NAME Log::ger::Like::LogAny - Log like Log::Any VERSION version 0.006 SYNOPSIS To switch your code from Log::Any to Log::ger, replace this: use Log::Any; use Log::Any '$log'; to: use Log::ger::Like::LogAny; use Log::ger::Like::LogAny '$log'; The rest of this works in Log::Any as well as under Log::ger::Like::LogAny: my $log = Log::Any->get_logger(category => 'My::Package'); $log->err("blah ...", "more blah ..."); $log->tracef("fmt %s %s", "blah ...", {data=>'structure'}); if ($log->is_trace) { ... } To set output, use one of the available "Log::ger::Output::*". You can send logs to Log::Any using Log::ger::Output::LogAny. DESCRIPTION This module mimics Log::Any-like logging interface. The idea is that you replace the "use" statement like shown in the Synopsis and you're done switching. Useful for code that uses Log::Any. Not everything is supported though (see the above Synopsis). SEE ALSO Log::ger Log::Any AUTHOR perlancar <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2020, 2017 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.