Task::Jenkins - collection of distributions for continuous integration
    using Jenkins

    This documentation describes version 0.04

        % perl Build.PL
        % ./Build
        % ./Build install

    Installation of Jenkins is beyond the scope of this distribution.
    Task::Jenkins installs a collection of modules I have identified as
    useful in utilizing Jenkins for *continuous integration* of Perl
    distributions, applications and code.

    The recommended distributions are described in detail below.

    The key concept in the use of Jenkins for Perl is enabling the existing
    tool chain with minor adjustments.

    The basic requirements are that you are using some sort of build system,
    I use Module::Build, but other systems should work equally well,
    basically you just need some way to initiate an execution of you test
    suite from a command line.

    The test suite is then expected to output to the console so the output
    from the test run can be inspected and the return value of the test run
    can be used to indicate whether the test run was a success or failure.

    Using basic tool chain components like Test::Harness works out of the

    For a tutorial on how to get started please see: <logicLAB Continuous
    Integration wiki page>.

    In order to extend this very basic behaviour you can use some additional
    CPAN distributions described below.

    Jenkins can visualize reports via it's own interface if these reports
    are based on JUnit report format. TAP::Formatter can output test reports
    in this format using TAP:Formatter::JUnit, so if you are using
    Test::Harness you can get beautiful reports using this distribution in
    your Jenkins setup.

    1 tick the 'Publish JUnit test result report
    2 specify the 'Test reports XMLs' as '*-junit.xml' (you have to match
    the pattern you specify in you test suite execution string, see above)


        % ./Build test merge=1 tap_harness_args=formatter_class=TAP::Formatter::JUnit > jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}-junit.xml

    See also <TAP::Formatter::JUnit>, or <logicLAB TAP::Formatter::JUnit
    wiki page >

    App::Prove is a marvellous tool for initiating execution of a test
    suite. The reason however it is listed in Task::Jenkins is that it
    addressed a bug where timings on a test run was not showing correctly in
    the report.


        % prove --lib --timer --formatter=TAP::Formatter::JUnit t > jenkins-${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}-junit.xml

    See TAP::Formatter::JUnit above.

    See also <App::Prove>, or <logicLAB App::Prove wiki page>

    Devel::Cover can be used to generate HTML coverage reports. Jenkins can
    visualise additional HTML pages generated as part of a test run, Jenkins
    just have to be told where these are located.

    1 tick 'Publish HTML reports'
    2 specify the location:

        *   HTML directory to archive: 'cover_db', Devel::Cover default

        *   Index page(s): 'coverage.html', Devel::Cover default

        *   Report title: 'Coverage Report', something identifiable


        % ./Build testcover

    See also <Devel::Cover>, or <logicLAB Devel::Cover wiki page>

    Jenkins has a plugin for visualization of Clover reports. Devel::Cover
    can output Clover reports which integrate with this facility.

    The below section lists resources of interest to this distribution and
    use of Jenkins.

    In addition to what is used in combination with the Perl distributions
    used in this distribtion, Jenkins also has a Perl::Critic compatible
    plugin named 'Violations'.

    Using Perl::Critic is important, but not essential in CI, so I have
    chosen not to specify Perl::Critic as a part of this distribution for
    now, but I can only recommended it and this standpoint might change in
    the future.

    *   <Jenkins>

    *   logicLAB Jenkins wiki page

    *   logicLAB Continuous Integration wiki page

    *   <Module::Build>

    *   logicLAB Module::Build wiki page

    *   <Test::Harness>

    *   <Jenkins HTML Publisher Plugin>, for use with Devel::Cover

    *   <Jenkins Clover Plugin>, for use with Devel::Cover

    *   <Jenkins Violations Plugin>, for use with Perl::Critic.

    *   Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn), "<>"

    Task::Jenkins is (C) by Jonas B. Nielsen, (jonasbn) 2011-2014

    Task::Jenkins is released under the Artistic License 2.0

    The distribution is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0, as
    specified by the license file included in this distribution.