system environment/base

udev - A rule-based device node and kernel event manager

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
udev is a collection of tools and a daemon to manage events received
from the kernel and deal with them in user-space. Primarily this
involves managing permissions, and creating and removing meaningful
symlinks to device nodes in /dev when hardware is discovered or
removed from the system.


udev-160-9.fc14.src [600 KiB] Changelog by Harald Hoyer (2010-08-06):
- added quirk to cdrom_id, to boot from qemu
Resolves: rhbz#609049
- fix console switching and ACLs
Resolves: rhbz#608712
- minor bugfixes

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.fc14