Tkwm - The Tk Window Manager Patches ------------------------------------ WHAT IS TKWM? ------------- The tkwm patches are patches and additions for John Ousterhout's Tk windowing toolkit. They add facilities that make it possible to write window managers for the X Window System. (These patches are only useful if you are running Tk under a true X implementation; they will not work on Windows or on the Macintosh.) WHAT DOES IT ADD TO TK? ----------------------- The tkwm patches add three new commands to Tk, and add several new event types and binding substitutions. The three commands are: rootwin - creates a "rootwin" widget. A rootwin widget is a Tk widget whose associated window is the display's root window. The widget itself doesn't do much, but you can create other widgets inside it, e.g. frames that you put around window manager clients. foreignwin - creates a "foreignwin" widget. A foreignwin widget is a widget whose window comes from another application. These are used to "encapsulate" other applications within a Tk application. (This is good for encapsulating a window inside a window-manager frame.) Xop - gives Tk access to a whole host of X Window System operations. This command can retrieve window properties, remap the keyboard, control keyboard and pointer settings (just like the "xset" command), install colormaps, and much more. The new event types are: CirculateRequest - generated when an application wants its windows raised/lowered ConfigureRequest - generated when an application wants its toplevel window moved or resized Create - generated when a new window is created MapRequest - generated when an application wants its main window mapped to the screen ResizeRequest - generated when an application wants to have its main window resized In addition, the "bind" command will do the following substitutions: %i substitutes the "window" field from an event, represented as a hexadecimal X Window ID. %P substitutes the property name for "Property" events Also, the Tkwm patches add one more option to the wish executable: the "-root" option. If invoked with the -root option, wish's root window will be a rootwin widget instead of a toplevel, i.e. "." will be the display's root window. (If you wish to write a window manager, this is the option you want to use when you invoke your window manager script.) HOW DO I APPLY THE PATCHES? --------------------------- The current version of the tkwm patches is a set of diffs against Tk version 8.0p2. (I know, 8.1 is available; I'll get to it! :-) To apply the patches: $ tar xf tk8.0p2.tar $ cp tkwmpatch8.0p2 tk8.0 $ cd tk8.0 $ mkdir tkwmdemos $ patch < tkwmpatch8.0p2 $ find . -name '*.orig' -exec rm {} \; Then follow the directions for Tk. KNOWN BUGS/DEFICIENCIES ----------------------- Tkwm has a number of bugs, including (but almost certainly not limited to) the following: -Rootwin widgets cannot be created if you're running a window manager. (Only a single application can select ButtonPress events (and some others) on a given window; hence if there's a window manager running, tkwm will be competing with it.) -Foreignwin widgets don't always resize themselves correctly. They also always destroy the foreign window, though they should (optionally) be able to "give the window back" to the root window. -The Xop command has a bunch of unimplemented subcommands; see the man page to find out which ones. HOW IS THIS LICENSED? --------------------- Basicly, you may use these patches for anything you like, in any way you like. (There's probably not much you can do with them other than apply them to Tk anyway.) When they have been applied to Tk, Tk's license terms apply; you do not even need to acknowledge that the tkwm patches have been applied, although the author of the patches would appreciate it if you did :-). DISCLAIMER ---------- As is usual for free software, the author makes NO CLAIMS as to the merchantability or fitness of this software for any purpose; it is provided on an as-is basis, and the author takes NO RESPONSIBILITY for the consequences of running it or using it. In laymans terms, if the Tkwm patches somehow trash your computer (or anything else), then IT AIN'T MY PROBLEM, it's YOURS. You've got the source, you can check it for safety if you like. BUGS/DEFICIENCIES ----------------- This being an alpha release, there are probably still lots of bugs; let me know if you find any. Better yet, send me the fix :-) There are still lots of things that are not implemented. In particular, the following Xop subcommands are not implemented: Xop access hostlist ... Xop event send ... Xop window property change ... Xop wmprops protocols COMMNTS/FIXES/SUGGESTIONS ------------------------- You may send comments, bug reports, bug fixes, and suggestions to: Neil McKay NOTE: While I'm open to constructive suggestions, and will give serious consideration to anything that's not too off-the-wall (including major syntax changes), there are a few things that will be routed to /dev/null: -pure flames without any technical content -requests to port Tkwm to Windows (I don't have a Windows box to do the port, and even if I did, it probably can't be done) -requests to port it to another language (e.g. Python or Perl) If *you* want this, then *you* do the port.