the ability to
        compactly store and speedily manipulate the large N-dimensional data
        arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing. PDL
        turns Perl into a free, array-oriented, numerical language that can
        be a very solid alternative to switching to Python or R for
        numerical computations during complex data analysis tasks and

    *   polyester <>

        Polyester is an R package designed to simulate RNA sequencing
        experiments with differential transcript expression.Given a set of
        annotated transcripts, Polyester will simulate the steps of an
        RNA-seq experiment (fragmentation, reverse-complementing, and
        sequencing) and produce files containing simulated RNA-seq reads.
        Simulated reads can be analyzed using your choice of downstream
        analysis tools. Polyester has a built-in wrapper function to
        simulate a case/control experiment with differential transcript
        expression and biological replicates. Users are able to set the
        levels of differential expression at transcripts of their choosing.
        This means they know which transcripts are differentially expressed
        in the simulated dataset, so accuracy of statistical methods for
        differential expression detection can be analyzed.

    Christos Argyropoulos <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Christos Argyropoulos.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.