# NAME Pod::ProjectDocs - generates CPAN like project documents from pod. # SYNOPSIS #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Pod::ProjectDocs; my $pd = Pod::ProjectDocs->new( libroot => '/your/project/lib/root', outroot => '/output/directory', title => 'ProjectName', ); $pd->gen(); #or use pod2projdocs on your shell pod2projdocs -out /output/directory -lib /your/project/lib/root # DESCRIPTION This module allows you to generates CPAN like pod pages from your modules for your projects. It also creates an optional index page. # OPTIONS - outroot output directory for the generated documentation. - libroot your library's (source code) root directory. You can set single path by string, or multiple by arrayref. my $pd = Pod::ProjectDocs->new( outroot => '/path/to/output/directory', libroot => '/path/to/lib' ); or my $pd = Pod::ProjectDocs->new( outroot => '/path/to/output/directory', libroot => ['/path/to/lib1', '/path/to/lib2'], ); - title your project's name. - desc description for your project. - charset charset for source files and generated HTML files (default 'UTF-8'). - index whether you want to create an index for all generated pages (0 or 1). - lang set this language as xml:lang (default 'en') - forcegen whether you want to generate HTML document even if source files are not updated (default is 0). - except the files matches this regex won't be parsed. Pod::ProjectDocs->new( except => qr/^specific_dir\//, ...other parameters ); Pod::ProjectDocs->new( except => [qr/^specific_dir1\//, qr/^specific_dir2\//], ...other parameters ); # pod2projdocs You can use the command line script [pod2projdocs](https://metacpan.org/pod/pod2projdocs) to generate your documentation without creating a custom perl script. pod2projdocs -help # SEE ALSO [Pod::Parser](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod::Parser) # AUTHOR Lyo Kato <lyo.kato@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright(C) 2005 by Lyo Kato This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.