How to use:

    use Getopt::toHash;

    --Grab all arguments, return into hash ref. my $Args =

    Everything else is optional beyond this point.

    --Validation If you want the module to only make sure certain arguments
    are there and not validate them.

    The Module can validate on 7 Different constraints REGEXP -
    {'REGEXP=>'^[-+]?[0-9]'} - Specify a regex the passed data must comply
    with. MINMAX - {'MINMAX'=>{min=>20,max=>40}} - Specify minimum and
    maximum numbers the argument must be. GREATER_THAN -
    {'GREATER_THAN'=>{min=>20}} - Specify a minimum number the argument
    must be. LESS_THAN - {'LESS_THAN'=>{max=>40}} - Specify a maximum
    number the argument must be lower than. ASCII - ['ASCII'] - The
    argument must be any ASCII text with spaces allowed. NOSPACES -
    ['NOSPACES'] - The argument must have no spaces. ANY - ['ANY'] - The
    argument must be defined.

    You can validate each argument on as many types of validation as you
    want by stringing together each array ref or hash. The Argument must
    pass each constraint

    --Example 1 - Validating with a inline object. $Args->validate( '-a'=>[
    'ASCII','NOSPACES',{ 'MINMAX'=>{min=>20,max=>40} } ] );

    --Example 2 - Validating with a hash spec. my %spec = ( '-a'=>[
    'ASCII','NOSPACES', {'MINMAX'=>{min=>20,max=>40} } ] );

    The module will display error messages and die on failed validation by
    default. If you dont want this you can pass... $Args->validate(
    no_errors=>'1','-a'=>[ 'ASCII','NOSPACES',{ 'MINMAX'=>{min=>20,max=>40}
    } ] );