Mail::POPRelay - Dynamic Relay Access Control

    Mobile POP Relay is designed as a framework to support relaying through
    many different types of POP and email servers. This software is useful
    for mobile users and is fully compatible with virtual domains.

    One of the main differences between this relay server and others is that
    neither modification of the POP server or mail program is needed. This
    software should integrate seamlessly given the correct agent is
    provided. Each agent possesses the ability to specify certain variables
    in order to create a custom tailored relay agent per your servers setup.
    Here is a list of the available options and their descriptions:

                    Absolute location of the mail log file to monitor (tail).
                    Defaulted to '/var/log/maillog'

                    Mail program service name.  Used to restart the email server
                    if necessary through /etc/init.d.  Proper naming here should
                    reflect your mail service name in /etc/init.d.
                    Defaulted to 'sendmail'

                    Should the mail server be restarted after adding to the relay file?
                    This shouldn't be necessary if using an access database style relay file.
                    Defaulted to '0'

                    Absolute location of makemap used to create access database style
                    relay files.
                    Defaulted to '/usr/sbin/makemap'

                    Set accordingly if your mail relay file is a database.
                    Defaulted to '0'

                    Ignore this value if your mail relay file is not a database.
                    Specify the type for makemap if it is.
                    Defaulted to 'hash'

                    A spool directory for creating program related relay tracking
                    Defaulted to '/var/spool/poprelay'
                    Absolute location of the mail access relay file.
                    No default value.

                    After a user successfully logs in we must set a period for
                    which he/she can relay mail.  Specify this here in seconds.
                    No default value.

    Use the SYNOPSIS to help create your own agents.

    So how do I create my own agents? Simple. Create a file in the ./bin
    directory for your agent and follow the instructions below.

    1) Copy this header into your agent file:

    ----- BEGIN HEADER -----

    use Mail::POPRelay;

    # Mail::POPRelay is designed to be subclassed.

    use strict;

    use Mail::POPRelay;

    use vars qw[@ISA ];

    @ISA = qw[Mail::POPRelay ];

    ----- SNIP -----

    2) Create a configuration for the agent.

    Each agent should work w/ specific POP and Mail daemon configurations.
    To accommodate these configurations, each agent combines different
    options described above in DESCRIPTION.

    As a good foundation to get started, lets re-create the existing generic
    iPOP3 / Sendmail configuration that already exists in the ./bin

    Copy the below agent body into your agent file:

    ----- BEGIN AGENT BODY -----

    my %options = ( mailRelayDirectory => '/var/spool/poprelay',
    mailRelayPeriod => 86400, # in seconds mailLogRegExp =>
    'ipop3d\[\d+\]:.+user=(\w+) host=.*\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\] nmsgs=',

            # redhat 7.0 w/ access db
            mailRelayFile         => '/etc/mail/access',
            mailRelayIsDatabase   => 1,
            mailRelayDatabaseType => 'hash',
    my $popDaemon = new Mail::POPRelay::Daemon(\%options);

    ----- SNIP -----

    3) Modify / add or delete agent options

    It may be necessary to change the relaying period. Simply modify the
    value of "mailRelayPeriod" from 86400 to your own value.

    Maybe you aren't running a database compatible mail daemon. This might
    require switching the value of "mailRelayIsDatabase" from 1 to 0 and
    adding the option "mailProgramRestart => 1".

    Modification of the mailLogRegExp option may be necessary. Scan your
    mail log file for the POP authentication line and set a matching regular
    expression for the mailLogRegExp value. The user name must end up in $1
    and the relay host in $2.

                Remove all relay access files

                Remove expired access files

                Create relay file in relay directory.  An attempt to create 
                the relay directory will be made if it doesn't already exist.
                This method now also handles restarting the mail program and/or
                creating the access db file if necessary.

                Use is deprecated.  Not absolutely necessary anymore.  Read above.

    $popRelay->addRelayAddress('User Name', 'IP Address')
                Adds a user to relay mail for.

    die(). Will write to syslog eventually.

    John Beppu <>
            Found a bug in the signal handlers.  Thanks for looking over my code ;)

    Jefferson S. M <>
            Provided a testing facility for the ipop3d_vpopd agent.

    Keith Hoerling <>

    Mail::POPRelay::Daemon(3pm), poprelay_cleanup(1p), poprelay_ipop3d(1p).