perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install

NOTE:  This module now relies on XML::SAX and XML::SAX::PurePerl for parsing
       the XML output of nmap.


If you want to view the docs post installation, do

perldoc Nmap::Scanner


perldoc Nmap::Scanner::Scanner

to start.

If you want to look pre-install, cd to lib first.


Nmap::Scanner perlifies the output of the network mapping tool nmap 
(, creating lists of model objects in batch scan
mode or firing events when significant scanning events occur in event scan mode.

If you do not have nmap installed on your system, you will need to install it 
before you can use this module.  Please make sure to use a version that is
at or newer than 3.10ALPHA4, as I contributed a few small patches to output
the port found messages nmap outputs as it is running in XML format.

Older versions (as far back as 2.54BETA32) should work with this module, but 
the port found events will not not be seen; for those to work correctly, 
please use a version of nmap NEWER than 3.21.

This version, only parses the XML output from nmap (-oX -) as that is the most 
stable output format from nmap and will change very little compared to the 
other output formats (according to Fyodor, the author of nmap).


Home page:

If you are interested in making suggestions, reporting bugs, etc, please 
join the nmap-scanner mailing list at

or use the Sourceforge "Help" or "Open Discussion" forums:

If you are interested in contributing, join the mailing list or post to the
"Developers" forum:

Please feel free to email me with nmap-scanner related questions, comments, and
criticisms (mailing list postings preferred).  All feedback is welcomed.

We hope you find this project useful,