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rptrMonitorPortCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for any
CarrierEvent signal on any port for which the
CollisionEvent signal on this port is asserted.
The approximate minimum time for rollover of this
counter is 16 hours."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 10 }
rptrMonitorPortLateEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for each
CarrierEvent on this port in which the CollIn(X)
variable transitions to the value SQE (Ref:, IEEE 802.3 Std) while the
ActivityDuration is greater than the
LateEventThreshold. Such a CarrierEvent is
counted twice, as both a collision and as a
The LateEventThreshold is greater than 480 bit
times and less than 565 bit times.
LateEventThreshold has tolerances included to
permit an implementation to build a single
threshold to serve as both the LateEventThreshold
and ValidPacketMinTime threshold.
The approximate minimum time for rollover of this
counter is 81 hours."
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 31]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 11 }
rptrMonitorPortVeryLongEvents OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for each
CarrierEvent on this port whose ActivityDuration
is greater than the MAU Jabber Lockup Protection
timer TW3 (Ref: 9.6.1 & 9.6.5, IEEE 802.3 Std).
Other counters may be incremented as appropriate."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 12 }
rptrMonitorPortDataRateMismatches OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for each frame
received on this port that meets all of the
following conditions: a) The CollisionEvent
signal is not asserted. b) The ActivityDuration
is greater than ValidPacketMinTime. c) The
frequency (data rate) is detectably mismatched
from the local transmit frequency. The exact
degree of mismatch is vendor specific and is to be
defined by the vendor for conformance testing.
When this event occurs, other counters whose
increment conditions were satisfied may or may not
also be incremented, at the implementor's
discretion. Whether or not the repeater was able
to maintain data integrity is beyond the scope of
this standard."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 13 }
rptrMonitorPortAutoPartitions OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 32]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for each time
the repeater has automatically partitioned this
port. The conditions that cause port partitioning
are specified in the partition state machine in
Section 9 [IEEE 802.3 Std]. They are not
differentiated here."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 14 }
rptrMonitorPortTotalErrors OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"The total number of errors which have occurred on
this port. This counter is the summation of the
values of other error counters (for the same
port), namely:
rptrMonitorPortVeryLongEvents, and
This counter is redundant in the sense that it is
the summation of information already available
through other objects. However, it is included
specifically because the regular retrieval of this
object as a means of tracking the health of a port
provides a considerable optimization of network
management traffic over the otherwise necessary
retrieval of the summed counters."
::= { rptrMonitorPortEntry 15 }
-- Implementation of this group is optional; it is appropriate
-- for all systems which have the necessary metering. If a
-- managed repeater implements any part of this group, the entire
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 33]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
-- group shall be implemented.
-- The Port Address Tracking Table
rptrAddrTrackTable OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"Table of address mapping information about the
::= { rptrAddrTrackPortInfo 1 }
rptrAddrTrackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX RptrAddrTrackEntry
ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS mandatory
"An entry in the table, containing address mapping
information about a single port."
INDEX { rptrAddrTrackGroupIndex, rptrAddrTrackPortIndex }
::= { rptrAddrTrackTable 1 }
RptrAddrTrackEntry ::=
rptrAddrTrackGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This object identifies the group containing the
port for which this entry contains information."
::= { rptrAddrTrackEntry 1 }
rptrAddrTrackPortIndex OBJECT-TYPE
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 34]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This object identifies the port within the group
for which this entry contains information."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrAddrTrackEntry 2 }
rptrAddrTrackLastSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX MacAddress
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This object is the SourceAddress of the last
readable frame (i.e., counted by
rptrMonitorPortReadableFrames) received by this
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrAddrTrackEntry 3 }
rptrAddrTrackSourceAddrChanges OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
ACCESS read-only
STATUS mandatory
"This counter is incremented by one for each time
that the rptrAddrTrackLastSourceAddress attribute
for this port has changed.
This may indicate whether a link is connected to a
single DTE or another multi-user segment.
The approximate minimum time for rollover of this
counter is 81 hours."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
::= { rptrAddrTrackEntry 4 }
-- Traps for use by Repeaters
-- Traps are defined using the conventions in RFC 1215 [8].
rptrHealth TRAP-TYPE
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 35]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
ENTERPRISE snmpDot3RptrMgt
VARIABLES { rptrOperStatus }
"The rptrHealth trap conveys information related
to the operational status of the repeater. This
trap is sent only when the oper status of the
repeater changes.
The rptrHealth trap must contain the
rptrOperStatus object. The agent may optionally
include the rptrHealthText object in the varBind
list. See the rptrOperStatus and rptrHealthText
objects for descriptions of the information that
is sent.
The agent must throttle the generation of
consecutive rptrHealth traps so that there is at
least a five-second gap between them."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
hubHealth notification."
::= 1
rptrGroupChange TRAP-TYPE
ENTERPRISE snmpDot3RptrMgt
VARIABLES { rptrGroupIndex }
"This trap is sent when a change occurs in the
group structure of a repeater. This occurs only
when a group is logically or physically removed
from or added to a repeater. The varBind list
contains the identifier of the group that was
removed or added.
The agent must throttle the generation of
consecutive rptrGroupChange traps for the same
group so that there is at least a five-second gap
between them."
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,,
groupMapChange notification."
::= 2
rptrResetEvent TRAP-TYPE
ENTERPRISE snmpDot3RptrMgt
VARIABLES { rptrOperStatus }
"The rptrResetEvent trap conveys information
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 36]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
related to the operational status of the repeater.
This trap is sent on completion of a repeater
reset action. A repeater reset action is defined
as an a transition to the START state of Fig 9-2
in section 9 [IEEE 802.3 Std], when triggered by a
management command (e.g., an SNMP Set on the
rptrReset object).
The agent must throttle the generation of
consecutive rptrResetEvent traps so that there is
at least a five-second gap between them.
The rptrResetEvent trap is not sent when the agent
restarts and sends an SNMP coldStart or warmStart
trap. However, it is recommended that a repeater
agent send the rptrOperStatus object as an
optional object with its coldStart and warmStart
trap PDUs.
The rptrOperStatus object must be included in the
varbind list sent with this trap. The agent may
optionally include the rptrHealthText object as
"Reference IEEE 802.3 Rptr Mgt,, hubReset
::= 3
5. Acknowledgments
This document is the work of the IETF Hub MIB Working Group. It is
based on drafts of the IEEE 802.3 Repeater Management Task Force.
Members of the working group included:
Karl Auerbach karl@eng.sun.com
Jim Barnes barnes@xylogics.com
Steve Bostock steveb@novell.com
David Bridgham dab@asylum.sf.ca.us
Jack Brown jbrown@huahuca-emh8.army.mil
Howard Brown brown@ctron.com
Lida Canin lida@apple.com
Jeffrey Case case@cs.utk.edu
Carson Cheung carson@bnr.com.ca
James Codespote jpcodes@tycho.ncsc.mil
John Cook cook@chipcom.com
Dave Cullerot cullerot@ctron.com
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 37]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
James Davin jrd@ptt.lcs.mit.edu
Gary Ellis garye@hpspd.spd.hp.com
David Engel david@cds.com
Mike Erlinger mike@mti.com
Jeff Erwin
Bill Fardy fardy@ctron.com
Jeff Fried jmf@relay.proteon.com
Bob Friesenhahn pdrusa!bob@uunet.uu.net
Shawn Gallagher gallagher@quiver.enet.dec.com
Mike Grieves mgrieves@chipcom.com
Walter Guilarte 70026.1715@compuserve.com
Phillip Hasse phasse@honchuca-emh8.army.mil
Mark Hoerth mark_hoerth@hp0400.desk.hp.com
Greg Hollingsworth gregh@mailer.jhuapl.edu
Ron Jacoby rj@sgi.com
Mike Janson mjanson@mot.com
Ken Jones konkord!ksj@uunet.uu.net
Satish Joshi sjoshi@synoptics.com
Frank Kastenholz kasten@europa.clearpoint.com
Manu Kaycee kaycee@trlian.enet.dec.com
Mark Kepke mak@cnd.hp.com
Mark Kerestes att!alux2!hawk@uunet.uu.net
Kenneth Key key@cs.utk.edu
Yoav Kluger ykluger@fibhaifa.com
Cheryl Krupczak cheryl@cc.gatech.edu
Ron Lau rlau@synoptics.com
Chao-Yu Liang cliang@synoptics.com
Dave Lindemulder da@mtung.att.com
Richie McBride rm@bix.co.uk
Keith McCloghrie kzm@hls.com
Evan McGinnis bem@3com.com
Donna McMaster mcmaster@synoptics.com
David Minnich dwm@fibercom.com
Lynn Monsanto monsanto@sun.com
Miriam Nihart miriam@decwet.zso.dec.com
Niels Ole Brunsgaard nob@dowtyns.dk
Edison Paw esp@3com.com
David Perkins dperkins@synoptics.com
Jason Perreault perreaul@interlan.interlan.com
John Pickens jrp@3com.com
Jim Reinstedler jimr@sceng.ub.com
Anil Rijsinghani anil@levers.enet.dec.com
Sam Roberts sroberts@farallon.com
Dan Romascanu dan@lannet.com
Marshall Rose mrose@dbc.mtview.ca.us
Rick Royston rick@lsumus.sncc.lsu.edu
Michael Sabo sabo@dockmaster.ncsc.mil
Jonathan Saperia saperia@tcpjon.enet.dec.com
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 38]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
Mark Schaefer schaefer@davidsys.com
Anil Singhal nsinghal@hawk.ulowell.edu
Timon Sloane peernet!timon@uunet.uu.net
Bob Stewart rlstewart@eng.xyplex.com
Emil Sturniolo emil@dss.com
Bruce Taber taber@interlan.com
Iris Tal 437-3580@mcimail.com
Mark Therieau markt@python.eng.microcom.com
Geoff Thompson thompson@synoptics.com
Dean Throop throop@dg-rtp.dg.com
Steven Waldbusser waldbusser@andrew.cmu.edu
Timothy Walden tmwalden@saturn.sys.acc.com
Philip Wang watadn!phil@uunet.uu.net
Drew Wansley dwansley@secola.columbia.ncr.com
David Ward dward@chipcom.com
Steve Wong wong@took.enet.dec.com
Paul Woodruff paul-woodruff@3com.com
Brian Wyld brianw@spider.co.uk
June-Kang Yang natadm!yang@uunet.uu.net
Henry Yip natadm!henry@uunet.uu.net
John Ziegler ziegler@artel.com
Joseph Zur fibronics!zur@uunet.uu.net
6. References
[1] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May
[2] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.
[3] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.
[4] Rose M., Editor, "Management Information Base for Network
Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17, RFC 1213,
Performance Systems International, March 1991.
[5] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
International Organization for Standardization, International
Standard 8824, December 1987.
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 39]
RFC 1368 802.3 Repeater MIB October 1992
[6] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
(ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
International Standard 8825, December 1987.
[7] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
STD 16, RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN
Systems, March 1991.
[8] Rose, M., Editor, "A Convention for Defining Traps for use with
the SNMP", RFC 1215, Performance Systems International, March
[9] IEEE 802.3/ISO 8802-3 Information processing systems - Local area
networks - Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision
detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer
specifications, 2nd edition, September 21, 1990.
[10] IEEE P802.3K, "Layer Management for 10 Mb/s Baseband Repeaters,
Section 19," Draft Supplement to ANSI/IEEE 802.3, Draft 8, April
9, 1992.
7. Security Considerations
Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
8. Authors' Addresses
Donna McMaster
SynOptics Communications, Inc.
4401 Great America Parkway
P.O. Box 58185
Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185
EMail: mcmaster@synoptics.com
Keith McCloghrie
Hughes LAN Systems, Inc.
1225 Charleston Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: (415) 966-7934
EMail: kzm@hls.com
McMaster & McCloghrie [Page 40]