CatalystX::Crudite - Framework for Catalyst-based CMS Web Applications

       $ crudite-starter MyApp
       $ cd MyApp
       $ ./
       $ ./script/
       $ ./script/

       # log in with username 'admin' and password 'admin'
       # enjoy


       # later
       $ ./script/ resource Article

    CatalystX-Crudite is a framework for writing Catalyst-based CMS web
    applications. It includes out-of-the-box user and role management and
    many starter templates. It builds upon CatalystX-Resource and

    In order for "crudite_starter" to work, you need to install this
    distribution. The starter templates are stored as per-dist shared files
    using "File::ShareDir", so they can't be found from the uninstalled
    repository. I hope to improve this in a later version.

    The user can specify extra args for web libraries such as specific
    versions. Example:

            name                     => 'MyApp',
            'CatalystX::Crudite'     => {
                web_library => {
                    Bootstrap => { version => '2.3.2' },
            # other standard Catalyst config such as:
            'Plugin::Static::Simple' => {
                include_path => [ __PACKAGE__->path_to(qw(root static)), \&dir2 ],
                ignore_extensions => [qw(tmpl tt tt2 xhtml)]

    By default the latest versions of the web libraries - Bootstrap, jQuery,
    jQueryUI and DataTables - are laoded.

    The following person is the author of all the files provided in this
    distribution unless explicitly noted otherwise.

    Marcel Gruenauer "<>", <>

    The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this
    distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise.

    This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Marcel Gruenauer.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.