[](https://travis-ci.org/moznion/Log-Minimal-Object) [](https://coveralls.io/r/moznion/Log-Minimal-Object?branch=master) # NAME Log::Minimal::Object - Provides the OOP interface of Log::Minimal # SYNOPSIS use Log::Minimal::Object; my $logger = Log::Minimal::Object->new(); $logger->infof("This is info!"); # => 2014-05-18T17:24:02 [INFO] This is info! at eg/sample.pl line 13 $logger->warnf("This is warn!"); # => 2014-05-18T17:24:02 [WARN] This is warn! at eg/sample.pl line 14 # DESCRIPTION Log::Minimal::Object is the simple wrapper to provide the OOP interface of [Log::Minimal](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Minimal). This module can have and apply independent customize settings for each instance, it's intuitive! # CLASS METHODS - Log::Minimal::Object->new(%arg | \\%arg) Creates the instance. This method receives arguments to configure as hash or hashref, like so; my $logger = Log::Minimal::Object->new( color => 1, log_level => 'WARN', ); Please refer to the ["CONFIGURATIONS"](#configurations) to know details of configurable items. # INSTANCE METHODS Instance of this module provides the methods that are defined in the ["EXPORT FUNCTIONS" in Log::Minimal](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Minimal#EXPORT-FUNCTIONS) (e.g. infof, warnf, and etc). # CONFIGURATIONS The configurable keys and its relations are follows (please see also ["CUSTOMIZE" in Log::Minimal](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Minimal#CUSTOMIZE) to get information of `$Log::Minimal::*`): - color `$Log::Minimal::COLOR` (default: 0) - autodump `$Log::Minimal::AUTODUMP` (default: 0) - trace\_level `$Log::Minimal::TRACE_LEVEL` (default: 2) - log\_level `$Log::Minimal::LOG_LEVEL` (default: 'DEBUG') - escape\_whitespace `$Log::Minimal::ESCAPE_WHITESPACE` (default: 0) - print `$Log::Minimal::PRINT` - die `$Log::Minimal::DIE` # SEE ALSO [Log::Minimal](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Minimal) # LICENSE Copyright (C) moznion. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR moznion <moznion@gmail.com>