{jstools changes from 3.6/3.0 to 4.0/4.0 (See also lib/jdoc/jedit-changes.jrt) This documents changes between versions 3.6/3.0 and 4.0/4.0 of the jstools package. Changes after 4.0/4.0 are also documented, and Changes up through version 3.6/3.0 are documented too, albeit a little more haphazardly. Before version 4.0/4.0 before 1995.03.30 · wrote jnls.tcl · started writing jnls.tcl document · incorporated calls to j:nls in jstools libraries · modified documents for them to mention it 1995.03.30 · finished incorporating j:nls into jstools libraries (error calls) · changed j:nls to use subst if available, and emulate it otherwise · documented that fact 1995.04.01 · wrote j:nls:underline, j:nls:accelerator, j:nls:set_defaults · finished jnls.tcl library documentation (almost - needs a little reorganisation and a section on databases) · began jcommand.tcl j:cmd:register j:cmd:list j:cmd:menuentry (to add: make accel display optional) j:cmd:button (needs work: size, and ability to show underline, accelerator) j:cmd:bind · started documentation for jcommand.tcl 1995.04.02 · renamed j:cmd:... procedures to j:command:... · documented j:command:register, j:command:list, j:command:menuentries, j:command:button, j:command:buttonbar, j:command:bind · added j:command:menuentry alias for j:command:menuentries · started jstools.tcl library · registered j:cmd:prompt_tcl and j:cmd:prompt_tcl in j:jstools_init · modified jdoc to use jnls.tcl and jcommand.tcl libraries (changed jdoc Done button to Quit) · modified jabbrevs to use jnls.tcl and jcommand.tcl libraries. 1995.04.03 · modified jmore to use jnls.tcl · BUG FIX: jmore now complains gracefully if you give it a directory name. · modified jedit_cmds.tcl to register commands · modified jedit_menus.tcl to use j:command:menuentries · BUG FIX: fonts with spaces in name didn't work in -font option to j:more 1995.04.04 · split jmenu.tcl off from jcommand.tcl · redid documentation to match · wrote j:menu:menubutton, j:menu:checkbuttons, j:menu:checkbuttons · documented the above · more work in jedit_menus.tcl to use new libraries · Tk4 BUG FIX: removed reference to tk_entryBackSpace · stole code from Tk library to replace reliance on internals in j:ek:see_insert · Tk4 BUG FIX: now programmatically trash all Entry and Text keybindings :-) 1995.04.05 · redid Filter menu in jedit to use command procedures - jedit_menus.tcl is done (changed Capitalise to Uppercase) · added Filter command procedures · wrote jedit:guarantee_selection and used in indentation cmds · in j:command:bind, wrapped bind in a catch to deal with bad keysyms · redid jedit_bindings.tcl to use j:command:bind · made all punctuation that's handled specially checkpoint widget state (improves usefulness of checkpointing) · added parenflash to Prefs menu · added j:nls:short, modified j:command:button[bar] to use it · made jedit:mkbuttonbar use j:command:buttonbar · updated modes to use new button stuff: code, richtext, note, tcl, exmh, mh. 1995.04.06 · documented j:nls:short in jnls.tcl.jdoc; documented it's use by j:command jcommand.tcl.jdoc · documented parenflash on jedit Prefs menu · documented checkpointing on punctuation in jedit · started updating jedit_prog.jdoc · added reading of ~/.tk/jstools.ad, ~/.tk/jstoolsrc.tcl to j:jstools_init 1995.04.08 · added support for distinct accelerator string (j:nls:accelerator) and binding (j:nls:binding) · documented above · documented ~/.tk/jstools.ad, ~/.tk/app.ad, ~/.tk/jstoolsrc.tcl · made j:jstools_init set JSTOOLS_VERSION, removed from boiler_header.tcl · finished updating jedit_prog.jdoc · updated jeditmodes/jdoc-mode.tcl for jnls usage · checked following files for jnls usage: jedit_bindings.tcl jedit_checkpoint.tcl jedit_io.tcl (jedit_menus.tcl done) jedit_modes.tcl jedit_paren.tcl jedit_tags.tcl jedit_typing.tcl jedit_ui.tcl jedit_util.tcl · started jtclutils.tcl with j:default 1995.04.09 · updated jdoc-mode.tcl, mail-mode.tcl · added Escape to j:cancel_button, documented · updated jedit_cmds.tcl for jnls usage · updated jedit_prefs.tcl for jnls usage; changed strings and layout 1995.04.10 · added j:menu:docs · updated jabbrevs to use it 1995.04.12 · added help menu to jedit (didn't update all modes, just Tcl) 1995.04.15 · documented j:menu:docs in jmenu.tcl documentation. · played some with jbindtext.tcl, jbindentry.tcl; improved, but not fixed. 1995.04.17 · added prefixes to NLS [now LDB] keys for jedit, jmore. (jabbrevs, jdoc don't really need it.) · kludged together a workaround for Tk4 binding mechanism in jbind{text,entry}.tcl. [obsoleted by production release of Tk4.0] · removed -relief flat (or sunken) from various commands in lib, bin · removed some j:rules from jedit, jmore.tcl. · axed j:current_focus (it didn't work, anyway) 1995.04.19 · changed j:read_prefs and j:write_prefs to generate/read Tcl code also add .tcl to filename · (jedit still has problem of Done button not working...) 1995.04.20 · documented new jtclutils.tcl library · documented changes to jprefs.tcl 1995.04.21 · updated modes to use docs preference · updated modes to use jnls throughout · axed the old jhelp application (it didn't work any more) · fixed bug where Delete didn't delete selection at beginning of text (or ^D at end) · fixed bug in font­preference pane of jedit preferences panel (didn't work at all) · fixed bug where jedit would die if you specified a non­existent mode · fixed arguable bugs where panels couldn't handle jnls strings with substitutions (added uplevel's to perform substitutions in caller's context) · fixed jedit bugs when user specified a directory or an unreadable file · moved some jedit commands from Editor to File menu · moved some jdoc commands from Doc Viewer to Document menu · moved some jabbrevs commands from Abbrevs to File menu · restarted work on jnewbrowser 1995.04.22 · changed jbind* code to match new Tk4.0b3 patch (bind tag order) · fixed some bugs related to jedit special bindings (punctuation, etc.) · fixed bug where check for directory/unreadable file was in the wrong place 1995.04.23 · removed Escape binding from j:cancel_button again (conflicts with Emacs keys) · added break under Tk4 to j:cancel_button and j:default_button. 1995.05.06 · added new wrapper scripts, and documented: jalert jcolname jcolrgb jconfirm jfs jprompt · fixed bug in j:prompt_colour_* where user-specified prompt was being ignored because it wasn't found in nls database and there was a default given to the j:nls call 1995.07.19 · improved Tk4.0 compatibility of jpeople (mostly bindings) · started jedit HTML mode 1995.07.24 · fixed bug where jprefs.tcl would fail when the directory it was writing to was a subdirectory of a directory that didn't exist (in practice, writing jedit mode­specific preferences when ~/.tk doesn't exist) · added Esc-space Emacs binding · more work on jedit HTML mode some changes lost here · somewhere in here I fixed a bug where all jstools applications would fail if USER was undefined (e.g. under bash); now I'll use LOGNAME or the last element in HOME 1995.08.11 · more work (still undocumented) on HTML mode 1995.08.14 · updated copyright notice on all files (made less restrictive) 1995.08.19 · Tk4.0 compatibility changes to jpeople · bug fix: WM_DELETE_WINDOW handler for jpeople didn't pass a window name 1995.08.19 · (re­)added PS organiser page output to jpeople · added jpeople: prefix to all jpeople procedures that didn't have it already · commented out some no­longer­used jpeople procedures · integrated PostScript preamble (not yet sufficiently general) into jpeople script · modified character encoding in jpeople PostScript preamble; made ISO accents non­spacing (yes, I know that violates the standard...) · fixed several bugs with bindings not including break in Tk4, notably in jfs.tcl and the jdoc topic­selection panel. No doubt more to be found. · fixed bug where j:tag:archive_text_widget added a newline at the end of the text in Tk4 · fixed jpeople's Save As... command · documented html mode · added global preferences for Web browser and man page viewer · created jviewers.tcl to use new preferences · made jdoc_hypertext.tcl use new procedures from jviewers.tcl · documented commands moved from misc. menu to File menu in jabbrevs, jdoc, and jedit 1995.08.22 · changed break to continue in j:nls:set_defaults; this fixed bug where if a key was repeated, the rest of the database wouldn't be read 1995.08.24 · changed jnls.tcl (and databases) to use period instead of underscore as separator (e.g. en.uk.cockney instead of en_uk_cockney) and documented change; I think this is the standard 1995.09.06 · overrode in jtextmouse.tcl to see if this fixes the problem with the selection becoming sticky · commented out B3 bindings in jtextmouse.tcl - this lets gesture­cut and ­paste from my .tk/jeditrc.tcl work again · minor changes to html-mode.tcl - mostly adding underlined characters to HTML menu 1995.09.15 · added -line option to jedit:jedit in jedit_utils.tcl, documented · added +linenumber command­line syntax to jedit command, documented · changed nls/NLS to ldb/LDB throughout the code (including pathnames and documentation) · changes to my ~/.tk/jeditrc.tcl implementing gesture commands and popups - this will eventually find its way into jedit and/or its own library (undocumented) · fixed bug in j:ldb:read_database_recursively that prevented any but the most­specific database from being read 1995.09.16 · worked on improving focus behaviour when various dialogue panels are closed 1995.09.24 · fixed bug with jedit:pipe and jedit:text_regsub when sel.last was at the end of the text (not quite sure why it was occurring, but I worked around it) · added missing `$w see insert' in j:text:replace 1995.09.25 · fixed j:emb:sel_word for Tk4 · implemented TkMan support in jviewers.tcl (stole code from contrib/remote.tcl in distribution) 1995.09.26 · documented jedit Help menu · fixed jedit unindent command for lines beginning with tabs · updated jedit documentation; flagged everything that currently needs attention · fixed Tk4 scrolling bugs in jmore.tcl (and hence jmore) · added -annotation option to jmore.tcl (and documented) · added special processing of .jrt files to jmore (and documented) 1995.09.29 · fixed (at least under 4.0) ergonomic bug in j:fs and j:prompt where end of a long pathname would be hidden after Tab · fixed bug in j:fs where pressing Return after typing a full path (with initial slash) to a directory would return the directory rather than just cd'ing in the file selector · kludgily made jtagconvert.tcl translate jdoc links, documented. (no interface to J_PREFS(html,jdoc_prefix) yet) (whole hypertext mechanism needs to be made more general; also, relative v. absolute links are a problem) 1995.10.01 · fixed joptionbutton.tcl Tk4 binding bug where original listbox bindings were getting called · modified jtextmouse.tcl to use Tk4.0 mechanism for drag­scrolling · removed support for drag­scrolling under Tk3 from jtextmouse.tcl · added gesture­cut, gesture­paste, two gesture menus to jedit, documented · documented shell utilities in jstools main documentation · removed mention of jhelp in jstools main documentation · updated all documentation for version number · updated all documentation and jabout.tcl for email address 1995.10.02 · fixed bug where jmore wouldn't exit when you closed the last j:more window if there was a j:find panel open · added .jdoc support to jmore; documented · documented jviewers.tcl 1995.10.03 · updated copyright notices in library file documentation 1995.10.05 · updated html­mode documentation 1995.10.06 · updated jcommand.tcl documentation · updated jmenu.tcl documentation 1995.10.09 · wrote jstools/ldb.jdoc · updated jldb.tcl.jdoc · updated all library documentation files for localisable parameters · checked all library documentation files for flagged sections · updated jtagconvert.tcl to handle foo.jdoc#anchor -> foo.html#anchor · converted docs to HTML 1995.10.12 · fixed jbrowser listbox bindings for Tk4 · added catch to focus -force... in jmore.tcl (need to do other dialogue panels) 1995.10.13 · fixed some Tk4 binding and scrolling bugs in jbrowser · added -underlines to jbrowser · fixed address in about boxes · made jcalendar create ~/Calendar if it doesn't exist; no longer tries to use ~/.xcal · minor fixes to jmsgs · some work on jlaunchpad Released beta version 4.0/4.0b. 1995.10.29 · cleaned up jstools.jdoc a little · fixed old references to jnls.tcl (now jldb.tcl) · added language_codes.jdoc and country_codes.jdoc and made appropriate links · removed (superfluous) TkMan checkbox from jdoc preference panel; Global Preferences let you choose a man page viewer 1995.11.01 · trimmed out Changes sections, removed Evolution heading from documentation (still need to merge old Changes sections into a single document or so) · started jrtgrep tool (in etc, not yet w-in-p) · started changing calumet.org to aq.org 1995.11.02 · turned this list into a jdoc document · turned old changes sections from individual jdoc files into a separate document, made links 1995.11.03 · removed help-mode.tcl; it was broken, and there's no longer a jhelp to write documents for 1995.11.03 · fixed bug in j:wm_client; it was searching for the existence of a hostname command with full pathnames but calling it without, so if the command existed but wasn't in your path you'd get an error · changes to jmore.tcl and jmore executable to work around problem with widget destruction in Tk3 (bug in my code - not catching focusses, and I think also a bug in Tk3 to do with widget destruction - exit 0 seems not to work during deletion of a widget, so I wrap it in an after) 1995.11.04 · calumet -> aq in jbr_cmds.tcl jdoc_cmds.tcl jedit_cmds.tcl and jtextmouse.tcl · last few fixes to documentation (Tk compatibility section, `localisable', version numbers) · added j:about_donations procedure, added Donations button to about boxes to list my favourite charities 1995.11.08 · updated jslibraries.jdoc; it hadn't listed all the libraries Released version 4.0/4.0. } {{{list:level:1 {9.0 13.0 14.0 17.0 18.0 30.0 31.0 44.0 45.0 50.0 51.0 59.0 60.0 72.0 73.0 78.0 79.0 97.0 98.0 102.0 103.0 105.0 106.0 108.0 109.0 111.0 112.0 119.0 120.0 123.0 124.0 126.0 127.0 140.0 141.0 144.0 145.0 147.0 148.0 156.0 157.0 159.0 160.0 163.0 164.0 165.0 166.0 167.0 168.0 169.0 170.0 172.0 173.0 186.0 187.0 188.0 189.0 190.0 191.0 194.0 195.0 200.0 201.0 202.0 203.0 205.0 206.0 208.0 209.0 215.0 216.0 219.0 220.0 228.0 229.0 232.0 233.0 234.0 235.0 236.0 237.0 239.0 240.0 246.0 247.0 249.0 250.0 256.0 260.0 264.0 265.0 268.0 269.0 271.0 272.0 273.0 274.0 276.0 277.0 280.0 281.0 282.0}} {sel {5.85 5.106}} {jdoc:xref:link {5.85 5.106 5.132 5.166}} {richtext:font:roman {2.0 3.10 3.36 5.67 5.74 7.0 7.22 8.0 8.17 9.8 9.16 10.18 10.26 11.24 11.29 11.33 11.40 13.0 14.0 14.25 14.30 14.36 14.43 15.10 15.15 15.23 15.28 17.0 18.0 18.8 18.23 18.25 18.42 18.44 18.62 19.11 19.19 21.8 21.20 22.2 22.16 23.2 23.12 24.2 24.17 26.2 26.14 28.2 28.12 29.28 29.40 30.0 31.0 31.10 31.16 31.34 31.44 33.2 33.20 34.2 34.16 35.2 35.23 36.2 36.18 37.2 37.21 38.2 38.16 39.8 39.27 39.38 39.59 40.10 40.21 41.13 41.29 41.34 41.50 41.54 41.68 42.11 42.15 42.23 42.31 42.36 42.48 42.69 42.73 43.11 43.19 43.27 43.35 43.40 43.52 44.0 44.10 45.11 45.16 45.24 45.32 46.2 46.10 46.11 46.16 47.11 47.25 48.11 48.26 48.34 48.55 49.2 49.10 49.52 49.57 49.68 49.74 50.0 50.10 51.8 51.17 51.27 51.39 53.8 53.25 53.27 53.46 53.48 53.67 55.15 55.30 56.2 56.14 57.65 57.80 58.2 58.14 59.0 59.10 60.23 60.28 60.57 60.72 63.7 63.33 64.5 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