FFI::Platypus::Lang::Rust - Documentation and tools for using Platypus
with the Rust programming language
version 0.16
#![crate_type = "cdylib"]
pub extern "C" fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
use FFI::Platypus 2.00;
use FFI::CheckLib qw( find_lib_or_die );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Rust' );
lib => 'add',
libpath => [dirname __FILE__],
systempath => [],
$ffi->attach( add => ['i32', 'i32'] => 'i32' );
print add(1,2), "\n"; # prints 3
This module provides native Rust types for FFI::Platypus in order to
reduce cognitive load and concentrate on Rust and forget about C types.
This document also documents issues and caveats that I have discovered
in my attempts to work with Rust and FFI.
Note that in addition to using pre-compiled Rust libraries, you can
bundle Rust code with your Perl distribution using FFI::Build and
The examples in this discussion are bundled with this distribution and
can be found in the examples directory.
Passing and Returning Integers
Rust Source
#![crate_type = "cdylib"]
pub extern "C" fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
Perl Source
use FFI::Platypus 2.00;
use FFI::CheckLib qw( find_lib_or_die );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Rust' );
lib => 'add',
libpath => [dirname __FILE__],
systempath => [],
$ffi->attach( add => ['i32', 'i32'] => 'i32' );
print add(1,2), "\n"; # prints 3
$ rustc
$ perl
Basic types like integers and floating points are the easiest to pass
across the FFI boundary. The Platypus Rust language plugin (this
module) provides the basic types used by Rust (for example: bool, i32,
u64, f64, isize and others) will all work as a Rust programmer would
expect. This is nice because you don't have to think about what the
equivalent types would be in C when you are writing your Perl extension
in Rust.
Rust symbols are "mangled" by default, which means that you cannot use
the name of the function from the source code without knowing what the
mangled name is. Rust provides a function attribute #[no_mangle] which
will tell the compiler not to mangle the name, making lookup of the
symbol possible from other programming languages like Perl.
Rust functions do not use the same ABI as C by default, so if you want
to be able to call Rust functions from Perl they need to be declared as
extern "C" as in this example.
We also set the "crate type" to cdylib in the first line to tell the
Rust compiler to generate a dynamic library that will be consumed by a
non-Rust language like Perl.
String Arguments
Rust Source
#![crate_type = "cdylib"]
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub extern "C" fn how_many_characters(s: *const c_char) -> isize {
if s.is_null() {
return -1;
let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(s) };
match s.to_str() {
Ok(s) => s.chars().count() as isize,
Err(_) => -2,
Perl Source
use FFI::Platypus 2.00;
use FFI::CheckLib qw( find_lib_or_die );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Rust' );
lib => 'argument',
libpath => [dirname __FILE__],
systempath => [],
$ffi->attach( how_many_characters => ['string'] => 'isize' );
print how_many_characters(undef), "\n"; # prints -1
print how_many_characters("frooble bits"), "\n"; # prints 12
$ rustc
$ perl
Strings are considerably more complicated for a number of reasons, but
for passing them into Rust code the main challenge is that the
representation is different from what C uses. C Uses NULL terminated
strings and Rust uses a pointer and size combination that allows NULLs
inside strings. Perls internal representation of strings is actually
closer to what Rust uses, but when Perl talks to other languages it
typically uses C Strings.
Getting a Rust string slice &str requires a few stems
We have to ensure the C pointer is not NULL
We return -1 to indicate an error here. As we can see from the
calling Perl code passing an undef from Perl is equivalent to passing
in NULL from C.
Wrap using Cstr
We then wrap the pointer using an unsafe block. Even though we know
at this point that the pointer cannot be NULL it could technically be
pointing to uninitialized or unaddressable memory. This unsafe block
is unfortunately necessary, though it is relatively isolated so it is
easy to reason about and review.
Convert to UTF-8
If the string that we passed in is valid UTF-8 we can convert it to a
&str using to_str and compute the length of the string. Otherwise, we
return -2 error.
(This example is based on one provided in the Rust FFI Omnibus
Returning allocated strings
Rust Source
#![crate_type = "cdylib"]
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::iter;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub extern "C" fn theme_song_generate(length: u8) -> *mut c_char {
let mut song = String::from("💣 ");
song.extend(iter::repeat("na ").take(length as usize));
song.push_str("Batman! 💣");
let c_str_song = CString::new(song).unwrap();
pub extern "C" fn theme_song_free(s: *mut c_char) {
if s.is_null() {
unsafe { CString::from_raw(s) };
Perl Source
use FFI::Platypus 2.00;
use FFI::CheckLib qw( find_lib_or_die );
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2, lang => 'Rust' );
lib => 'return',
libpath => [dirname __FILE__],
systempath => [],
$ffi->attach( theme_song_free => ['opaque'] => 'void' );
$ffi->attach( theme_song_generate => ['u8'] => 'opaque' => sub {
my($xsub, $length) = @_;
my $ptr = $xsub->($length);
my $str = $ffi->cast( 'opaque' => 'string', $ptr );
print theme_song_generate(42), "\n";
$ rustc
$ perl
💣 na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batman! 💣
The big challenge of returning strings from Rust into Perl is handling
the ownership. In this example we have a C API implemented in Rust that
returns a C NULL terminated string, but we have to pass it back into
Rust in order to deallocate it when we are done.
Unfortunately Platypus' string type assumes that the callee retains
ownership of the returned string, so we have to get the pointer instead
as an opaque so that we can later free it. Before freeing it though we
cast it into a Perl string.
In order to hide the complexities from caller of our
theme_song_generate function, we use a function wrapper to do all of
that for us.
(This example is based on one provided in the Rust FFI Omnibus
Returning allocated strings, but keeping ownership
Rust Source
#![crate_type = "cdylib"]
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::iter;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
pub extern "C" fn theme_song_generate(length: u8) -> *const c_char {
thread_local! {
static KEEP: RefCell