From: Abel Weinrib Subject: Minutes for Oct. 14 IAB teleconference ============ MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 14, 1997 IAB TELECONFERENCE PRESENT: Fred Baker Steve Bellovin Brian Carpenter Jon Crowcroft Steve Deering Robert Elz Tony Hain Don Heath Cyndi Jung John Klensin Keith Moore Robert Moskowitz Charlie Perkins Jon Postel Abel Weinrib NEXT MEETING: Teleconference Tuesday Nov. 11, 10-12 Eastern Time. NEW ACTION ITEMS: * Brian Carpenter: Poll IESG on "Is there is a constituency for IP over DAVIC work?" * Abel Weinrib: Figure out what action to take re. irritating behavior of Internet tools and lists of current work, etc. * Abel Weinrib: Invite IRTF Research Group chairs to the IAB business meeting during Washington DC IETF. OLD ACTION ITEMS: * Steve Bellovin: Review SASL draft. * Keith Moore, John Klensin: Form an IETF BOF on technical measures to deal with spamming. * Erik Huizer: Investigate whether the IAB should sponsor work on an Internet Network Management Architecture * Steve Deering, Radia Perlman, Cyndi Jung: Plan Routing & Addressing workshop with Joel Halpern and Sue Hares. * Abel Weinrib: publicize new IRTF Web page. * Tony Hain, Charles Perkins (will coauthor): Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses. DRAFTS IN PROGRESS: * Brian Carpenter and Erik Huizer: IAB charter (updated RFC 1601). * Radia Perlman: What should be in protocols. * Steve Bellovin: Security workshop report. 1. review actions ------------------------------- * Keith Moore: Bring RSA letter to Scott Bradner's attention as ISOC vice president for standards.--done * Abel Weinrib: Inform organizers of China Internet conference that no IAB member has definite plans to attend. Wish them luck.--done * Brian Carpenter: Propose to POISSON working group that the NomCom be charged with appointing future POC members.--done, but POISSON appears to be against this. * Steve Bellovin: Review SASL draft.--still open. * Keith Moore, John Klensin: Form an IETF BOF on technical measures to deal with spamming.--still open, on track. * Erik Huizer: Investigate whether the IAB should sponsor work on an Internet Network Management Architecture.--should this be a research group? Should there be a BOF where different approaches are presented, without expectations that a working group will be the consequence? Should our focus be on getting momentum behind new secure SNMP proposal. * Brian Carpenter: Send message to DAVIC, explain the IETF's role.--done * Steve Deering, Radia Perlman, Cyndi Jung: Plan Routing & Addressing workshop with Joel Halpern and Sue Hares.--on track. Date will be week before Spring IETF in Bay Area (March 27-29?). * Abel Weinrib: publicize new IRTF Web page.--still open. * Tony Hain, Charles Perkins (will coauthor): Get Bob Hinden and Bob Fink to produce a document articulating the technical value of IPv6 beyond large addresses.--still open. =============================== 2. review drafts in progress ------------------------------- * Brian Carpenter and Erik Huizer: IAB charter (updated RFC 1601).--still open. * Radia Perlman: What should be in protocols.--still open. * Steve Bellovin: Security workshop report.--still open. =============================== 3. administrivia ------------------------------- + IAB open Q&A will be 1/2 hour in Thursday evening, first part of IESG open plenary. Longer presentations can be scheduled as technical presentation. Radia's "What Should be in Protocols" is a candidate. + Business meeting will be held opposite to Social Event evening. + The IAB does not see any reason for a formal liaison with DAVIC. On the other hand, work on IP over DAVIC might be interesting, drawing on expertise from DAVIC and IETF. =============================== 4. IRTF news ------------------------------- The existence of limited membership Research Groups was discussed; some strong opinions were expressed that the IAB should not sponsor limited membership groups. It was agreed that the IAB will invite the chairs of the active research groups to the IAB business meeting to discuss this and other issues. =============================== 5. IESG liaison report ------------------------------- =============================== Future Meetings ------------------------------- Regular teleconference second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM Eastern Time. =============================== =============================== These minutes were prepared by Abel Weinrib, An online copy of these and other minutes are available at Also, visit the IAB Web page at []