# NAME Data::Generator::FromDDL - Dummy data generator from DDL statements # SYNOPSIS use Data::Generator::FromDDL; my $generator = Data::Generator::FromDDL->new({ ddl => 'CREATE TABLE users (....);', parser => 'mysql', }); $generator->generate(100); # Generated data are written to STDOUT. # DESCRIPTION Data::Generator::FromDDL is dummy data generator intended to easily prepare dummy records for RDBMS. This module takes care of some constraints and generates records in the right order. Supported constraints are - PRIMARY KEY - UNIQUE KEY - FOREIGN KEY Supported data types are - BIGINT - INT (INTEGER) - MEDIUMINT - SMALLINT - TINYINT - FLOAT - DOUBLE - BOOLEAN (BOOL) - TIMESTAMP - CHAR - VARCHAR - TINYTEXT - TEXT - MEDIUMTEXT - ENUM # METHODS - **new** - Create a new instance. Data::Generator::FromDDL->new(%options); Possible options are: - ddl => $ddl Description of DDL. This option is required. - parser => $parser // 'MySQL' Parser for ddl. Choices are 'MySQL', 'SQLite', 'Oracle', or 'PostgreSQL'. - builder\_class => $builder\_class // 'Data::Generator::FromDDL::Builder::SerialOrder' Builder class. - include => \[@tables\] // \[\] Target tables. - exclude => \[@tables\] // \[\] Ignored tables. - **generate** - Generate dummy records. $generator->generate($num, $out_fh, $format, $pretty, $bytes_per_sql); Arguments are: - $num Number of records generated. - $out\_fh (default: \*STDOUT) File handle object to which records are dumped. - $format (default: 'sql') Output format. Choices are **'sql'** or **'json'**. - $pretty (default: false) Boolean value whether to print output prettily. - $bytes\_per\_sql (default: 1048576(1MB)) The maximum bytes of bulk insert statement. This argument is releated to the MySQL's **'max\_allowed\_packet'** variable which stands for the maximum size of string. It's recommended to suit this argument for your MySQL settings. cf. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar\_max\_allowed\_packet # COMMAND LINE INTERFACE The `datagen_from_ddl(1)` command is provided as an interface to this module. $ datagen_from_ddl --num=100 --parser=mysql --pretty your_ddl.sql For more details, please see [datagen\_from\_ddl](https://metacpan.org/pod/datagen_from_ddl)(1). # LICENSE Copyright (C) Yuuki Furuyama. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR Yuuki Furuyama <addsict@gmail.com>