/* ==================================================================== * * Copyright (c) 1996 NeoSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You may freely redistribute most NeoSoft extensions to the Apache webserver * for any purpose except commercial resale and/or use in secure servers, * which requires, in either case, written permission from NeoSoft, Inc. Any * redistribution of this software must retain this copyright, unmodified * from the original. * * Certain NeoSoft extensions, such as those in support of electronic * commerce, require a license for use and may not be redistributed * without explicit written permission, obtained in advance of any * such distribution from NeoSoft, Inc. These files are clearly marked * with a different copyright. * * Other packages included with this distribution may contain their own * copyrights. It is your responsibility to insure that you are operating * in compliance with all relevant copyrights. The NeoSoft copyright is * not intenteded to infringe on the rights of the authors or owners of * said copyrights. * * Some of the software in this file may be derived from code * Copyright (c) 1995 The Apache Group. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of Apache code in source and binary forms is * permitted under most conditions. Please consult the source code to * a standard Apache module, such as mod_include.c, for the exact * terms of this copyright. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY NEOSOFT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL NEOSOFT, THE APACHE GROUP, OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ==================================================================== */ /* * mod_neoscript.c: Handles NeoWebScript server-parsed HTML documents * * Based on include processing module originally written by Rob McCool; * with substantial fixups by David Robinson; * incorporated into the Shambhala module framework by rst. * * Alterations from there to present form by NeoSoft * */ /* * sub key may be anything a Perl*Handler can be: * subroutine name, package name (defaults to package::handler), * Class->method call or anoymous sub {} * * Child accessed * times.
* * * * -Doug MacEachern */ #ifdef USE_PERL_SSI #include "modules/perl/mod_perl.h" #else #include "httpd.h" #include "http_config.h" #include "http_request.h" #include "http_core.h" #include "http_protocol.h" #include "http_log.h" #include "http_main.h" #include "util_script.h" #include "util_md5.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "tcl.h" #include "tclExtend.h" module neoscript_module; extern char server_root[]; extern char server_confname[]; Tcl_Interp *interp = NULL; void Tcl_InitExtensions (Tcl_Interp *interp); char softwareStartTimeString[32]; #define NEOSCRIPT_VERSION "2.1" #define STARTING_NWS_SEQUENCE "" #define ENDING_NWS_SEQUENCE "" #define STARTING_SEQUENCE "" #define DEFAULT_ERROR_MSG "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" #define DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT "%A, %d-%b-%y %T %Z" #define SIZEFMT_BYTES 0 #define SIZEFMT_KMG 1 /* this will be relative to the server root, hopefully, or if you * set it to start with /, from there. */ #define URL_ACCESS_COUNTER_DB "neoscript-data/system/url_access_counters.db" static void decodehtml(char *s); static char *get_tag(pool *p, FILE *in, char *tag, int tag_len, int dodecode); static char *get_nws_code(pool *p, FILE *in, char *code, int codebuf_len, char *sequence); static int get_directive(FILE *in, char *d, pool *p); static request_rec *Tcl_request_rec = NULL; extern int Neo_UnescapeStringCmd (ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int argc, char **argv); module neoscript_module; enum xbithack { xbithack_off, xbithack_on, xbithack_full }; #ifdef XBITHACK #define DEFAULT_XBITHACK xbithack_full #else #define DEFAULT_XBITHACK xbithack_off #endif typedef struct { table *neowebscript_dir_vars; table *neowebscript_user_vars; enum xbithack xbithack; } neoscript_dir_config; typedef struct { table *neowebscript_server_vars; } neoscript_server_config; static char *NeoWebCacheName; static int NeoWebCacheEnabled; int load_sub_req (Tcl_Interp *interp, request_rec *r) { int errstatus; int fd; char *buffer; int nLines; int whichLine; if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0) { log_reason("File does not exist", r->filename, r); return NOT_FOUND; } if ((errstatus = set_content_length (r, r->finfo.st_size)) || (errstatus = set_last_modified (r, r->finfo.st_mtime))) return errstatus; fd = open (r->filename, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { log_reason("file permissions deny server access", r->filename, r); return FORBIDDEN; } buffer = (char *)ckalloc(r->finfo.st_size + 1); if (read(fd,buffer,r->finfo.st_size) != r->finfo.st_size) { if (errno != EINTR) goto bye; } buffer[r->finfo.st_size] = '\0'; if (Tcl_GlobalEval(interp, buffer) != TCL_OK) { log_printf(r->server, "Error loading file '%s': %s", r->filename, interp->result); rprintf(r,"[error loading %s]", r->filename); ckfree(buffer); close (fd); return SERVER_ERROR; } bye: ckfree(buffer); close (fd); return OK; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Neo_IncludeCmd -- * Implements the Neo TCL web load and include commands: * SAFE_include_file slave file * SAFE_include_virtual slave file * SAFE_load_file slave file * SAFE_load_virtual slave file * * Results: * Standard TCL results. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_IncludeCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { request_rec *rr=NULL; request_rec *p; request_rec *r = Tcl_request_rec; char *error_fmt = NULL; char c; int include; int virtual; Tcl_Interp *slaveInterp; if (argc != 3) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " slaveInterp file", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((slaveInterp = Tcl_GetSlave (interp, argv[1])) == (Tcl_Interp *)NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unknown slave interpreter '", argv[1], "'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } c = argv[0][0]; if (c == 'i') { include = 1; c = argv[0][8]; if (c == 'f') { virtual = 0; } else if (c == 'v') { virtual = 1; } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": not invoked as 'SAFE_include_file' or 'SAFE_include_virtual'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } else if (c == 'l') { include = 0; c = argv[0][5]; if (c == 'f') { virtual = 0; } else if (c == 'v') { virtual = 1; } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": not invoked as 'SAFE_load_file' or 'SAFE_load_virtual'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": not invoked as 'SAFE_include_' or 'SAFE_load_'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (virtual) { rr = sub_req_lookup_uri (argv[2], r); } else { /* be safe; only files in this directory or below allowed */ /* memory leak here -- tmp never freed */ char *tmp = (char *)ckalloc(strlen(argv[2]) + 3); sprintf(tmp, "/%s/", argv[2]); if (*argv[2] == '/' || strstr(tmp, "/../") != NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unable to include '", argv[2], "': illegal filename from '", r->filename, "'", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } rr = sub_req_lookup_file (argv[2], r); } if (rr->status != 200) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unable to load or include '", argv[2], "' from '", r->filename, "'", (char *) NULL); if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_ERROR; } if ((allow_options (rr) & OPT_INCNOEXEC) && rr->content_type && (strncmp (rr->content_type, "text/", 5))) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unable to load or include potential exec '", argv[2], "' from '", r->filename, "'", (char *) NULL); if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_ERROR; } for (p = r; p != NULL; p = p->main) { if (strcmp(p->filename, rr->filename) == 0) break; } if (p != NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": recursive load or include of '", argv[2], "' from '", r->filename, "'", (char *) NULL); if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_ERROR; } if (include) { if (run_sub_req (rr)) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unable to process include '", argv[2], "' from '", r->filename, "'", (char *) NULL); if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_ERROR; } } else { if (load_sub_req (slaveInterp, rr)) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, argv[0], ": unable to load '", argv[2], "' from '", r->filename, "'

		Tcl_GetVar(slaveInterp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY),

", (char *) NULL); if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_ERROR; } } if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Neo_FlushBufferCmd -- * Implements the flush_page TCL command: * flush_page * * Results: * Standard TCL result. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_FlushBufferCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { if (argc != 1) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } bflush (Tcl_request_rec->connection->client); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Neo_AbortPageCmd -- * Implements the abort_page TCL command: * abort_page * * Results: * Standard TCL result. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_AbortPageCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { if (argc != 1) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], "\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } bflush (Tcl_request_rec->connection->client); /*------------- * removed from http_main.c in 1.2b8 - Eugene * abort_connection(Tcl_request_rec->connection); *------------- */ Tcl_request_rec->connection->aborted = 1; return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Neo_UnescapeUrlCmd -- * Implements the unescape_url TCL command: * unescape_url pathname * * Results: * Standard TCL result. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_UnescapeUrlCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { if (argc != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " url\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (unescape_url(argv[1]) == OK) { interp->result = argv[1]; } return TCL_OK; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Neo_RequestInfoCmd -- * Implements the Neo TCL request_info command: * request_info args * * Results: * Standard TCL results. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_RequestInfoCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { char intbuf[20]; char *varName; int depth; request_rec *r = Tcl_request_rec; if (argc != 2 && argc != 4) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " [next|prev|main depth] arrayVarName\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (argc == 2) { varName = argv[1]; } else { varName = argv[3]; strcpy(interp->result,"0"); if (Tcl_GetInt (interp, argv[2], &depth) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; if (strcmp(argv[1], "prev") == 0) { while (depth--) { if (r->prev) { r = r->prev; } else { return TCL_OK; } } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "next") == 0) { while (depth--) { if (r->next) { r = r->next; } else { return TCL_OK; } } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "main") == 0) { while (depth--) { if (r->main) { r = r->main; } else { return TCL_OK; } } } else { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "bad arg: should be \"", argv[0], " [next|prev|main depth] arrayVarName\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } } #define REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(X) if (Tcl_SetVar2(interp, varName, #X, r->X == (char *)NULL ? "" : r->X, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR #define REQUEST_INT_VAR(X) {sprintf(intbuf, "%d", r->X); if (Tcl_SetVar2(interp, varName, #X, intbuf, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR;} REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(the_request); REQUEST_INT_VAR(assbackwards); REQUEST_INT_VAR(header_only); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(protocol); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(status_line); REQUEST_INT_VAR(status); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(method); REQUEST_INT_VAR(method_number); REQUEST_INT_VAR(bytes_sent); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(content_type); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(content_encoding); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(content_language); REQUEST_INT_VAR(no_cache); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(uri); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(filename); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(path_info); REQUEST_CHAR_VAR(args); if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName, "main", r->main ? "1" : "0", TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName, "prev", r->prev ? "1" : "0", TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName, "next", r->next ? "1" : "0", TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; sprintf(intbuf, "%d", r->finfo.st_uid); if (Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, varName, "file_uid", intbuf, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) return TCL_ERROR; interp->result = "1"; return TCL_OK; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Neo_SetHeaderCmd -- * Implements the NeoWebScript set_header command: * set_header header-name header-value ... * * Results: * Standard TCL results. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Tcl_SetHeaderCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { int i; table *h = Tcl_request_rec->headers_out; if (argc % 2 != 1) { sprintf(interp->result, "usage: %s header value ...", argv[0]); return TCL_ERROR; } for (i = 1; i < argc; i += 2) table_set(h, argv[i], argv[i+1]); return TCL_OK; } int NWS_MD5Cmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { char *digest; if (argc != 2) { sprintf(interp->result, "usage: md5 string"); return TCL_ERROR; } digest = md5(Tcl_request_rec->pool, argv[1]); Tcl_SetResult(interp, digest, TCL_STATIC); return TCL_OK; } int Tcl_gm_timestr_822Cmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { char *ascii_time; int clock; if (argc != 2) { sprintf(interp->result, "usage: gm_timestr_822 time"); return TCL_ERROR; } if (Tcl_GetInt(interp, argv[1], &clock) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; ascii_time = gm_timestr_822(Tcl_request_rec->pool, clock); Tcl_SetResult(interp, ascii_time, TCL_STATIC); return TCL_OK; } int Tcl_ExtendSafeSlaveCmd(dummy, interp, argc, argv) ClientData dummy; /* Not used. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. */ { Tcl_Interp *slaveInterp; if (argc != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " slaveInterpName\"", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } slaveInterp = Tcl_GetSlave(interp, argv[1]); if (slaveInterp == (Tcl_Interp *)NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } /* Do this in the setup using load so that unsafe version can be used */ /* if (Tclx_SafeInit (slaveInterp) == TCL_ERROR) { return TCL_ERROR; } */ Tcl_CreateCommand (slaveInterp, "www_request_info", Neo_RequestInfoCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); return TCL_OK; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Neo_SimplifyPathnameCmd -- * Implements the simplify_pathname TCL command: * simplify_pathname pathname * * Results: * Standard TCL result. *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_SimplifyPathnameCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { if (argc != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " pathname\"", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } getparents(argv[1]); interp->result = argv[1]; return TCL_OK; } /* *---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tcl_HtmlCmd -- * * This procedure is invoked to process the "html" Tcl command. * * Results: * A standard Tcl result. * * Side effects: * See the user documentation. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ARGSUSED */ int Tcl_HtmlCmd(dummy, interp, argc, argv) ClientData dummy; /* Not used. */ Tcl_Interp *interp; /* Current interpreter. */ int argc; /* Number of arguments. */ char **argv; /* Argument strings. */ { int argIndex; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " text [tag]\"", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } if (argc == 2) { rprintf (Tcl_request_rec, "%s", argv[1]); } else { rprintf (Tcl_request_rec, "<%s>%s", argv[2], argv[1], argv[2]); } return TCL_OK; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Neo_DigitToHex * Helper function to convert a number 0 - 15 into the equivalent hex * character. * * Results: * The integer, or -1 if an illegal hex character is encountered. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_DigitToHex(int c) { if (c < 10) { return c + '0'; } return c - 10 + 'a'; } /* *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Neo_EscapeStringCmd -- * Implements the Neo TCL escape_string command: * escape_string string * * Results: * Standard TCL results. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Neo_EscapeStringCmd (clientData, interp, argc, argv) ClientData clientData; Tcl_Interp *interp; int argc; char **argv; { char *origString, *newString, *origStringP, *newStringP, *checkP; int origLength; if (argc != 2) { Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "wrong # args: should be \"", argv[0], " string", (char *) NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } origString = argv[1]; /* if they sent us an empty string, we're done */ origLength = strlen (origString); if (origLength == 0) { return TCL_OK; } newString = ckalloc (strlen (origString) * 3 + 1); /* for all the characters in the source string */ for (origStringP = origString, newStringP = newString; *origStringP != '\0'; origStringP++) { char c = *origStringP; if (isalnum (c)) { *newStringP++ = c; } else { *newStringP++ = '%'; *newStringP++ = Neo_DigitToHex((c >> 4) & 0x0f); *newStringP++ = Neo_DigitToHex(c & 0x0f); } } /* Don't forget to null-terminate the target string */ *newStringP = '\0'; Tcl_SetResult (interp, newString, TCL_DYNAMIC); return TCL_OK; } /* ----------------------- Initialization function ------------------------- */ void init_neoscript (server_rec *s, pool *p) { time_t date; table *t; table_entry *elts; int i; neoscript_server_config *ns = (neoscript_server_config *)get_module_config(s->module_config ,&neoscript_module); if (interp) { Tcl_DeleteInterp(interp); } interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); /* get the current time (startup time) * so we can return server uptime info */ time(&date); sprintf(softwareStartTimeString, "%ld", date); /* Initialize core Tcl components and extensions */ /* Tcl */ if (Tcl_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript tcl component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } /* Extended Tcl */ if (Tclx_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript tclx component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage (interp, "Tclx", Tclx_Init, Tclx_SafeInit); /* Tclx does its own call to Tcl_StaticPackage */ #ifdef MIT_OTCL /* MIT Object Tcl */ if (Otcl_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript otcl component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage (interp, "Otcl", Otcl_Init, Otcl_Init); #endif #ifdef POSTGRESQL /* PostgreSQL (v6.0+) Database Interface */ if (Pgtcl_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript postgres component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage (interp, "Pgtcl", Pgtcl_Init, Pgtcl_SafeInit); #endif #ifdef POSTGRES95 /* Postgres95 Database Interface */ if (Pg_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript postgres component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage (interp, "Pg", Pg_Init, Pg_Init); #endif #ifdef PQATCL /* Another Postgres95 Database Interface */ if (Pqa_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript postgres-pqa component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage(interp, "Pqa", Pqa_Init, Pqa_Init); #endif #ifdef GDTCL /* GIF generation*/ if (Gd_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript gd component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage(interp, "Gd", Gd_Init, Gd_Init); #endif /* NeoSoft Extensions */ if (Neo_Init (interp) == TCL_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to init NeoWebScript neo component: %s\n", interp->result); exit(1); } Tcl_StaticPackage (interp, "Neo", Neo_Init, NULL); /* * copy any variables defined with neoscript server config commands * into a Tcl array */ t = ns->neowebscript_server_vars; elts = (table_entry *)t->elts; for (i = 0; i < t->nelts; ++i) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "NeoWebServerConf", elts[i].key, elts[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); /* Tcl_InitMath (interp); */ Tcl_InitExtensions (interp); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "server", "SERVER_ROOT", server_root, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "server", "SERVER_CONF", server_confname, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (Tcl_VarEval(interp, "source ", server_root, "/conf/init.tcl", (char *)NULL) == TCL_ERROR) { char *errorInfo; errorInfo = Tcl_GetVar (interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); fprintf(stderr,"NeoWebScript startup failed: %s\n", errorInfo); exit(1); } } void Tcl_InitExtensions (Tcl_Interp *interp) { Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "SAFE_include_file", Neo_IncludeCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "SAFE_include_virtual", Neo_IncludeCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "SAFE_load_file", Neo_IncludeCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "SAFE_load_virtual", Neo_IncludeCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "flush_page", Neo_FlushBufferCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "abort_page", Neo_AbortPageCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "extend_slave", Tcl_ExtendSafeSlaveCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, "html", Tcl_HtmlCmd, (ClientData) 0, (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "www_unescape_string", Neo_UnescapeStringCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "www_escape_string", Neo_EscapeStringCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "www_simplify_pathname", Neo_SimplifyPathnameCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "www_unescape_url", Neo_UnescapeUrlCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "www_request_info", Neo_RequestInfoCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "set_header", Tcl_SetHeaderCmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "md5", NWS_MD5Cmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); Tcl_CreateCommand (interp, "gm_timestr_822", Tcl_gm_timestr_822Cmd, (ClientData) NULL, (void (*)()) NULL); } /* ------------------------ Environment function -------------------------- */ void add_include_vars(request_rec *r, char *timefmt) { struct passwd *pw; table *e = r->subprocess_env; char *t; time_t date = time(NULL); table_set(e, "DATE_LOCAL", ht_time(r->pool, date, timefmt, 0)); table_set(e, "DATE_GMT", ht_time(r->pool, date, timefmt, 1)); table_set(e, "LAST_MODIFIED",ht_time(r->pool,r->finfo.st_mtime,timefmt,0)); table_set(e, "DOCUMENT_URI", r->uri); table_set(e, "DOCUMENT_PATH_INFO", r->path_info); pw = getpwuid(r->finfo.st_uid); if (pw) { table_set(e, "USER_NAME", pw->pw_name); } else { char uid[16]; sprintf(uid, "user#%ld", (unsigned long)r->finfo.st_uid); table_set(e, "USER_NAME", uid); } if((t = strrchr(r->filename, '/'))) table_set (e, "DOCUMENT_NAME", ++t); else table_set (e, "DOCUMENT_NAME", r->uri); if (r->args) { char *tmp = pstrdup(r->pool, r->args); unescape_url(tmp); table_set (e, "QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED", escape_shell_cmd (r->pool, tmp)); } } /* --------------------------- Parser functions --------------------------- */ static char *http2env(pool *a, char *w) { char *res = pstrcat (a, "HTTP_", w, NULL); char *cp = res; while (*++cp) if (*cp == '-') *cp = '_'; else *cp = toupper(*cp); return res; } #define OUTBUFSIZE 4096 /* PUT_CHAR and FLUSH_BUF currently only work within the scope of * find_string(); they are hacks to avoid calling rputc for each and * every character output. A common set of buffering calls for this * type of output SHOULD be implemented. */ #define PUT_CHAR(c,r) \ { \ outbuf[outind++] = c; \ if (outind == OUTBUFSIZE) { FLUSH_BUF(r) }; \ } /* there SHOULD be some error checking on the return value of * rwrite, however it is unclear what the API for rwrite returning * errors is and little can really be done to help the error in * any case. */ #define FLUSH_BUF(r) \ { \ rwrite(outbuf, outind, r); \ outind = 0; \ } /* * f: file handle being read from * c: character to read into * ret: return value to use if input fails * r: current request_rec * * This macro is redefined after find_string() for historical reasons * to avoid too many code changes. This is one of the many things * that should be fixed. */ #define GET_CHAR(f,c,ret,r) \ { \ int i = getc(f); \ if(i == EOF) { /* either EOF or error -- needs error handling if latter */ \ if (ferror(f)) \ fprintf(stderr, "encountered error in GET_CHAR macro, mod_include.\n"); \ FLUSH_BUF(r); \ pfclose(r->pool,f); \ return ret; \ } \ c = (char)i; \ } int find_string(FILE *in,char *str, request_rec *r, int printing) { int x,l=strlen(str),p; char outbuf[OUTBUFSIZE]; int outind = 0; char c; p=0; while(1) { GET_CHAR(in,c,1,r); if(c == str[p]) { if((++p) == l) { FLUSH_BUF(r); return 0; } } else { if (printing) { for(x=0;x p1) ? p2 : p1; str = (p2 > p1) ? str2 : str1; if (printing) { for(x=0;xpool); m1 = m2 = 0; if(c == str1[p1]) { ++m1; if((++p1) == l1) { *result = 1; return 0; } } if(c == str2[p2]) { ++m2; if((++p2) == l2) { *result = 2; return 0; } } if(!m1 && !m2) { p = (p2 > p1) ? p2 : p1; str = (p2 > p1) ? str2 : str1; if(r) { if(p) { for(x=0;x= 11 && val <= 31) || (val >= 127 && val <= 160) || val >= 256) p--; /* no data to output */ else *p = val; } else{ j = i-1; if (i-1 > MAXENTLEN || entlist[i-1] == NULL) { /* wrong length */ *p = '&'; continue; /* skip it */ } for (ents=entlist[i-1]; *ents != '\0'; ents += i) if (strncmp(s+1, ents, i-1) == 0) break; if (*ents == '\0') *p = '&'; /* unknown */ else { *p = ((const unsigned char *)ents)[i-1]; s += i; } } } *p = '\0'; } /* * extract the next tag name and value. * if there are no more tags, set the tag name to 'done' * the tag value is html decoded if dodecode is non-zero */ static char * get_tag(pool *p, FILE *in, char *tag, int tagbuf_len, int dodecode) { char *t = tag, *tag_val, c, term; int n; n = 0; do { /* skip whitespace */ GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); } while (isspace(c)); /* tags can't start with - */ if(c == '-') { GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); if(c == '-') { do { GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); } while (isspace(c)); if(c == '>') { strncpy(tag,"done", tagbuf_len-1); tag[tagbuf_len-1] = '\0'; return tag; } } return NULL; /* failed */ } /* find end of tag name */ while(1) { if(++n == tagbuf_len) { t[tagbuf_len - 1] = '\0'; return NULL; } if(c == '=' || isspace(c)) break; *(t++) = tolower(c); GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); } *t++ = '\0'; tag_val = t; while (isspace(c)) GET_CHAR(in, c, NULL,p); /* space before = */ if (c != '=') { ungetc(c, in); return NULL; } do { GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); /* space after = */ } while (isspace(c)); /* we should allow a 'name' as a value */ if (c != '"' && c != '\'') return NULL; term = c; while(1) { GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); if(++n == tagbuf_len) { t[tagbuf_len - 1] = '\0'; return NULL; } /* Want to accept \" as a valid character within a string. */ if (c == '\\') { *(t++) = c; /* Add backslash */ GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); if (c == term) /* Only if */ *(--t) = c; /* Replace backslash ONLY for terminator */ } else if (c == term) break; *(t++) = c; } *t = '\0'; if (dodecode) decodehtml(tag_val); return pstrdup (p, tag_val); } static char * get_nws_code(pool *p, FILE *in, char *dummy, int codebuf_len, char *sequence) { char *t = dummy, *code_val, c; int n, l=(strlen(sequence)-1), cp; n = 0; do { /* skip whitespace */ GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); } while (isspace(c)); cp=0; code_val = t; while(1) { if(++n == codebuf_len) { t[codebuf_len - 1] = '\0'; return NULL; } if(c == sequence[cp]) { *(t++) = c; if(cp == l) break; else cp++; GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); continue; } else if(cp > 0) cp=0; *(t++) = c; GET_CHAR(in,c,NULL,p); } for(n=0;n<=l;n++) { t--; *t = '\0'; } return pstrdup (p, code_val); } static int get_directive(FILE *in, char *d, pool *p) { char c; /* skip initial whitespace */ while(1) { GET_CHAR(in,c,1,p); if(!isspace(c)) break; } /* now get directive */ while(1) { *d++ = tolower(c); GET_CHAR(in,c,1,p); if(isspace(c)) break; } *d = '\0'; return 0; } /* * Do variable substitution on strings */ void parse_string(request_rec *r, char *in, char *out, int length, int leave_name) { char ch; char *next = out; int numchars = 0; while ((ch = *in++) != '\0') { switch(ch) { case '\\': if(*in == '$') *next++=*in++; else *next++=ch; break; case '$': { char var[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char vtext[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *val; int braces=0; int vlen, vtlen; /* * Keep the $ and { around because we do no substitution * if the variable isn't found */ vlen = vtlen = 0; vtext[vtlen++] = ch; if (*in == '{') { braces = 1; vtext[vtlen++] = *in++; } while (*in != '\0') { if (vlen == (MAX_STRING_LEN - 1)) continue; if (braces == 1) { if (*in == '}') break; } else if (! (isalpha((int)*in) || (*in == '_') || isdigit((int)*in)) ) break; if (vtlen < (MAX_STRING_LEN - 1)) vtext[vtlen++] = *in; var[vlen++] = *in++; } var[vlen] = vtext[vtlen] = '\0'; if (braces == 1) { if (*in != '}') { log_printf(r->server, "Invalid variable %s%s", vtext,in); *next = '\0'; return; } else in++; } val = (char *)NULL; if (var[0] == '\0') { val = &vtext[0]; } else { val = table_get (r->subprocess_env, &var[0]); if (!val && leave_name) val = &vtext[0]; } while ((val != (char *)NULL) && (*val != '\0')) { *next++ = *val++; if (++numchars == (length -1)) break; } break; } default: *next++ = ch; break; } if (++numchars == (length -1)) break; } *next = '\0'; return; } /* ------------------------ Environment function -------------------------- */ void propagate_vars_to_neoscript(Tcl_Interp *interp, request_rec *r) { table *e = r->subprocess_env; server_rec *s = r->server; conn_rec *c = r->connection; char *t; char timeTextBuf[16]; char port[40]; array_header *hdrs_arr = table_elts (r->headers_in); table_entry *hdrs = (table_entry *)hdrs_arr->elts; int i; /* First, add environment vars from headers... this is as per * CGI specs, though other sorts of scripting interfaces see * the same vars... */ Tcl_UnsetVar (interp, "webenv", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); for (i = 0; i < hdrs_arr->nelts; ++i) { if (!hdrs[i].key) continue; /* A few headers are special cased --- Authorization to prevent * rogue scripts from capturing passwords; content-type and -length * for no particular reason. */ if (!strcasecmp (hdrs[i].key, "Content-type")) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "CONTENT_TYPE", hdrs[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); else if (!strcasecmp (hdrs[i].key, "Content-length")) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "CONTENT_LENGTH", hdrs[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); else if (!strcasecmp (hdrs[i].key, "Authorization")) continue; else Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", http2env (r->pool, hdrs[i].key), hdrs[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_SOFTWARE", SERVER_VERSION, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_ADMIN", s->server_admin, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_NAME", s->server_hostname, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEOSCRIPT_VERSION", NEOSCRIPT_VERSION, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_SOFTWARE_START", softwareStartTimeString, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); sprintf(port, "%d", s->port); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_PORT", port, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_ROOT", server_root, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "REMOTE_HOST", (char *)get_remote_host(r->connection, r->per_dir_config, REMOTE_NAME), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "REMOTE_ADDR", c->remote_ip, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "DOCUMENT_ROOT", document_root(r), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SCRIPT_FILENAME", r->filename, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (c->user) Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "webenv", "REMOTE_USER", c->user, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (c->auth_type) Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "webenv", "AUTH_TYPE", c->auth_type, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (c->remote_logname) Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "webenv", "REMOTE_IDENT", c->remote_logname, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); /* Apache custom error responses. If we have redirected set two new vars */ if (r->prev) { if (r->prev->args) Tcl_SetVar2(interp, "webenv","REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING", r->prev->args, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (r->prev->uri) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "REDIRECT_URL", r->prev->uri, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } /* these four are normally for CGI's */ Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "SERVER_PROTOCOL", r->protocol, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "REQUEST_METHOD", r->method, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "DOCUMENT_URI", r->uri, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if((t = strrchr(r->filename, '/'))) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "DOCUMENT_NAME", ++t, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); else Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "DOCUMENT_NAME", r->uri, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "DOCUMENT_PATH_INFO", r->path_info ? r->path_info : "", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "QUERY_STRING", r->args ? r->args : "", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); sprintf (timeTextBuf, "%ld", r->finfo.st_mtime); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_LAST_MODIFIED", timeTextBuf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); sprintf (timeTextBuf, "%ld", r->finfo.st_uid); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_DOCUMENT_UID", timeTextBuf, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_TIME_FORMAT", DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } /* --------------------------- Action handlers ---------------------------- */ int run_pickfile_req (request_rec *r) { int errstatus; FILE *f; char buf[IOBUFSIZE]; int nLines; int whichLine; if (r->method_number != M_GET) return DECLINED; if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0 || (r->path_info && *r->path_info)) { log_reason("File does not exist", r->filename, r); return NOT_FOUND; } if ((errstatus = set_content_length (r, r->finfo.st_size)) || (errstatus = set_last_modified (r, r->finfo.st_mtime))) return errstatus; f = fopen (r->filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { log_reason("file permissions deny server access", r->filename, r); return FORBIDDEN; } if ((fgets(buf,IOBUFSIZE,f)) == NULL) { if (errno != EINTR) goto bye; } nLines = atoi(buf); if (nLines <= 0) {fclose (f); return OK;} soft_timeout ("send-pick", r); srand((int)(getpid() * 17 + time((long *) 0))); for (whichLine = rand() % nLines; whichLine-- >= 0; ) { if ((fgets(buf,IOBUFSIZE,f)) == NULL) { if (errno != EINTR) break; } } rprintf (r, "%s", buf); bye: fclose (f); return OK; } int include_cgi(char *s, request_rec *r) { request_rec *rr = sub_req_lookup_uri (s, r); if (rr->status != 200) return -1; /* No hardwired path info or query allowed */ if ((rr->path_info && rr->path_info[0]) || rr->args) return -1; if (rr->finfo.st_mode == 0) return -1; /* Script gets parameters of the *document*, for back compatibility */ rr->path_info = r->path_info; /* painful to get right; see mod_cgi.c */ rr->args = r->args; /* Force sub_req to be treated as a CGI request, even if ordinary * typing rules would have called it something else. */ rr->content_type = CGI_MAGIC_TYPE; /* Run it. */ if (run_sub_req (rr) == REDIRECT) { char *location = table_get (rr->headers_out, "Location"); location = escape_html(rr->pool, location); rvputs(r,"", location, "", NULL); } destroy_sub_req (rr); return 0; } int handle_include(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int noexec) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char parsed_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; if(!strcmp(tag,"file") || !strcmp (tag, "virtual")) { request_rec *rr=NULL; char *error_fmt = NULL; parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if (tag[0] == 'f') { /* be safe; only files in this directory or below allowed */ char tmp[MAX_STRING_LEN+2]; ap_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "/%s/", parsed_string); if (parsed_string[0] == '/' || strstr(tmp, "/../") != NULL) error_fmt = "unable to include file %s in parsed file %s"; else rr = sub_req_lookup_file (parsed_string, r); } else rr = sub_req_lookup_uri (parsed_string, r); if (!error_fmt && rr->status != 200) error_fmt = "unable to include %s in parsed file %s"; if (!error_fmt && noexec && rr->content_type && (strncmp (rr->content_type, "text/", 5))) error_fmt = "unable to include potential exec %s in parsed file %s"; if (error_fmt == NULL) { request_rec *p; for (p=r; p != NULL; p=p->main) if (strcmp(p->filename, rr->filename) == 0) break; if (p != NULL) error_fmt = "Recursive include of %s in parsed file %s"; } if (!error_fmt && run_sub_req (rr)) error_fmt = "unable to include %s in parsed file %s"; if (error_fmt) { log_printf(r->server, error_fmt, tag_val, r->filename); rprintf(r,"%s",error); } if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"pickfile") || !strcmp (tag, "pickvirtual")) { request_rec *rr=NULL; char *error_fmt = NULL; if (tag[4] == 'f') { /* be safe; only files in this directory or below allowed */ char tmp[MAX_STRING_LEN+2]; sprintf(tmp, "/%s/", tag_val); if (tag_val[0] == '/' || strstr(tmp, "/../") != NULL) error_fmt = "unable to include file %s in parsed file %s"; else rr = sub_req_lookup_file (tag_val, r); } else rr = sub_req_lookup_uri (tag_val, r); if (!error_fmt && rr->status != 200) error_fmt = "unable to include %s in parsed file %s"; if (!error_fmt && noexec && rr->content_type && (strncmp (rr->content_type, "text/", 5))) error_fmt = "unable to include potential exec %s in parsed file %s"; if (!error_fmt && run_pickfile_req (rr)) error_fmt = "unable to pick from %s in parsed file %s"; if (error_fmt) { log_printf(r->server, error_fmt, tag_val, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } if (rr != NULL) destroy_sub_req (rr); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"counter")) { extern int errno; DBT key; DBT data; char newNumberText[16]; int count; char *error_fmt = NULL; /* char *dbfname = server_root_relative(r->pool, r->server->url_counter_db); */ char *dbfname = server_root_relative(r->pool, URL_ACCESS_COUNTER_DB); DB *db = dbopen(dbfname, (O_CREAT|O_RDWR|DB_LOCK), 0644, DB_HASH, (void *)NULL); if (db == (DB *)NULL) { error_fmt = "[%s: %s]"; log_printf (r->server, error_fmt, dbfname, strerror(errno)); /* rprintf(r, "%s", error); */ rprintf(r, error_fmt, dbfname, strerror(errno)); goto countfail; } key.data = r->filename; key.size = strlen(r->filename) + 1; if (db->get(db, &key, &data, 0) != 0) { count = 0; } else { count = atoi(data.data); } if (isdigit(tag_val[0])) { int defcount = atoi(tag_val); if (count < defcount) count = defcount; } sprintf(newNumberText, "%d", ++count); data.data = newNumberText; data.size = strlen(newNumberText) + 1; if (db->put(db, &key, &data, 0) != 0) { db->close(db); log_printf(r->server, "dbput failed! %s in %s, errno=%d",key,data,errno); rprintf(r,"%s",error); } if (db->sync(db, 0) < 0) { log_printf (r->server, "dbsync failed! errno=%d", errno); rprintf(r,"%s",error); } if (db->close(db) < 0) { log_printf (r->server, "dbclose failed! errno=%d", errno); rprintf(r,"%s",error); } rprintf (r, "%s", newNumberText); countfail: ; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { log_printf(r->server, "unknown parameter '%s' to tag 'include' in %s", tag, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } } } typedef struct { request_rec *r; char *s; } include_cmd_arg; void include_cmd_child (void *arg) { request_rec *r = ((include_cmd_arg *)arg)->r; char *s = ((include_cmd_arg *)arg)->s; table *env = r->subprocess_env; #ifdef DEBUG_NEOINCLUDE_CMD #ifdef __EMX__ /* under OS/2 /dev/tty is referenced as con */ FILE *dbg = fopen ("con", "w"); #else FILE *dbg = fopen ("/dev/tty", "w"); #endif #endif char err_string [MAX_STRING_LEN]; #ifdef DEBUG_NEOINCLUDE_CMD fprintf (dbg, "Attempting to neoinclude command '%s'\n", s); #endif if (r->path_info && r->path_info[0] != '\0') { request_rec *pa_req; table_set (env, "PATH_INFO", escape_shell_cmd (r->pool, r->path_info)); pa_req = sub_req_lookup_uri(escape_uri(r->pool, r->path_info), r); if (pa_req->filename) table_set(env, "PATH_TRANSLATED", pstrcat(r->pool, pa_req->filename, pa_req->path_info, NULL)); } if (r->args) { table_set (env, "QUERY_STRING", r->args); unescape_url(r->args); table_set (env, "QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED", escape_shell_cmd (r->pool, r->args)); } error_log2stderr (r->server); #ifdef DEBUG_NEOINCLUDE_CMD fprintf (dbg, "Attempting to exec '%s'\n", s); #endif cleanup_for_exec(); /* set shellcmd flag to pass arg to SHELL_PATH */ call_exec(r, s, create_environment (r->pool, env), 1); /* Oh, drat. We're still here. The log file descriptors are closed, * so we have to whimper a complaint onto stderr... */ #ifdef DEBUG_NEOINCLUDE_CMD fprintf (dbg, "Exec failed\n"); #endif ap_snprintf(err_string, sizeof(err_string), "httpd: exec of %s failed, errno is %d\n", SHELL_PATH,errno); write (2, err_string, strlen(err_string)); exit(0); } int include_cmd(char *s, request_rec *r) { include_cmd_arg arg; FILE *f; arg.r = r; arg.s = s; if (!spawn_child (r->connection->pool, include_cmd_child, &arg, kill_after_timeout, NULL, &f)) return -1; send_fd(f,r); pfclose(r->pool, f); /* will wait for zombie when * r->pool is cleared */ return 0; } int handle_exec(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; char *file = r->filename; char parsed_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag (r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; if(!strcmp(tag,"cmd")) { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1); if(include_cmd(parsed_string, r) == -1) { log_printf(r->server, "failed command exec %s in %s", tag_val, file); rputs(error, r); } /* just in case some stooge changed directories */ chdir_file(r->filename); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"cgi")) { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if(include_cgi(parsed_string, r) == -1) { log_printf(r->server, "invalid CGI ref %s in %s",tag_val,file); rputs(error, r); } /* grumble groan */ chdir_file(r->filename); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { log_printf(r->server, "unknown parameter '%s' to tag 'exec' in %s", tag, file); rputs(error, r); } } } int handle_echo (FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag (r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; if(!strcmp(tag,"var")) { char *val = table_get (r->subprocess_env, tag_val); if (val) rputs(val, r); else rputs("(none)", r); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { log_printf(r->server, "unknown parameter '%s' to tag 'echo' in %s", tag, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } } } #ifdef USE_PERL_SSI int handle_perl (FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; SV *sub = Nullsv; AV *av = newAV(); if (!(allow_options (r) & OPT_INCLUDES)) { log_printf(r->server, "httpd: #perl SSI disallowed by IncludesNoExec in %s", r->filename); return DECLINED; } while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag (r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) break; if(strnEQ(tag, "sub", 3)) sub = newSVpv(tag_val,0); else if(strnEQ(tag, "arg", 3)) av_push(av, newSVpv(tag_val,0)); else if(strnEQ(tag,"done", 4)) break; } perl_call_handler(sub, r, av); return OK; } #endif int handle_config(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, char *tf, int *sizefmt) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; char parsed_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; table *env = r->subprocess_env; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0))) return 1; if(!strcmp(tag,"errmsg")) { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(error,parsed_string,MAX_STRING_LEN-1); error[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"timefmt")) { time_t date = r->request_time; parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(tf,parsed_string,MAX_STRING_LEN-1); tf[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; table_set (env, "DATE_LOCAL", ht_time(r->pool,date,tf,0)); table_set (env, "DATE_GMT", ht_time(r->pool,date,tf,1)); table_set (env, "LAST_MODIFIED", ht_time(r->pool,r->finfo.st_mtime,tf,0)); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"sizefmt")) { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); decodehtml(parsed_string); if(!strcmp(parsed_string,"bytes")) *sizefmt = SIZEFMT_BYTES; else if(!strcmp(parsed_string,"abbrev")) *sizefmt = SIZEFMT_KMG; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { log_printf(r->server, "unknown parameter %s to tag config in %s", tag, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } } } int find_file(request_rec *r, char *directive, char *tag, char *tag_val, struct stat *finfo, char *error) { char dir[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *to_send; if(!strcmp(tag,"file")) { getparents(tag_val); /* get rid of any nasties */ getwd(dir); to_send = make_full_path (r->pool, dir, tag_val); if(stat(to_send,finfo) == -1) { log_printf(r->server, "unable to get information about %s in parsed file %s", to_send, r->filename); rputs(error, r); return -1; } return 0; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"virtual")) { request_rec *rr = sub_req_lookup_uri (tag_val, r); if (rr->status == 200 && rr->finfo.st_mode != 0) { memcpy ((char*)finfo, (const char *)&rr->finfo, sizeof (struct stat)); destroy_sub_req (rr); return 0; } else { log_printf(r->server, "unable to get information about %s in parsed file %s", tag_val, r->filename); rputs(error, r); destroy_sub_req (rr); return -1; } } else { log_printf(r->server, "unknown parameter '%s' to tag '%s' in %s", tag, directive, r->filename); rputs(error, r); return -1; } } int handle_fsize(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int sizefmt) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; struct stat finfo; char parsed_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if(!find_file(r,"fsize",tag,parsed_string,&finfo,error)) { if(sizefmt == SIZEFMT_KMG) { send_size(finfo.st_size, r); } else { int l,x; #if defined(BSD) && BSD > 199305 /* ap_snprintf can't handle %qd */ sprintf(tag,"%qd", finfo.st_size); #else ap_snprintf(tag, sizeof(tag), "%ld",finfo.st_size); #endif l = strlen(tag); /* grrr */ for(x=0;xpool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if(!find_file(r,"flastmod",tag,parsed_string,&finfo,error)) rputs(ht_time(r->pool, finfo.st_mtime, tf, 0), r); } } } int re_check(request_rec *r, char *string, char *rexp) { regex_t compiled; char err_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int regex_error; regex_error = regcomp(&compiled, rexp, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB); if (regex_error) { regerror(regex_error, &compiled, err_string, (size_t)MAX_STRING_LEN); log_printf(r->server, "unable to compile pattern %s [%s]", rexp, err_string); return -1; } regex_error = regexec(&compiled, string, 0, (regmatch_t *)NULL, 0); regfree(&compiled); return(!regex_error); } enum token_type { token_string, token_and, token_or, token_not, token_eq, token_ne, token_rbrace, token_lbrace, token_group }; struct token { enum token_type type; char value[MAX_STRING_LEN]; }; char *get_ptoken(request_rec *r, char *string, struct token *token) { char ch; int next=0; int qs=0; /* Skip leading white space */ if (string == (char *)NULL) return (char *)NULL; while ((ch = *string++)) if (!isspace(ch)) break; if (ch == '\0') return (char *)NULL; switch(ch) { case '(': token->type = token_lbrace; return(string); case ')': token->type = token_rbrace; return(string); case '=': token->type = token_eq; return(string); case '!': if (*string == '=') { token->type = token_ne; return(string+1); } else { token->type = token_not; return(string); } case '\'': token->type = token_string; qs = 1; break; case '|': if (*string == '|') { token->type = token_or; return(string+1); } case '&': if (*string == '&') { token->type = token_and; return(string+1); } default: token->type = token_string; break; } /* We should only be here if we are in a string */ if (!qs) token->value[next++] = ch; /* * Yes I know that goto's are BAD. But, c doesn't allow me to * exit a loop from a switch statement. Yes, I could use a flag, * but that is (IMHO) even less readable/maintainable than the goto. */ /* * I used the ++string throughout this section so that string * ends up pointing to the next token and I can just return it */ for (ch = *string; ch != '\0'; ch = *++string) { if (ch == '\\') { if ((ch = *++string) == '\0') goto TOKEN_DONE; token->value[next++] = ch; continue; } if (!qs) { if (isspace(ch)) goto TOKEN_DONE; switch(ch) { case '(': goto TOKEN_DONE; case ')': goto TOKEN_DONE; case '=': goto TOKEN_DONE; case '!': goto TOKEN_DONE; case '|': if (*(string+1) == '|') goto TOKEN_DONE; case '&': if (*(string+1) == '&') goto TOKEN_DONE; } token->value[next++] = ch; } else { if (ch == '\'') { qs=0; ++string; goto TOKEN_DONE; } token->value[next++] = ch; } } TOKEN_DONE: /* If qs is still set, I have an unmatched ' */ if (qs) { rputs("\nUnmatched '\n", r); next=0; } token->value[next] = '\0'; return(string); } /* * Hey I still know that goto's are BAD. I don't think that I've ever * used two in the same project, let alone the same file before. But, * I absolutely want to make sure that I clean up the memory in all * cases. And, without rewriting this completely, the easiest way * is to just branch to the return code which cleans it up. */ int parse_expr(request_rec *r, char *expr, char *error) { struct parse_node { struct parse_node *left, *right, *parent; struct token token; int value, done; } *root, *current, *new; char *parse; char buffer[MAX_STRING_LEN]; struct pool *expr_pool; int retval = 0; if ((parse = expr) == (char *)NULL) return(0); root = current = (struct parse_node*)NULL; if ((expr_pool = make_sub_pool(r->pool)) == (struct pool *)NULL) { log_printf(r->server, "out of memory", r->filename); rputs(error, r); return(0); } /* Create Parse Tree */ while (1) { new = (struct parse_node*)palloc(expr_pool, sizeof (struct parse_node)); if (new == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { log_printf(r->server,"out of memory", r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } new->parent = new->left = new->right = (struct parse_node*)NULL; new->done = 0; if ((parse = get_ptoken(r, parse, &new->token)) == (char *)NULL) break; switch(new->token.type) { case token_string: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Token: string (", new->token.value, ")\n", NULL); #endif if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { root = current = new; break; } switch(current->token.type) { case token_string: if (current->token.value[0] != '\0') strncat(current->token.value, " ", MAX_STRING_LEN-strlen(current->token.value)-1); strncat(current->token.value, new->token.value, MAX_STRING_LEN-strlen(current->token.value)-1); break; case token_eq: case token_ne: case token_and: case token_or: case token_lbrace: case token_not: new->parent = current; current = current->right = new; break; default: log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; case token_and: case token_or: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs (" Token: and/or\n", r); #endif if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } /* Percolate upwards */ while (current != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { switch(current->token.type) { case token_string: case token_group: case token_not: case token_eq: case token_ne: case token_and: case token_or: current = current->parent; continue; case token_lbrace: break; default: log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; } if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { new->left = root; new->left->parent = new; new->parent = (struct parse_node*)NULL; root = new; } else { new->left = current->right; current->right = new; new->parent = current; } current = new; break; case token_not: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Token: not\n", r); #endif if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { root = current = new; break; } /* Percolate upwards */ while (current != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { switch(current->token.type) { case token_not: case token_eq: case token_ne: case token_and: case token_or: case token_lbrace: break; default: log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; } if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { new->left = root; new->left->parent = new; new->parent = (struct parse_node*)NULL; root = new; } else { new->left = current->right; current->right = new; new->parent = current; } current = new; break; case token_eq: case token_ne: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Token: eq/ne\n", r); #endif if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } /* Percolate upwards */ while (current != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { switch(current->token.type) { case token_string: case token_group: current = current->parent; continue; case token_lbrace: case token_and: case token_or: break; case token_not: case token_eq: case token_ne: default: log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; } if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { new->left = root; new->left->parent = new; new->parent = (struct parse_node*)NULL; root = new; } else { new->left = current->right; current->right = new; new->parent = current; } current = new; break; case token_rbrace: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Token: rbrace\n", r); #endif while (current != (struct parse_node*)NULL) { if (current->token.type == token_lbrace) { current->token.type = token_group; break; } current = current->parent; } if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { log_printf(r->server,"Unmatched ')'in %s\n", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; case token_lbrace: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Token: lbrace\n", r); #endif if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { root = current = new; break; } /* Percolate upwards */ while (current != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { switch(current->token.type) { case token_not: case token_eq: case token_ne: case token_and: case token_or: case token_lbrace: break; case token_string: case token_group: default: log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } break; } if (current == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { new->left = root; new->left->parent = new; new->parent = (struct parse_node*)NULL; root = new; } else { new->left = current->right; current->right = new; new->parent = current; } current = new; break; default: break; } } /* Evaluate Parse Tree */ current = root; while (current != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { switch(current->token.type) { case token_string: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Evaluate string\n", r); #endif parse_string(r, current->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(current->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1); current->token.value[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; current->value = (current->token.value[0] != '\0'); current->done = 1; current = current->parent; break; case token_and: case token_or: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Evaluate and/or\n", r); #endif if (current->left == (struct parse_node*)NULL || current->right == (struct parse_node*)NULL) { log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } if (!current->left->done) { switch(current->left->token.type) { case token_string: parse_string(r, current->left->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(current->left->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1); current->left->token.value[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; current->left->done = 1; break; default: current = current->left; continue; } } if (!current->right->done) { switch(current->right->token.type) { case token_string: parse_string(r, current->right->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(current->right->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1); current->right->token.value[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; current->right->done = 1; break; default: current = current->right; continue; } } #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Left: ", current->left->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); rvputs(r," Right: ", current->right->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); #endif if (current->token.type == token_and) current->value = current->left->value && current->right->value; else current->value = current->left->value || current->right->value; #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Returning ", current->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); #endif current->done = 1; current = current->parent; break; case token_eq: case token_ne: #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rputs(" Evaluate eq/ne\n", r); #endif if ((current->left == (struct parse_node*)NULL) || (current->right == (struct parse_node*)NULL) || (current->left->token.type != token_string) || (current->right->token.type != token_string)) { log_printf(r->server, "Invalid expression %s", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } parse_string(r, current->left->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(current->left->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1); current->left->token.value[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; parse_string(r, current->right->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); strncpy(current->right->token.value, buffer, MAX_STRING_LEN-1); current->right->token.value[MAX_STRING_LEN-1] = '\0'; if (current->right->token.value[0] == '/') { int len; len = strlen(current->right->token.value); if (current->right->token.value[len-1] == '/') { current->right->token.value[len-1] = '\0'; } else { log_printf(r->server,"Invalid rexp %s", current->right->token.value, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Re Compare (", current->left->token.value, ") with /", ¤t->right->token.value[1], "/\n", NULL); #endif current->value = re_check(r, current->left->token.value, ¤t->right->token.value[1]); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Compare (", current->left->token.value, ") with (", current->right->token.value, ")\n", NULL); #endif current->value = (strcmp(current->left->token.value, current->right->token.value) == 0); } if (current->token.type == token_ne) current->value = !current->value; #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Returning ", current->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); #endif current->done = 1; current = current->parent; break; case token_not: if (current->right != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { if (!current->right->done) { current = current->right; continue; } current->value = !current->right->value; } else { current->value = 0; } #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Evaluate !: ", current->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); #endif current->done = 1; current = current->parent; break; case token_group: if (current->right != (struct parse_node *)NULL) { if (!current->right->done) { current = current->right; continue; } current->value = current->right->value; } else { current->value = 1; } #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r," Evaluate (): ", current->value ? "1" : "0", "\n", NULL); #endif current->done = 1; current = current->parent; break; case token_lbrace: log_printf(r->server,"Unmatched '(' in %s\n", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; case token_rbrace: log_printf(r->server,"Unmatched ')' in %s\n", expr, r->filename); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; default: log_printf(r->server,"bad token type"); rputs(error, r); goto RETURN; } } retval = (root == (struct parse_node *)NULL) ? 0 : root->value; RETURN: destroy_pool(expr_pool); return (retval); } int handle_if(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int *conditional_status, int *printing) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val = '\0'; char *expr = '\0'; while(1) { tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if(*tag == '\0') return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) { *printing = *conditional_status = parse_expr(r, expr, error); #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** if conditional_status=\"", *conditional_status ? "1" : "0", "\"\n", NULL); #endif return 0; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"expr")) { expr = tag_val; #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** if expr=\"", expr, "\"\n", NULL); #endif } else { log_printf(r->server,"unknown parameter %s to tag if in %s", tag, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } } } int handle_elif(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int *conditional_status, int *printing) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val = '\0'; char *expr = '\0'; while(1) { tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); if(*tag == '\0') return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) { #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** elif conditional_status=\"", *conditional_status ? "1" : "0", "\"\n", NULL); #endif if (*conditional_status) { *printing = 0; return(0); } *printing = *conditional_status = parse_expr(r, expr, error); #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** elif conditional_status=\"", *conditional_status ? "1" : "0", "\"\n", NULL); #endif return 0; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"expr")) { expr = tag_val; #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** if expr=\"", expr, "\"\n", NULL); #endif } else { log_printf(r->server,"unknown parameter %s to tag if in %s", tag, r->filename); rputs(error, r); } } } int handle_else(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int *conditional_status, int *printing) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) { #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** else conditional_status=\"", *conditional_status ? "1" : "0", "\"\n", NULL); #endif *printing = !(*conditional_status); *conditional_status = 1; return 0; } else { log_printf(r->server, "else directive does not take tags"); if (*printing) rputs(error, r); return -1; } } int handle_endif(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, int *conditional_status, int *printing) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) { return 1; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) { #ifdef DEBUG_INCLUDE rvputs(r,"**** endif conditional_status=\"", *conditional_status ? "1" : "0", "\"\n", NULL); #endif *conditional_status = 1; return 0; } else { log_printf(r->server, "endif directive does not take tags"); rputs(error, r); return -1; } } int handle_set(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char parsed_string[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; char *var; var = (char *)NULL; while (1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else if (!strcmp(tag,"var")) { var = tag_val; } else if (!strcmp(tag,"value")) { if (var == (char *)NULL) { log_printf(r->server, "variable must precede value in set directive"); rputs(error, r); return -1; } parse_string(r, tag_val, parsed_string, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0); table_set (r->subprocess_env, var, parsed_string); } } } int handle_printenv(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; table_entry *elts = (table_entry *) r->subprocess_env->elts; int i; if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) return 1; else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) { for (i = 0; i < r->subprocess_env->nelts; ++i) rvputs(r, elts[i].key, "=", elts[i].val, "\n", NULL); return 0; } else { log_printf(r->server, "printenv directive does not take tags"); rputs(error, r); return -1; } } Tcl_Interp *get_slave_interp (request_rec *r, char *handler_name, char *name) { extern Tcl_Interp *interp; Tcl_Interp *safeInterp; struct request_rec *q; char *safeInterpName; table *t; table_entry *elts; int i; /* look into the request record and find out if we already have a safe * interpreter running with the right user ID. * * if not, create one and register it. if so, hook up to it. * */ for (q = r, safeInterpName = (char *)NULL; q != (struct request_rec *)NULL; q = q->main) { if (r->finfo.st_uid != q->finfo.st_uid) break; if ((safeInterpName = get_module_config(q->request_config, &neoscript_module)) != NULL) break; } if (safeInterpName) { safeInterp = Tcl_GetSlave(interp, safeInterpName); assert (safeInterp != NULL); } else { /* Set array for the config information here, once, when the slave * interp is created. Saves repeating work when several script blocks * exist within a page. */ neoscript_dir_config *ns = (neoscript_dir_config *)get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,&neoscript_module); t = ns->neowebscript_dir_vars; elts = (table_entry *)t->elts; /* Make sure it doesn't exist from a previous page served by this process */ Tcl_UnsetVar (interp, "NeoWebDirConf", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); for (i = 0; i < t->nelts; ++i) Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "NeoWebDirConf", elts[i].key, elts[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); if (Tcl_GlobalEval(interp, "setup_safe_interpreter") != TCL_OK) { char *errorInfo; errorInfo = Tcl_GetVar (interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); log_error(errorInfo, r->server); fprintf(stderr, "setup_safe_interpreter: %s\n", errorInfo); exit(1); } else { safeInterpName = (char *)palloc (r->pool, strlen(interp->result) + 1); strcpy (safeInterpName, interp->result); safeInterp = Tcl_GetSlave(interp, safeInterpName); /*assert (safeInterp != NULL);*/ if (safeInterp == NULL) { exit(1); } t = ns->neowebscript_user_vars; elts = (table_entry *)t->elts; for (i = 0; i < t->nelts; ++i) Tcl_SetVar2 (safeInterp, "NeoWebUserConf", elts[i].key, elts[i].val, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (safeInterp, "webenv", "NEO_HANDLER", handler_name, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_HANDLER", handler_name, TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); } register_cleanup (r->pool, (void *)safeInterp, (void (*)())Tcl_DeleteInterp, (void (*)())Tcl_DeleteInterp); set_module_config(r->request_config, &neoscript_module, safeInterpName); propagate_vars_to_neoscript (safeInterp, r); } if (name != NULL) { strcpy(name, safeInterpName); } return safeInterp; } int handle_neoscript (FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, char *safeInterpName) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; /* parse the tag=value pairs. build up a neoscript command * including name of the safe interp we're running against. */ while(1) { Tcl_DString userCommand; char *commandString; if(!(tag_val = get_tag (r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 1))) { return 1; } if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) goto done_ok; Tcl_DStringInit(&userCommand); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, "handle_neoscript_request"); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, safeInterpName); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, tag); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, tag_val); commandString = Tcl_DStringValue(&userCommand); if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, commandString) == TCL_ERROR) { rprintf (r, "[%s error %s]", tag, interp->result); } Tcl_DStringFree(&userCommand); } done_ok: return 0; } int handle_neowebscript (FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, char *safeInterpName) { char code[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *nws_code; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; request_rec *Tcl_saved_request_rec; Tcl_DString userCommand; char *commandString; Tcl_saved_request_rec = Tcl_request_rec; Tcl_request_rec = r; if(!(nws_code = get_nws_code (r->pool, in, code, MAX_STRING_LEN, ENDING_NWS_SEQUENCE))) { Tcl_request_rec = Tcl_saved_request_rec; return 1; } Tcl_DStringInit(&userCommand); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, "handle_neoscript_request"); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, safeInterpName); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, "code"); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, nws_code); commandString = Tcl_DStringValue(&userCommand); if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, commandString) == TCL_ERROR) { rprintf (r, "[%s error %s]", "code", interp->result); } Tcl_DStringFree(&userCommand); Tcl_request_rec = Tcl_saved_request_rec; return 0; } int handle_neoscript_config(FILE *in, request_rec *r, char *error, char *tf, int *sizefmt) { char tag[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char *tag_val; table *env = r->subprocess_env; while(1) { if(!(tag_val = get_tag(r->pool, in, tag, MAX_STRING_LEN, 0))) return 1; if(!strcmp(tag,"errmsg")) strcpy(error,tag_val); else if(!strcmp(tag,"timefmt")) { time_t date = time(NULL); strcpy(tf,tag_val); table_set (env, "DATE_LOCAL", ht_time(r->pool,date,tf,0)); table_set (env, "DATE_GMT", ht_time(r->pool,date,tf,1)); table_set (env, "LAST_MODIFIED", ht_time(r->pool,r->finfo.st_mtime,tf,0)); } else if(!strcmp(tag,"sizefmt")) { decodehtml(tag_val); if(!strcmp(tag_val,"bytes")) *sizefmt = SIZEFMT_BYTES; else if(!strcmp(tag_val,"abbrev")) *sizefmt = SIZEFMT_KMG; } else if(!strcmp(tag,"done")) return 0; else { char errstr[MAX_STRING_LEN]; sprintf(errstr,"unknown parameter '%s' to tag 'config' in %s", tag, r->filename); log_error(errstr, r->server); rprintf (r,"%s",error); } } } void add_include_environment(request_rec *r) { add_common_vars (r); add_cgi_vars(r); add_include_vars (r, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); } /* -------------------------- The main function --------------------------- */ /* This is a stub which parses a file descriptor. */ int send_parsed_content(FILE *f, request_rec *r) { char directive[MAX_STRING_LEN], error[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char timefmt[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int noexec = allow_options (r) & OPT_INCNOEXEC; int ret, sizefmt, seqtype=0; int init_environment, if_nesting, printing, conditional_status; Tcl_Interp *safeInterp = 0; int has_includes = 0; char safeInterpName[20]; request_rec *Tcl_saved_request_rec; Tcl_saved_request_rec = Tcl_request_rec; Tcl_request_rec = r; strncpy(error,DEFAULT_ERROR_MSG, sizeof(error)-1); error[sizeof(error)-1] = '\0'; strncpy(timefmt,DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, sizeof(timefmt)-1); timefmt[sizeof(timefmt)-1] = '\0'; sizefmt = SIZEFMT_KMG; /* Turn printing on */ printing = conditional_status = 1; if_nesting = 0; init_environment = 0; chdir_file (r->filename); if (r->args) { /* add QUERY stuff to env cause it ain't yet */ table_set (r->subprocess_env, "QUERY_STRING", r->args); unescape_url (r->args); table_set (r->subprocess_env, "QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED", escape_shell_cmd (r->pool, r->args)); } while(1) { if(!find_string2(f,STARTING_SEQUENCE,STARTING_NWS_SEQUENCE,r,&seqtype,printing)) { has_includes = 1; if(seqtype == 2) { if (!safeInterp) { safeInterp = get_slave_interp(r, "server-parsed", safeInterpName); } ret=handle_neowebscript(f, r, error, safeInterpName); if(ret) { log_printf(r->server, "httpd: premature EOF in parsed file %s", r->filename); break; } } else if(seqtype == 1) { if(get_directive(f,directive,r->pool)) break; if(!strcmp(directive,"if")) { if (!printing) { if_nesting++; } else { ret=handle_if(f, r, error, &conditional_status, &printing); if_nesting = 0; } continue; } else if(!strcmp(directive,"else")) { if (!if_nesting) ret=handle_else(f, r, error, &conditional_status, &printing); continue; } else if(!strcmp(directive,"elif")) { if (!if_nesting) ret = handle_elif(f, r, error, &conditional_status, &printing); continue; } else if(!strcmp(directive,"endif")) { if (!if_nesting) { ret=handle_else(f, r, error, &conditional_status, &printing); printing = 1; } else { if_nesting--; } continue; } if (!printing) continue; if(!strcmp(directive,"exec")) { if(noexec) { log_printf(r->server, "httpd: exec used but not allowed in %s", r->filename); if (printing) rputs(error, r); ret = find_string(f,ENDING_SEQUENCE,r,0); } else { /* exec needs environment */ if (!init_environment++) add_include_environment(r); ret=handle_exec(f, r, error); } } else if (!strcmp(directive,"neowebscript") || !strcmp(directive,"neoscript")) { if (!safeInterp) { safeInterp = get_slave_interp(r, "server-parsed", safeInterpName); } ret=handle_neoscript(f, r, error, safeInterpName); } else if(!strcmp(directive,"neoconfig")) ret=handle_neoscript_config(f, r, error, timefmt, &sizefmt); else if(!strcmp(directive,"config")) ret=handle_config(f, r, error, timefmt, &sizefmt); else if(!strcmp(directive,"set")) ret=handle_set(f, r, error); else if(!strcmp(directive,"include")) ret=handle_include(f, r, error, noexec); else if(!strcmp(directive,"echo")) { /* exec needs environment */ if (!init_environment++) add_include_environment(r); ret=handle_echo(f, r, error); } else if(!strcmp(directive,"fsize")) ret=handle_fsize(f, r, error, sizefmt); else if(!strcmp(directive,"flastmod")) ret=handle_flastmod(f, r, error, timefmt); else if(!strcmp(directive,"printenv")) ret=handle_printenv(f, r, error); #ifdef USE_PERL_SSI else if(!strcmp(directive,"perl")) ret=handle_perl(f, r, error); #endif else { log_printf(r->server, "httpd: unknown directive '%s' in parsed doc %s", directive, r->filename); rputs(error, r); ret=find_string(f,ENDING_SEQUENCE,r,0); } if(ret) { log_printf(r->server, "httpd: premature EOF in parsed file %s", r->filename); break; } } } else break; } getout: Tcl_request_rec = Tcl_saved_request_rec; return has_includes; } /* * send_subst_content * * The contents of the file are passed to the Tcl slave's subst command. * The result is written to the browser. We just do the setup, and the * final output. Most of the work (and policy) is implemented in Tcl * code using the master interpreter. */ void send_subst_content(FILE *f, request_rec *r) { Tcl_Interp *safeInterp = 0; char safeInterpName[20]; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; request_rec *Tcl_saved_request_rec; Tcl_Channel fchan; char *fchan_name; Tcl_DString userCommand; char *commandString; Tcl_saved_request_rec = Tcl_request_rec; Tcl_request_rec = r; chdir_file (r->filename); safeInterp = get_slave_interp(r, "server-subst", safeInterpName); fchan = Tcl_MakeFileChannel((ClientData) fileno(f), (ClientData)NULL, TCL_READABLE); Tcl_RegisterChannel(interp, fchan); fchan_name = Tcl_GetChannelName(fchan); Tcl_DStringInit(&userCommand); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, "handle_subst_request"); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, safeInterpName); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&userCommand, fchan_name); commandString = Tcl_DStringValue(&userCommand); if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, commandString) == TCL_ERROR) { rprintf (r, "[%s error %s]", commandString, interp->result); } Tcl_DStringFree(&userCommand); Tcl_request_rec = Tcl_saved_request_rec; } const char *set_xbithack (cmd_parms *cmd, neoscript_dir_config *m, char *arg) { if (!strcasecmp (arg, "off")) m->xbithack = xbithack_off; else if (!strcasecmp (arg, "on")) m->xbithack = xbithack_on; else if (!strcasecmp (arg, "full")) m->xbithack = xbithack_full; else return "XBitHack must be set to Off, On, or Full"; return NULL; } int check_cache_status(char *filename, long mtime) { int status; DBT key; DBT data; DB *db = dbopen(NeoWebCacheName, (O_CREAT|O_RDWR|DB_LOCK), 0644, DB_HASH, (void *)NULL); if (db == (DB *)NULL) { perror(NeoWebCacheName); return NOT_FOUND; } key.data = filename; key.size = strlen(filename) + 1; status = db->get(db, &key, &data, 0); db->close(db); if (status != 0) return NOT_FOUND; /* fprintf(stderr, "db get %s = %d, data = %ld\n", filename, status, *(long*)data.data); */ if (*(long*)data.data == mtime) return USE_LOCAL_COPY; return 0; }; void set_cache_status(char *filename, int cache_status, int has_includes, long mtime) { int status; DBT key; DBT data; DB *db; /* No entry in cache and there are includes -- no change */ if (cache_status == 0 && has_includes) return; db = dbopen(NeoWebCacheName, (O_CREAT|O_RDWR|DB_LOCK), 0644, DB_HASH, (void *)NULL); if (db == (DB *)NULL) return; key.data = filename; key.size = strlen(filename) + 1; /* delete the previous entry if no longer needed */ if (!has_includes && cache_status == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, "Delete key %s\n", filename); */ status = db->del(db, &key, 0); goto getout; } data.data = (void*)&mtime; data.size = sizeof(long); /* fprintf(stderr, "Put %s: %ld\n", filename, mtime); */ status = db->put(db, &key, &data, 0); /* if (status == -1) perror("db->put"); */ getout: db->close(db); return; }; int send_parsed_file(request_rec *r, int mode) { FILE *f; neoscript_dir_config *ns = (neoscript_dir_config *)get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,&neoscript_module); enum xbithack xbit = ns->xbithack; int errstatus; int has_mime = 0; char *pragma; int cache_status; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; int is_included = !strcmp (r->protocol, "INCLUDED"); char *argv0; int nph; char *lenp = table_get (r->headers_in, "Content-length"); char argsbuffer[HUGE_STRING_LEN]; if (!(allow_options (r) & OPT_INCLUDES)) return DECLINED; if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0) { log_reason("File does not exist", r->path_info ? pstrcat(r->pool, r->filename, r->path_info, NULL) : r->filename, r); return NOT_FOUND; } if(!(f=pfopen(r->pool, r->filename, "r"))) { log_reason("file permissions deny server access", r->filename, r); return FORBIDDEN; } if (xbit == xbithack_full #ifndef __EMX__ /* OS/2 dosen't support Groups. */ && (r->finfo.st_mode & S_IXGRP) #endif && (errstatus = set_last_modified (r, r->finfo.st_mtime))) return errstatus; if (NeoWebCacheEnabled && mode == 0 && !is_included) { pragma = table_get (r->headers_in, "Pragma"); if (!pragma || strcasecmp(pragma, "no-cache")) { cache_status = check_cache_status(r->filename, r->finfo.st_mtime); if (cache_status == USE_LOCAL_COPY && (errstatus = set_last_modified (r, r->finfo.st_mtime))) return errstatus; } } /**** Handle PUT and POST for NeoScript ****/ /* Point argv0 to the tail part of the filename */ if((argv0 = strrchr(r->filename,'/')) != NULL) argv0++; else argv0 = r->filename; /* It's NPH if we want to create our own response headers on output. * * Note that the whole "No Parse Headers" concept shows all the * kludgey ways people have invented to try to work around the * lack of a better hints mechanism for the page to tell the server * things about itself without altering the text of the URL. Sigh. */ nph = !(strncmp(argv0,"nph-",4)); if (nph && is_included) { log_reason("attempt to include NPH NeoScript CGI script", r->filename, r); return FORBIDDEN; } if (errstatus = setup_client_block(r, REQUEST_CHUNKED_ERROR)) return errstatus; hard_timeout ("send", r); /* If it's not "no parse headers", send the header. * * If it's header only (The received HTTP request was HEAD * instead of GET), we're done. */ if (!nph) { send_http_header(r); if (r->header_only) { kill_timeout (r); pfclose (r->pool, f); return OK; } } /***** End of PUT and POST handling for NeoScript ****/ if (r->main) { /* Kludge --- for nested includes, we want to keep the * subprocess environment of the base document (for compatibility); * that means torquing our own last_modified date as well so that * the LAST_MODIFIED variable gets reset to the proper value if * the nested document resets */ r->subprocess_env = r->main->subprocess_env; r->finfo.st_mtime= r->main->finfo.st_mtime; } else { /* Delay variable exporting until last moment (hopefully never). */ #if 0 add_common_vars (r); add_cgi_vars(r); add_include_vars (r, DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT); #endif /* ??? Not needed most of the time; need to figure this out */ propagate_vars_to_neoscript (interp, r); } /* Last part of NeoScript PUT and POST handling */ /* If it's a POST or a PUT, * * If it's not a MIME upload, we read the data from stdin and build * it up in a Tcl dynamic string (DString), then store it into an * element of our global "webenv" array. * * If it is a MIME upload, we call the Tcl interpreter to set * things up for us, then suck in any form fields that aren't * files, and squirrel away things that are files, for the * NeoScript code will make a decision about what to do with * it from there. */ if (!is_included && should_client_block(r)) { Tcl_DString tclStdinString; void (*handler)(); char *content_type = table_get (r->headers_in, "Content-type"); int remaining = atoi (lenp); hard_timeout ("Uplinking PUT/POST", r); handler = signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if (content_type && strncmp (content_type, "multipart/form-data", 19) == 0) { /* It is a MIME upload. Call Tcl's handle_neoscript_mime_upload * procedure. It is expected to return a filename (which * from C we'll see in interp->result) that we'll copy the * uploaded data to. * * When done, we'll call a Tcl proc * named "finish_neoscript_mime_upload" */ has_mime = 1; /* note this so we can clean up later */ if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, "handle_neoscript_mime_upload") == TCL_ERROR) { char *errorInfo; /* An error occured setting up for the upload. We have * failed. Report it and move on. */ log_printf(r->server, "Error handling MIME file upload '%s': %s", r->filename, interp->result); errorInfo = Tcl_GetVar (interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); log_printf(r->server, "NeoWebScript MIME upload failed: %s\n", errorInfo); } else { FILE *fp; long len_written; /* No Tcl error while setting up to handle the MIME upload, * let's reel it in. * * Note: File must already exist because we are counting * on the Tcl code to have set up a basic mime multipart * header there for us */ if ((fp = fopen (interp->result, "a")) == (FILE *)NULL) { log_printf (r->server, "Error opening save file during MIME upload: %s: %s", interp->result, strerror(errno)); } else { while ((remaining > 0)) { int len_read, len_to_read = remaining; if (len_to_read > HUGE_STRING_LEN) len_to_read = HUGE_STRING_LEN; len_read = get_client_block (r, argsbuffer, len_to_read); len_written = fwrite(argsbuffer, sizeof(char), len_read, fp); if (len_read == 0) break; if (len_written != len_read) { log_printf (r->server, "Error writing to MIME save file during upload: %s: %s", interp->result, strerror(errno)); break; } remaining -= len_read; } fclose(fp); if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, "finish_neoscript_mime_upload") == TCL_ERROR) { char *errorInfo; /* An error occured finishing handling the MIME * upload. */ log_printf(r->server, "Error finishing MIME file upload: %s", interp->result); } } } } else { /* It's not a MIME upload; it's a regular POST. * Read in all the data and store it in the Tcl * global array element webenv(NEO_POST_DATA). * Tcl's string handling will make quick work of parsing * out the response, etc. */ Tcl_DStringInit(&tclStdinString); while ((remaining > 0)) { int len_read, len_to_read = remaining; if (len_to_read > HUGE_STRING_LEN) len_to_read = HUGE_STRING_LEN; len_read = get_client_block (r, argsbuffer, len_to_read); Tcl_DStringAppend(&tclStdinString, argsbuffer, len_read); if (len_read == 0) break; remaining -= len_read; } Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, "webenv", "NEO_POST_DATA", Tcl_DStringValue(&tclStdinString), TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY); Tcl_DStringFree(&tclStdinString); } signal (SIGPIPE, handler); kill_timeout (r); } /* End of last part of put and post handling for NeoScript */ hard_timeout("SSI Parsing", r); if (mode == 1) send_subst_content (f, r); else { int has_includes = send_parsed_content (f, r); if (NeoWebCacheEnabled && !is_included && !(cache_status == NOT_FOUND && has_includes)) set_cache_status(r->filename, cache_status, has_includes, r->finfo.st_mtime); } if (has_mime) { if (Tcl_GlobalEval (interp, "cleanup_neoscript_mime_upload") == TCL_ERROR) { char *errorInfo; /* An error occured finishing handling the MIME * upload. */ log_printf(r->server, "Error cleaning up after MIME file upload: %s", interp->result); } } kill_timeout (r); return OK; } int send_sparsed_file (request_rec *r) { r->content_type = "text/html"; return send_parsed_file(r, 0); } int send_subst_file (request_rec *r) { r->content_type = "text/html"; return send_parsed_file(r, 1); } int xbithack_handler (request_rec *r) { neoscript_dir_config *ns; enum xbithack xbit; #ifdef __EMX__ /* OS/2 dosen't currently support the xbithack. This is being worked on. */ return DECLINED; #else if (!(r->finfo.st_mode & S_IXUSR)) return DECLINED; ns = (neoscript_dir_config *) get_module_config(r->per_dir_config, &neoscript_module); xbit = ns->xbithack; if (xbit == xbithack_off) return DECLINED; return send_parsed_file (r, 0); #endif } /* * send_generated_image: * * Sets up safe interpreter and then calls Tcl proc handle_image_request. * Tcl should return a file handle containing the data to be used for the * image. All caching, expiration and other policies are handled in Tcl * code by handle_image_request. */ int send_generated_image(request_rec *r) { FILE *f = NULL; neoscript_dir_config *ns = (neoscript_dir_config *)get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,&neoscript_module); int errstatus; Tcl_Interp *safeInterp = 0; Tcl_Channel channel; char *channel_name; char *command; char safeInterpName[20]; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; /* if POST or PUT, it is an error. will try to allow QUERY_STRING * to work with images to allow passing of options */ if (r->method_number != M_GET) { log_reason("Method != GET for generated image:", r->filename, r); return BAD_REQUEST; } hard_timeout ("send", r); Tcl_request_rec = r; propagate_vars_to_neoscript (interp, r); safeInterp = get_slave_interp(r, "generate-image", safeInterpName); /* if not exists, make automatic reference to cache */ if (r->finfo.st_mode == 0) { errstatus = Tcl_GlobalEval(interp, "handle_cached_location"); } else { errstatus = Tcl_VarEval(interp, "handle_image_request ", safeInterpName, (char*)NULL); } if (errstatus == TCL_ERROR) { log_error(Tcl_GetVar (interp, "errorInfo", TCL_GLOBAL_ONLY), r->server); return NOT_FOUND; } if (interp->result == '\0') { log_reason("no image returned", r->filename, r); return NOT_FOUND; } channel_name = pstrdup(r->pool, interp->result); if (Tcl_GetOpenFile(interp, channel_name, 0, 0, (ClientData*)&f) == TCL_ERROR) { log_reason("unable to access tcl_file", interp->result, r); return NOT_FOUND; } if (f == NULL) { log_reason("file permissions deny server access", interp->result, r); return FORBIDDEN; } /* Save a copy of the file descriptor - must close the one in the * trusted interp or it would stick around too long. */ f = pfdopen(r->pool, dup(fileno(f)), "r"); Tcl_VarEval(interp, "close ", channel_name, (char*)NULL); fstat(fileno(f), &r->finfo); if (errstatus = set_content_length (r, r->finfo.st_size)) return errstatus; if (table_get(r->headers_out, "Expires")) { if (errstatus = set_last_modified (r, r->finfo.st_mtime)) return errstatus; } soft_timeout ("send", r); send_http_header (r); if (!r->header_only) send_fd (f, r); return OK; } const char *neowebscript_dir_command(cmd_parms *cmd, neoscript_dir_config *m, char *var, char *val) { /*fprintf(stderr, "Dir-Config: %s = %s\n", var, val);*/ table_set (m->neowebscript_dir_vars, var, val); return NULL; } const char *neowebscript_user_command(cmd_parms *cmd, neoscript_dir_config *m, char *var, char *val) { /*fprintf(stderr, "User-Config: %s = %s\n", var, val);*/ table_set (m->neowebscript_user_vars, var, val); return NULL; } const char *neowebscript_server_command(cmd_parms *cmd, void *dummy, char *var, char *val) { server_rec *s = cmd->server; neoscript_server_config *ns; ns = (neoscript_server_config *)get_module_config(s->module_config, &neoscript_module); table_set (ns->neowebscript_server_vars, var, val); return NULL; } /* -------------------------- The main function --------------------------- */ /* This is a stub which parses a file descriptor. */ void *create_neoscript_dir_config (pool *p, char *dummy) { neoscript_dir_config *new = (neoscript_dir_config *) palloc (p, sizeof(neoscript_dir_config)); new->neowebscript_dir_vars = make_table (p, 4); new->neowebscript_user_vars = make_table (p, 4); new->xbithack = DEFAULT_XBITHACK; return new; } void *merge_neoscript_dir_configs (pool *p, void *basev, void *addv) { neoscript_dir_config *base = (neoscript_dir_config *)basev; neoscript_dir_config *add = (neoscript_dir_config *)addv; neoscript_dir_config *new = (neoscript_dir_config *)palloc (p, sizeof(neoscript_dir_config)); /*fprintf(stderr, "Merge-Dir-Config\n");*/ new->neowebscript_dir_vars = overlay_tables (p, base->neowebscript_dir_vars, add->neowebscript_dir_vars); new->neowebscript_user_vars = overlay_tables (p, base->neowebscript_user_vars, add->neowebscript_user_vars); new->xbithack = add->xbithack; return new; } void *create_neoscript_server_config (pool *p, server_rec *s) { neoscript_server_config *new = (neoscript_server_config *) palloc (p, sizeof(neoscript_server_config)); new->neowebscript_server_vars = make_table (p, 4); return new; } void *merge_neoscript_server_configs (pool *p, void *basev, void *addv) { neoscript_server_config *base = (neoscript_server_config *)basev; neoscript_server_config *add = (neoscript_server_config *)addv; neoscript_server_config *new = (neoscript_server_config *)palloc (p, sizeof(neoscript_server_config)); new->neowebscript_server_vars = overlay_tables (p, base->neowebscript_server_vars, add->neowebscript_server_vars); return new; } const char *neowebscript_cache_path_command (cmd_parms *cmd, neoscript_dir_config *m, char *arg) { DB *db; NeoWebCacheName = server_root_relative(cmd->pool, arg); NeoWebCacheEnabled = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Lookaside enabled: %s\n", NeoWebCacheName); /* db = dbopen(NeoWebCacheName, (O_CREAT|O_RDWR|DB_LOCK), 0644, DB_HASH, (void *)NULL); if (db == (DB *)NULL) { perror(NeoWebCacheName); } else { db->close(db); NeoWebCacheEnabled = 1; } */ return NULL; } command_rec neoscript_cmds[] = { { "XBitHack", set_xbithack, NULL, OR_OPTIONS, TAKE1, "Off, On, or Full" }, { "NeoWebServerConf", neowebscript_server_command, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE2, NULL }, { "NeoWebCache", neowebscript_cache_path_command, NULL, RSRC_CONF, TAKE1, NULL }, { "NeoWebDirConf", neowebscript_dir_command, NULL, ACCESS_CONF, TAKE2, NULL }, { "NeoWebUserConf", neowebscript_user_command, NULL, ACCESS_CONF|OR_FILEINFO, TAKE2, "NeoWebUserConf key value: sets NeoWebUserConf(key)=value in safe interpreter" }, { NULL } }; handler_rec neoscript_handlers[] = { { INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE, send_sparsed_file }, { INCLUDES_MAGIC_TYPE3, send_sparsed_file }, { "server-parsed", send_sparsed_file }, { "server-subst", send_subst_file }, { "text/html", xbithack_handler }, { "generate-image", send_generated_image }, { NULL } }; module neoscript_module = { STANDARD_MODULE_STUFF, init_neoscript, /* initializer */ create_neoscript_dir_config, /* dir config creater */ merge_neoscript_dir_configs, /* dir merger --- default is to override */ create_neoscript_server_config, /* server config */ merge_neoscript_server_configs, /* merge server config */ neoscript_cmds, /* command table */ neoscript_handlers, /* handlers */ NULL, /* filename translation */ NULL, /* check_user_id */ NULL, /* check auth */ NULL, /* check access */ NULL, /* type_checker */ NULL, /* fixups */ NULL /* logger */ };