Bio::Chado::Schema - A DBIx::Class ORM layer for Chado

This is a standard object-relational mapping layer for use with the GMOD Chado
database schema.  This layer is implemented with DBIx::Class, generated with
the help of the very fine DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader module.

Chado is an open-source modular database schema for biological data.  It is
divided into several notional "modules", which are reflected in the namespace
organization of this package.  Note that modules in the Chado context refers to
sets of tables, they are not modules in the Perl sense.


If you are using a distribution tarball of Bio::Chado::Schema (such as from CPAN) :

    perl Build.PL

    ./Build installdeps

    ./Build test

    ./Build install

If you are developer using the git repo, then Dist::Zilla needs to be used:

    dzil build

    dzil test

    dzil install