Tk::autobind - automatically bind a widget to an ALT-key

    use Tk::autobind;


    `Tk::autobind' offers a convenient way to set up a form and have ALT-key
    bindings for the widgets on that form. All you have to do is call
    `autobind' after you create a widget. If the widget has an `-underline'
    configuration option set to a value greater than or equal to 0, its
    ALT-key binding is the key at that location in the widget's `-text'
    configuration option.

    For example, if you have a Checkbutton with the following `-text':

        Automatically fix

    and its `-underline' value is set to 0, then if the user presses ALT-A
    while the focus is in the widget's main window, the checkbutton widget
    will be invoked.

    The binding that is generated is essentially

    `$widget->MainWindow->bind('<Alt-Key-*x*>', $callback);'

        Adds the binding given above. If *callback* is specified, it must be
        one of the forms of a valid Tk callback (see the Tk::callbacks
        manpage). If it is omitted, a closure is generated and used:

            sub { $widget->Invoke }

        If *callback* is explicitly set to an empty string, the binding is

        This method always returns $widget to allow method chaining. For
        example, you can stick autobind before the call to pack:

            my $checkbutton = $mw->Checkbutton(Name => 'cb1')->autobind->pack;

    the Tk::bind manpage

    Kevin Michael Vail <>