WWW/LEO version 0.01 ==================== The WWW::LEO module provides an object-oriented interface to the English-German online dictionary at http://dict.leo.org. That is, you can query for search expressions and get the results. See the module documentation and the included sample client (eg/leo.pl) for information on how to use this thing. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install You'll need to be online to 'make test'. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules available from CPAN: o LWP::UserAgent (comes with LWP) o HTML::TokeParser (comes with HTML::Parser) o URI::Escape (comes with URI) For the sample client (eg/leo.pl), additional module are necessary: o Term::ReadKey o Term::ReadLine::Gnu (not required, but recommended for best functionality) SUPPORT Please contact the current maintainer of this module to report any bugs or suggest changes to this module: J�rg Ziefle <ziefle@cpan.org> COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2002 J�rg Ziefle This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. THANKS ... to the guys at LEO to provide this nice dictionary. ... to the folks that filled it up with entries. :) REFERENCES o The dictionary itself at http://dict.leo.org o Other Perl implementations of LEO clients are available (at the time of writing) at: - ftp://ftp.daemon.de/scip/Scripts/leo - http://cgi.xwolf.de/perl/leo.txt - http://scripts.irssi.de/html/leodict.pl.html (this is a plugin script for the irssi IRC client, see http://www.irssi.org) vim:tw=70