NAME CSS::Inliner - Library for converting CSS <style> blocks to inline styles. SYNOPSIS use CSS::Inliner; my $inliner = new CSS::Inliner(); $inliner->read_file({ filename => 'myfile.html' }); print $inliner->inlinify(); DESCRIPTION Library for converting CSS style blocks into inline styles in an HTML document. Specifically this is intended for the ease of generating HTML emails. This is useful as even in 2015 Gmail and Hotmail don't support top level <style> declarations. METHODS new Instantiates the Inliner object. Sets up class variables that are used during file parsing/processing. Possible options are: html_tree - (optional) Pass in a fresh unparsed instance of HTML::Treebuilder NOTE: Any passed references to HTML::TreeBuilder will be substantially altered by passing it in here... strip_attrs - (optional) Remove all "id" and "class" attributes during inlining leave_style - (optional) Leave style/link tags alone within <head> during inlining relaxed - (optional) Relaxed HTML parsing which will attempt to interpret non-HTML4 documents. NOTE: This argument is not compatible with passing an html_tree. agent - (optional) Pass in a string containing a preferred user-agent, overrides the internal default provided by the module for handling remote documents fetch_file Fetches a remote HTML file that supposedly contains both HTML and a style declaration, properly tags the data with the proper charset as provided by the remote webserver (if any). Subsequently calls the read method automatically. This method expands all relative urls, as well as fully expands the stylesheet reference within the document. This method requires you to pass in a params hash that contains a url argument for the requested document. For example: $self->fetch_file({ url => '' }); Note that you can specify a user-agent to override the default user-agent of 'Mozilla/4.0' within the constructor. Doing so may avoid certain issues with agent filtering related to quirky webserver configs. Input Parameters: url - the desired url for a remote asset presumably containing both html and css charset - (optional) programmer specified charset for the pass url read_file Opens and reads an HTML file that supposedly contains both HTML and a style declaration, properly tags the data with the proper charset if specified. It subsequently calls the read() method automatically. This method requires you to pass in a params hash that contains a filename argument. For example: $self->read_file({ filename => 'myfile.html' }); Additionally you can specify the character encoding within the file, for example: $self->read_file({ filename => 'myfile.html', charset => 'utf8' }); Input Parameters: filename - name of local file presumably containing both html and css charset - (optional) programmer specified charset of the passed file read Reads passed html data and parses it. The intermediate data is stored in class variables. The <style> block is ripped out of the html here, and stored separately. Class/ID/Names used in the markup are left alone. This method requires you to pass in a params hash that contains scalar html data. For example: $self->read({ html => $html }); NOTE: You are required to pass a properly encoded perl reference to the html data. This method does *not* do the dirty work of encoding the html as utf8 - do that before calling this method. Input Parameters: html - scalar presumably containing both html and css charset - (optional) scalar representing the original charset of the passed html detect_charset Detect the charset of the passed content. The algorithm present here is roughly based off of the HTML5 W3C working group document, which lays out a recommendation for determining the character set of a received document, which can be seen here under the "determining the character encoding" section: NOTE: In the event that no charset can be identified the library will handle the content as a mix of UTF-8/CP-1252/8859-1/ASCII by attempting to use the Encoding::FixLatin module, as this combination is relatively common in the wild. Finally, if Encoding::FixLatin is unavailable the content will be treated as ASCII. Input Parameters: content - scalar presumably containing both html and css charset - (optional) programmer specified charset for the passed content ctcharset - (optional) content-type specified charset for content retrieved via a url decode_characters Implement the character decoding algorithm for HTML as outlined by the various working groups Basically apply best practices for determining the applied character encoding and properly decode it It is expected that this method will be called before any calls to read() Input Parameters: content - scalar presumably containing both html and css charset - known charset for the passed content inlinify Processes the html data that was entered through either 'read' or 'read_file', returns a scalar that contains a composite chunk of html that has inline styles instead of a top level <style> declaration. query Given a particular selector return back the applicable styles specificity Given a particular selector return back the associated selectivity content_warnings Return back any warnings thrown while inlining a given block of content. Note: content warnings are initialized at inlining time, not at read time. In order to receive back content feedback you must perform inlinify first Sponsor This code has been developed under sponsorship of MailerMailer LLC, AUTHOR Kevin Kamel <> CONTRIBUTORS Dave Gray <> Vivek Khera <> Michael Peters <> Chelsea Rio <> LICENSE This module is Copyright 2015 Khera Communications, Inc. It is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.