/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007-2009, 2011 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: t_dst.c,v 1.60 2011-03-17 23:47:29 tbox Exp $ */ #include #include /* Required for dirent.h */ #include #include /* XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include /* XXX */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PATH_MAX #define PATH_MAX 256 #endif /* * Adapted from the original dst_test.c program. * XXXDCL should use isc_dir_*. */ static void cleandir(char *path) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *pe; char fullname[PATH_MAX + 1]; dirp = opendir(path); if (dirp == NULL) { t_info("opendir(%s) failed %d\n", path, errno); return; } while ((pe = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (! strcmp(pe->d_name, ".")) continue; if (! strcmp(pe->d_name, "..")) continue; strcpy(fullname, path); strcat(fullname, "/"); strcat(fullname, pe->d_name); if (remove(fullname)) t_info("remove(%s) failed %d\n", fullname, errno); } (void)closedir(dirp); if (rmdir(path)) t_info("rmdir(%s) failed %d\n", path, errno); return; } static void use(dst_key_t *key, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_result_t exp_result, int *nfails) { isc_result_t ret; const char *data = "This is some data"; unsigned char sig[512]; isc_buffer_t databuf, sigbuf; isc_region_t datareg, sigreg; dst_context_t *ctx = NULL; isc_buffer_init(&sigbuf, sig, sizeof(sig)); isc_buffer_init(&databuf, data, strlen(data)); isc_buffer_add(&databuf, strlen(data)); isc_buffer_usedregion(&databuf, &datareg); ret = dst_context_create(key, mctx, &ctx); if (ret != exp_result) { t_info("dst_context_create(%d) returned (%s) expected (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret), dst_result_totext(exp_result)); ++*nfails; return; } if (exp_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) return; ret = dst_context_adddata(ctx, &datareg); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_adddata(%d) returned (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; dst_context_destroy(&ctx); return; } ret = dst_context_sign(ctx, &sigbuf); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_sign(%d) returned (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; dst_context_destroy(&ctx); return; } dst_context_destroy(&ctx); isc_buffer_remainingregion(&sigbuf, &sigreg); ret = dst_context_create(key, mctx, &ctx); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_create(%d) returned (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } ret = dst_context_adddata(ctx, &datareg); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_adddata(%d) returned (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; dst_context_destroy(&ctx); return; } ret = dst_context_verify(ctx, &sigreg); if (ret != exp_result) { t_info("dst_context_verify(%d) returned (%s) expected (%s)\n", dst_key_alg(key), dst_result_totext(ret), dst_result_totext(exp_result)); ++*nfails; dst_context_destroy(&ctx); return; } dst_context_destroy(&ctx); } static void dh(dns_name_t *name1, int id1, dns_name_t *name2, int id2, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_result_t exp_result, int *nfails, int *nprobs) { dst_key_t *key1 = NULL, *key2 = NULL; isc_result_t ret; char current[PATH_MAX + 1]; char tmp[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *p; int alg = DST_ALG_DH; int type = DST_TYPE_PUBLIC|DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_KEY; unsigned char array1[1024], array2[1024]; isc_buffer_t b1, b2; isc_region_t r1, r2; UNUSED(exp_result); p = getcwd(current, PATH_MAX);; if (p == NULL) { t_info("getcwd failed %d\n", errno); ++*nprobs; return; } ret = dst_key_fromfile(name1, id1, alg, type, current, mctx, &key1); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_fromfile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } ret = dst_key_fromfile(name2, id2, alg, type, current, mctx, &key2); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_fromfile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } ret = isc_file_mktemplate("/tmp/", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_file_mktemplate failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(ret)); ++*nprobs; return; } ret = isc_dir_createunique(tmp); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_dir_createunique failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(ret)); ++*nprobs; return; } ret = dst_key_tofile(key1, type, tmp); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_key_tofile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } ret = dst_key_tofile(key2, type, tmp); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_key_tofile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } cleandir(tmp); isc_buffer_init(&b1, array1, sizeof(array1)); ret = dst_key_computesecret(key1, key2, &b1); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_computesecret() returned: %s\n", dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } isc_buffer_init(&b2, array2, sizeof(array2)); ret = dst_key_computesecret(key2, key1, &b2); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_computesecret() returned: %s\n", dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } isc_buffer_usedregion(&b1, &r1); isc_buffer_usedregion(&b2, &r2); if (r1.length != r2.length || memcmp(r1.base, r2.base, r1.length) != 0) { t_info("computed secrets don't match\n"); ++*nfails; return; } dst_key_free(&key1); dst_key_free(&key2); } static void io(dns_name_t *name, isc_uint16_t id, isc_uint16_t alg, int type, isc_mem_t *mctx, isc_result_t exp_result, int *nfails, int *nprobs) { dst_key_t *key = NULL; isc_result_t ret; char current[PATH_MAX + 1]; char tmp[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *p; p = getcwd(current, PATH_MAX);; if (p == NULL) { t_info("getcwd failed %d\n", errno); ++*nprobs; goto failure; } ret = dst_key_fromfile(name, id, alg, type, current, mctx, &key); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_fromfile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; goto failure; } if (dst_key_id(key) != id) { t_info("key ID incorrect\n"); ++*nfails; goto failure; } if (dst_key_alg(key) != alg) { t_info("key algorithm incorrect\n"); ++*nfails; goto failure; } if (dst_key_getttl(key) != 0) { t_info("initial key TTL incorrect\n"); ++*nfails; goto failure; } ret = isc_file_mktemplate("/tmp/", tmp, sizeof(tmp)); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_file_mktemplate failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(ret)); ++*nprobs; goto failure; } ret = isc_dir_createunique(tmp); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("mkdir failed %d\n", errno); ++*nprobs; goto failure; } ret = dst_key_tofile(key, type, tmp); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_key_tofile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; goto failure; } if (dst_key_alg(key) != DST_ALG_DH) use(key, mctx, exp_result, nfails); /* * Skip the rest of this test if we weren't expecting * the read to be successful. */ if (exp_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) goto cleanup; dst_key_setttl(key, 3600); ret = dst_key_tofile(key, type, tmp); if (ret != 0) { t_info("dst_key_tofile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; goto failure; } /* Reread key to confirm TTL was changed */ dst_key_free(&key); ret = dst_key_fromfile(name, id, alg, type, tmp, mctx, &key); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_fromfile(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; goto failure; } if (dst_key_getttl(key) != 3600) { t_info("modified key TTL incorrect\n"); ++*nfails; goto failure; } cleanup: cleandir(tmp); failure: dst_key_free(&key); } static void generate(int alg, isc_mem_t *mctx, int size, int *nfails) { isc_result_t ret; dst_key_t *key = NULL; ret = dst_key_generate(dns_rootname, alg, size, 0, 0, 0, dns_rdataclass_in, mctx, &key); if (ret != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_generate(%d) returned: %s\n", alg, dst_result_totext(ret)); ++*nfails; return; } if (alg != DST_ALG_DH) use(key, mctx, ISC_R_SUCCESS, nfails); dst_key_free(&key); } #define DBUFSIZ 25 static const char *a1 = "the dst module provides the capability to " "generate, store and retrieve public and private keys, " "sign and verify data using the RSA, DSA and MD5 algorithms, " "and compute Diffie-Hellman shared secrets."; static void t1(void) { isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_entropy_t *ectx; int nfails; int nprobs; int result; isc_result_t isc_result; dns_fixedname_t fname; dns_name_t *name; isc_buffer_t b; t_assert("dst", 1, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a1); nfails = 0; nprobs = 0; mctx = NULL; isc_result = isc_mem_create(0, 0, &mctx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_mem_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } ectx = NULL; isc_result = isc_entropy_create(mctx, &ectx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_entropy_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } isc_result = isc_entropy_createfilesource(ectx, "randomfile"); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_entropy_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } isc_result = dst_lib_init(mctx, ectx, ISC_ENTROPY_BLOCKING); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_lib_init failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } if (!dst_algorithm_supported(DST_ALG_RSAMD5)) { dst_lib_destroy(); t_info("library built without crypto support\n"); t_result(T_UNTESTED); return; } t_info("testing use of stored keys [1]\n"); dns_fixedname_init(&fname); name = dns_fixedname_name(&fname); isc_buffer_init(&b, "test.", 5); isc_buffer_add(&b, 5); isc_result = dns_name_fromtext(name, &b, NULL, 0, NULL); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dns_name_fromtext failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } io(name, 23616, DST_ALG_DSA, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, mctx, ISC_R_SUCCESS, &nfails, &nprobs); t_info("testing use of stored keys [2]\n"); io(name, 54622, DST_ALG_RSAMD5, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, mctx, ISC_R_SUCCESS, &nfails, &nprobs); t_info("testing use of stored keys [3]\n"); io(name, 49667, DST_ALG_DSA, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, mctx, DST_R_NULLKEY, &nfails, &nprobs); t_info("testing use of stored keys [4]\n"); io(name, 2, DST_ALG_RSAMD5, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, mctx, DST_R_NULLKEY, &nfails, &nprobs); isc_buffer_init(&b, "dh.", 3); isc_buffer_add(&b, 3); isc_result = dns_name_fromtext(name, &b, NULL, 0, NULL); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dns_name_fromtext failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); t_result(T_UNRESOLVED); return; } dh(name, 18602, name, 48957, mctx, ISC_R_SUCCESS, &nfails, &nprobs); t_info("testing use of generated keys\n"); generate(DST_ALG_RSAMD5, mctx, 512, &nfails); generate(DST_ALG_DSA, mctx, 512, &nfails); generate(DST_ALG_DH, mctx, 512, &nfails); /* * This one uses a constant. */ generate(DST_ALG_DH, mctx, 768, &nfails); generate(DST_ALG_HMACMD5, mctx, 512, &nfails); dst_lib_destroy(); isc_entropy_detach(&ectx); isc_mem_destroy(&mctx); result = T_UNRESOLVED; if ((nfails == 0) && (nprobs == 0)) result = T_PASS; else if (nfails) result = T_FAIL; t_result(result); } #define T_SIGMAX 512 #undef NEWSIG /* Define NEWSIG to generate the original signature file. */ #ifdef NEWSIG /* * Write a sig in buf to file at path. */ static int sig_tofile(char *path, isc_buffer_t *buf) { int rval; int fd; int len; int nprobs; int cnt; unsigned char c; unsigned char val; cnt = 0; nprobs = 0; len = buf->used - buf->current; t_info("buf: current %d used %d len %d\n", buf->current, buf->used, len); fd = open(path, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXO|S_IRWXG); if (fd < 0) { t_info("open %s failed %d\n", path, errno); return(1); } while (len) { c = (unsigned char) isc_buffer_getuint8(buf); val = ((c >> 4 ) & 0x0f); if ((0 <= val) && (val <= 9)) val = '0' + val; else val = 'A' + val - 10; rval = write(fd, &val, 1); if (rval != 1) { ++nprobs; t_info("write failed %d %d\n", rval, errno); break; } val = (c & 0x0f); if ((0 <= val) && (val <= 9)) val = '0' + val; else val = 'A' + val - 10; rval = write(fd, &val, 1); if (rval != 1) { ++nprobs; t_info("write failed %d %d\n", rval, errno); break; } --len; ++cnt; if ((cnt % 16) == 0) { val = '\n'; rval = write(fd, &val, 1); if (rval != 1) { ++nprobs; t_info("write failed %d %d\n", rval, errno); break; } } } val = '\n'; rval = write(fd, &val, 1); if (rval != 1) { ++nprobs; t_info("write failed %d %d\n", rval, errno); } (void) close(fd); return(nprobs); } #endif /* NEWSIG */ /* * Read sig in file at path to buf. */ static int sig_fromfile(char *path, isc_buffer_t *iscbuf) { int rval; int len; int fd; unsigned char val; struct stat sb; char *p; char *buf; rval = stat(path, &sb); if (rval != 0) { t_info("stat %s failed, errno == %d\n", path, errno); return(1); } buf = (char *) malloc((sb.st_size + 1) * sizeof(unsigned char)); if (buf == NULL) { t_info("malloc failed, errno == %d\n", errno); return(1); } fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { t_info("open failed, errno == %d\n", errno); (void) free(buf); return(1); } len = sb.st_size; p = buf; while (len) { rval = read(fd, p, len); if (rval > 0) { len -= rval; p += rval; } else { t_info("read failed %d, errno == %d\n", rval, errno); (void) free(buf); (void) close(fd); return(1); } } close(fd); p = buf; len = sb.st_size; while(len) { if (*p == '\n') { ++p; --len; continue; } if (('0' <= *p) && (*p <= '9')) val = *p - '0'; else val = *p - 'A' + 10; ++p; val <<= 4; --len; if (('0' <= *p) && (*p <= '9')) val |= (*p - '0'); else val |= (*p - 'A' + 10); ++p; --len; isc_buffer_putuint8(iscbuf, val); } (void) free(buf); return(0); } static void t2_sigchk(char *datapath, char *sigpath, char *keyname, int id, int alg, int type, isc_mem_t *mctx, char *expected_result, int *nfails, int *nprobs) { int rval; int len; int fd; int exp_res; dst_key_t *key = NULL; unsigned char sig[T_SIGMAX]; unsigned char *p; unsigned char *data; struct stat sb; isc_result_t isc_result; isc_buffer_t databuf; isc_buffer_t sigbuf; isc_region_t datareg; isc_region_t sigreg; dns_fixedname_t fname; dns_name_t *name; isc_buffer_t b; dst_context_t *ctx = NULL; /* * Read data from file in a form usable by dst_verify. */ rval = stat(datapath, &sb); if (rval != 0) { t_info("t2_sigchk: stat (%s) failed %d\n", datapath, errno); ++*nprobs; return; } data = (unsigned char *) malloc(sb.st_size * sizeof(char)); if (data == NULL) { t_info("t2_sigchk: malloc failed %d\n", errno); ++*nprobs; return; } fd = open(datapath, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { t_info("t2_sigchk: open failed %d\n", errno); (void) free(data); ++*nprobs; return; } p = data; len = sb.st_size; do { rval = read(fd, p, len); if (rval > 0) { len -= rval; p += rval; } } while (len); (void) close(fd); /* * Read key from file in a form usable by dst_verify. */ dns_fixedname_init(&fname); name = dns_fixedname_name(&fname); isc_buffer_init(&b, keyname, strlen(keyname)); isc_buffer_add(&b, strlen(keyname)); isc_result = dns_name_fromtext(name, &b, dns_rootname, 0, NULL); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dns_name_fromtext failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); (void) free(data); ++*nprobs; return; } isc_result = dst_key_fromfile(name, id, alg, type, NULL, mctx, &key); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_key_fromfile failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); (void) free(data); ++*nprobs; return; } isc_buffer_init(&databuf, data, sb.st_size); isc_buffer_add(&databuf, sb.st_size); isc_buffer_usedregion(&databuf, &datareg); #ifdef NEWSIG /* * If we're generating a signature for the first time, * sign the data and save the signature to a file */ memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); isc_buffer_init(&sigbuf, sig, sizeof(sig)); isc_result = dst_context_create(key, mctx, &ctx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_create(%d) failed %s\n", dst_result_totext(isc_result)); (void) free(data); dst_key_free(&key); ++*nprobs; return; } isc_result = dst_context_adddata(ctx, &datareg); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_adddata(%d) failed %s\n", dst_result_totext(isc_result)); (void) free(data); dst_key_free(&key); dst_context_destroy(&ctx); ++*nprobs; return; } isc_result = dst_context_sign(ctx, &sigbuf); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_sign(%d) failed %s\n", dst_result_totext(isc_result)); (void) free(data); dst_key_free(&key); dst_context_destroy(&ctx); ++*nprobs; return; } dst_context_destroy(&ctx); rval = sig_tofile(sigpath, &sigbuf); if (rval != 0) { t_info("sig_tofile failed\n"); ++*nprobs; (void) free(data); dst_key_free(&key); return; } #endif /* NEWSIG */ memset(sig, 0, sizeof(sig)); isc_buffer_init(&sigbuf, sig, sizeof(sig)); /* * Read precomputed signature from file in a form usable by dst_verify. */ rval = sig_fromfile(sigpath, &sigbuf); if (rval != 0) { t_info("sig_fromfile failed\n"); (void) free(data); dst_key_free(&key); ++*nprobs; return; } /* * Verify that the key signed the data. */ isc_buffer_remainingregion(&sigbuf, &sigreg); exp_res = 0; if (strstr(expected_result, "!")) exp_res = 1; isc_result = dst_context_create(key, mctx, &ctx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_create returned %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); ++*nfails; } isc_result = dst_context_adddata(ctx, &datareg); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_context_adddata returned %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); dst_context_destroy(&ctx); ++*nfails; } isc_result = dst_context_verify(ctx, &sigreg); if ( ((exp_res == 0) && (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS)) || ((exp_res != 0) && (isc_result == ISC_R_SUCCESS))) { t_info("dst_context_verify returned %s, expected %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result), expected_result); dst_context_destroy(&ctx); ++*nfails; } (void) free(data); dst_context_destroy(&ctx); dst_key_free(&key); return; } /* * The astute observer will note that t1() signs then verifies data * during the test but that t2() verifies data that has been * signed at some earlier time, possibly with an entire different * version or implementation of the DSA and RSA algorithms */ static const char *a2 = "the dst module provides the capability to " "verify data signed with the RSA and DSA algorithms"; /* * av == datafile, sigpath, keyname, keyid, alg, exp_result. */ static int t2_vfy(char **av) { char *datapath; char *sigpath; char *keyname; char *key; int keyid; char *alg; int algid; char *exp_result; int nfails; int nprobs; isc_mem_t *mctx; isc_entropy_t *ectx; isc_result_t isc_result; int result; datapath = *av++; sigpath = *av++; keyname = *av++; key = *av++; keyid = atoi(key); alg = *av++; exp_result = *av++; nfails = 0; nprobs = 0; if (! strcasecmp(alg, "DST_ALG_DSA")) algid = DST_ALG_DSA; else if (! strcasecmp(alg, "DST_ALG_RSAMD5")) algid = DST_ALG_RSAMD5; else { t_info("Unknown algorithm %s\n", alg); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } mctx = NULL; isc_result = isc_mem_create(0, 0, &mctx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_mem_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } ectx = NULL; isc_result = isc_entropy_create(mctx, &ectx); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_entropy_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } isc_result = isc_entropy_createfilesource(ectx, "randomfile"); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_entropy_create failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } isc_result = dst_lib_init(mctx, ectx, ISC_ENTROPY_BLOCKING); if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dst_lib_init failed %s\n", isc_result_totext(isc_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } if (!dst_algorithm_supported(DST_ALG_RSAMD5)) { dst_lib_destroy(); t_info("library built without crypto support\n"); return (T_UNTESTED); } t_info("testing %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s\n", datapath, sigpath, keyname, key, alg, exp_result); t2_sigchk(datapath, sigpath, keyname, keyid, algid, DST_TYPE_PRIVATE|DST_TYPE_PUBLIC, mctx, exp_result, &nfails, &nprobs); dst_lib_destroy(); isc_entropy_detach(&ectx); isc_mem_destroy(&mctx); result = T_UNRESOLVED; if (nfails) result = T_FAIL; else if ((nfails == 0) && (nprobs == 0)) result = T_PASS; return(result); } static void t2(void) { int result; t_assert("dst", 2, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a2); result = t_eval("dst_2_data", t2_vfy, 6); t_result(result); } testspec_t T_testlist[] = { { t1, "basic dst module verification" }, { t2, "signature ineffability" }, { NULL, NULL } };