user interface/desktops
- caribou - A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
- control-center - Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
- desktop-backgrounds - Desktop backgrounds
- desktop-effects - Switch GNOME window management and effects
- dmz-cursor-themes - X cursors themes
- echo-icon-theme - Echo icon theme
- eog - Eye of GNOME image viewer
- fedora-gnome-theme - Fedora GNOME theme
- fedora-icon-theme - Fedora icon theme
- fedora-kde-icon-theme - Default icon theme for KDE Desktops on fedora
- fedora-screensaver-theme - Fedora screensaver theme
- gnome-applets - Small applications for the GNOME panel
- gnome-icon-theme - GNOME icon theme
- gnome-icon-theme-extras - Additional GNOME icons
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic - Symbolic GNOME icons
- gnome-panel - GNOME panel
- gnome-session - GNOME session manager
- gnome-shell - Window management and application launching for GNOME
- gnome-terminal - Terminal emulator for GNOME
- gnome-themes - Themes for GNOME
- gnote - Note-taking application
- gok - GNOME Onscreen Keyboard
- hicolor-icon-theme - Basic requirement for icon themes
- kcm-gtk - Configure the appearance of GTK apps in KDE
- kde-l10n - Internationalization support for KDE
- kdeaccessibility - KDE Accessibility
- kdeadmin - KDE Administrative tools
- kdeartwork - Additional artwork for KDE
- kdebase - KDE Core Applications
- kdebase-runtime - KDE Runtime
- kdebase-workspace - KDE Workspace
- kdebindings - KDE bindings to non-C++ languages
- kdeplasma-addons - Additional plasmoids for KDE
- kdesdk - The KDE Software Development Kit (SDK)
- laughlin-kde-theme - Laughlin KDE Theme
- metacity - Unobtrusive window manager
- mousetweaks - Mouse accessibility support for the GNOME desktop
- mutter - Window and compositing manager based on Clutter
- nautilus - File manager for GNOME
- nautilus-sendto - Nautilus context menu for sending files
- orca - Assistive technology for people with visual impairments
- oxygen-icon-theme - Oxygen icon theme
- qtcurve-gtk2 - This is a set of widget styles for Gtk2 based apps
- qtcurve-kde4 - This is a set of widget styles for Qt4/KDE4 based apps
- rdesktop - X client for remote desktop into Windows Terminal Server
- redhat-menus - Configuration and data files for the desktop menus
- seahorse - A GNOME application for managing encryption keys
- shared-desktop-ontologies - Shared ontologies needed for semantic environments
- sound-theme-freedesktop - sound theme
- tigervnc - A TigerVNC remote display system
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- xdg-user-dirs - Handles user special directories
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk - Gnome integration of special directories
- xsettings-kde - XSettings Daemon for KDE