# Archive::Ar [](http://travis-ci.org/jbazik/Archive-Ar) Interface for manipulating ar archives ## INSTALL The usual way perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ## SYNOPSIS use Archive::Ar; my $ar = Archive::Ar->new; $ar->read('./foo.ar'); $ar->extract; $ar->add_files('./bar.tar.gz', 'bat.pl') $ar->add_data('newfile.txt','Some contents'); $ar->chmod('file1', 0644); $ar->chown('file1', $uid, $gid); $ar->remove('file1', 'file2'); my $filehash = $ar->get_content('bar.tar.gz'); my $data = $ar->get_data('bar.tar.gz'); my $handle = $ar->get_handle('bar.tar.gz'); my @files = $ar->list_files(); my $archive = $ar->write; my $size = $ar->write('outbound.ar'); $ar->error(); ## DESCRIPTION Archive::Ar is a pure-perl way to handle standard ar archives. This is useful if you have those types of archives on the system, but it is also useful because .deb packages for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution are ar archives. This is one building block in a future chain of modules to build, manipulate, extract, and test debian modules with no platform or architecture dependence. ## UPDATE INFORMATION The new version works with storage instead of memory, so large files can be manipulated without running out of memory. ## COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009-2014 John Bazik <jbazik@cpan.org>. Copyright 2003 Jay Bonci <jaybonci@cpan.org>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html