cft - Configurable File Tool Version: 0.82 Requirements: tcl/Tk 8.0 or above Description: This tool will allow one to mkdir, browse, view, copy, move, delete, duplicate, rename, and convert-ascii files on Unix or Windows systems. It uses the tcl file command to perform the 'file' actions. The graphic extensions recognized are those supported by the core TK image types (.gif, .xbm, .ppm and .pgm). Book-marked directories can be saved by using the book-mark icon on the menu bar. An [X] icon on the toolbar deletes the current directory entry from the book-mark list(see Help Bookmark). The find boxes next to the Directories and Files labels allow one to quickly find directories or files by typing in some matching letters. The down arrow on the keybord allows one to continue the search if the first item found was not the item requested, and more items in the list box contained matching letters. cft can be customized to incorporate commands simply by adding them using the Configure Options menu (see Help under the Configure Options menu). cft can also be extended to open a file with a particular extension with an application of choice using the ADD - Associated File Types (see Help under the Associated File Types menu). Navigating: The tool is driven by double-clicking on directories to cd to that directory. A single left-mouse button-click selects a file or directory. A single right-mouse button-click selects a pop-up menu with options. Selecting an option from the pop-up menu completes the operation. Double-clicking on a file opens the file in a browser, or if one of the core image types, a button is created with file's image in it. History: cft was originally just a collection tcl proc's to help in day-to-day activities. It occurred to me that at the rate I was adding stuff to the utility, the tool would become unmanageable. I decided, for better or worse, to dump all global references into one large array (PREFS) and concentrate on a simple way of saving user-defined commands. This enabled the tool to become a little more manageable. Since I spend most of my time on Unix systems, I left in chmod, tarit, gzip, and unpackit. I also left in some handy RCS source code control commands that I use every-day. Platforms Tested: cft has been tested on Solaris, IRIX, Linux, NT, and Windows. With some slight modifications to areas that test for tcl_platform, it could be used on Mac's and other untested platforms. Known Bugs: * File Selection, when dragging and scrolling, does not continue to select Date and Size fields below or above the visible list area. * On Windows, the Browse window will not show correct line/column count when scrolling; On Unix the line count could be off by 1 (rounding error). Workaround: Place the cursor on a line and select Mouse-Button-1. Future Work: * Add Option to display additional file and directory information. * Modify the user-interface to become a little more friendly. * Add more functionality. * Re-do command line parsing. * Work on consolidating functions (especially the RCS ones) * Possibly re-code existing procs using itcl. Author : Henry L. Megan Copyright Notice: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.