system environment/libraries

libiec61883 - Streaming library for IEEE1394

License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The libiec61883 library provides an higher level API for streaming DV,
MPEG-2 and audio over IEEE1394.  Based on the libraw1394 isochronous
functionality, this library acts as a filter that accepts DV-frames,
MPEG-2 frames or audio samples from the application and breaks these
down to isochronous packets, which are transmitted using libraw1394.


libiec61883-1.2.0-4.fc13.src [341 KiB] Changelog by Jay Fenlason (2010-01-08):
- Update the Source and URL fields to point to correct locations.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.fc13