PDF::Create - create PDF files


    PDF::Create allows you to create PDF documents using a large
    number of primitives, and emit the result as a PDF file or
    stream. PDF stands for Portable Document Format.

    Documents can have several pages, a table of content, an
    information section and many other PDF elements. More
    functionnalities will be added as needs arise.

    Documents are constructed on the fly so the memory footprint is
    not tied to the size of the pages but only to their number.

    More information about this module is included in this package.


        use PDF::Create;

        my $pdf = new PDF::Create('filename' => 'mypdf.pdf',
                                  'Version'  => 1.2,
                                  'PageMode' => 'UseOutlines',
                                  'Author'   => 'Fabien Tassin',
                                  'Title'    => 'My title',
        my $root = $pdf->new_page('MediaBox' => [ 0, 0, 612, 792 ]);

        # Add a page which inherits its attributes from $root
        my $page = $root->new_page;

        # Prepare 2 fonts
        my $f1 = $pdf->font('Subtype'  => 'Type1',
                            'Encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding',
                            'BaseFont' => 'Helvetica');
        my $f2 = $pdf->font('Subtype'  => 'Type1',
                            'Encoding' => 'WinAnsiEncoding',
                            'BaseFont' => 'Helvetica-Bold');

        # Prepare a Table of Content
        my $toc = $pdf->new_outline('Title' => 'Document',
                                    'Destination' => $page);
        $toc->new_outline('Title' => 'Section 1');
        my $s2 = $toc->new_outline('Title' => 'Section 2',
                                   'Status' => 'closed');
        $s2->new_outline('Title' => 'Subsection 1');

        $page->stringc($f2, 40, 306, 426, "PDF::Create");
        $page->stringc($f1, 20, 306, 396, "version $PDF::Create::VERSION");

        # Add another page
        my $page2 = $root->new_page;
        $page2->line(0, 0, 612, 792);
        $page2->line(0, 792, 612, 0);

        $toc->new_outline('Title' => 'Section 3');
        $pdf->new_outline('Title' => 'Summary');

        # Add something to the first page
        $page->stringc($f1, 20, 306, 300,
                       'by Fabien Tassin <>');

        # Add the missing PDF objects and a the footer then close the file


    Quick answer:

        perl -MCPAN -e 'install PDF::Create'

    Long answer:

    To install manually, cd to the directory containing the unpacked
    distribution and do one of the following:

    a.  Create a makefile by running Makefile.PL using the perl
        program into whose library you want to install and then run
        make three times:

            perl Makefile.PL
            make test
            make install

    b.  To install into a private library, for example your home

            perl Makefile.PL INSTALLSITELIB=$HOME/lib INSTALLMAN3DIR=$HOME/man
            make test
            make pure_install