package Search::VectorSpace; use warnings; use strict; use Lingua::Stem; use Carp; use PDL; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 TITLE Search::VectorSpace - a very basic vector-space search engine =head1 SYNOPSIS use Search::VectorSpace; my @docs = ...; my $engine = Search::VectorSpace->new( docs => \@docs, threshold => .04); $engine->build_index(); while ( my $query = <> ) { my %results = $engine->search( $query ); print join "\n", keys %results; } =head1 DESCRIPTION This module takes a list of documents (in English) and builds a simple in-memory search engine using a vector space model. Documents are stored as PDL objects, and after the initial indexing phase, the search should be very fast. This implementation applies a rudimentary stop list to filter out very common words, and uses a cosine measure to calculate document similarity. All documents above a user-configurable similarity threshold are returned. =head1 METHODS =over =item new docs => ARRAYREF [, threshold => VALUE ] Object constructor. Argument hash must contain a key 'docs' whose value is a reference to an array of documents. The hash can also contain an optional threshold setting, between zero and one, to serve as a relevance cutoff for search results. =cut sub new { my ( $class, %params ) = @_; croak 'Usage: Search::VectorSpace->new( docs => \@docs);' unless exists ( $params{'docs'} ) and ref( $params{'docs'} ) and ref( $params{'docs'}) eq 'ARRAY'; my $self = { docs => $params{'docs'}, threshold => $params{'threshold'} || .001, stop_list => load_stop_list(), }; return bless $self, $class; } =item build_index Creates the document vectors and stores them in memory, along with a master word list for the document collection. =cut sub build_index() { my ( $self ) = @_; print "Making word list:\n"; $self->make_word_list(); my @vecs; foreach my $doc ( @{ $self->{'docs'} }) { my $vec = $self->make_vector( $doc ); push @vecs, norm $vec; } $self->{'doc_vectors'} = \@vecs; print "Finished with word list\n"; } =item search QUERY Returns all documents matching the QUERY string above the set relevance threshold. Unlike regular search engines, the query can be arbitrarily long, and contain pretty much anything. It gets mapped into a query vector just like the documents in the collection were. Returns a hash in the form RESULT => RELEVANCE, where the relevance value is between zero and one. =cut sub search { my ( $self, $query ) = @_; my $qvec = $self->make_vector( $query ); my %result_list = $self->get_cosines( norm $qvec ); my %documents; foreach my $index ( keys %result_list ) { my $doc = $self->{'docs'}->[$index]; my $relevance = $result_list{$index}; $documents{$doc} = $relevance; } return %documents; } =item get_words STRING Rudimentary parser, splits string on whitespace and removes punctuation. Returns a hash in the form WORD => NUMBER, where NUMBER is how many times the word was found. =cut sub get_words { # Splits on whitespace and strips some punctuation my ( $self, $text ) = @_; my %doc_words; my @words = map { stem($_) } grep { !( exists $self->{'stop_list'}->{$_} ) } map { lc($_) } map { $_ =~/([a-z\-']+)/i} split /\s+/, $text; do { $_++ } for @doc_words{@words}; return %doc_words; } =item stem WORD Convenience wrapper for Lingua::Stem::stem() =cut sub stem { my ( $word) = @_; my $stemref = Lingua::Stem::stem( $word ); return $stemref->[0]; } sub make_word_list { my ( $self ) = @_; my %all_words; foreach my $doc ( @{ $self->{docs} } ) { my %words = $self->get_words( $doc ); foreach my $k ( keys %words ) { #print "Word: $k\n"; $all_words{$k} += $words{$k}; } } # create a lookup hash of word to position my %lookup; my @sorted_words = sort keys %all_words; @lookup{@sorted_words} = (1..$#sorted_words ); $self->{'word_index'} = \%lookup; $self->{'word_list'} = \@sorted_words; $self->{'word_count'} = scalar @sorted_words; } sub make_vector { my ( $self, $doc ) = @_; my %words = $self->get_words( $doc ); my $vector = zeroes $self->{'word_count'}; foreach my $w ( keys %words ) { my $value = $words{$w}; my $offset = $self->{'word_index'}->{$w}; index( $vector, $offset ) .= $value; } return $vector; } sub get_cosines { my ( $self, $query_vec ) = @_; my %cosines; my $index = 0; foreach my $vec ( @{ $self->{'doc_vectors'} }) { my $cosine = cosine( $vec, $query_vec ); $cosines{$index} = $cosine if $cosine > $self->{'threshold'}; $index++; } return %cosines; } # Assumes both incoming vectors are normalized sub cosine { my ( $vec1, $vec2 ) = @_; my $cos = inner( $vec1, $vec2 ); # inner product return $cos->sclr(); # converts PDL object to Perl scalar } sub load_stop_list { my %stop_words; while (<DATA>) { chomp; $stop_words{$_}++; } return \%stop_words; } 1; =back =head1 AUTHOR Maciej Ceglowski <> This program is free software, released under the same terms as Perl itself =cut __DATA__ i'm web don't i've we've they've she's he's it's great old can't tell tells busy doesn't you're your's didn't they're night nights anyone isn't i'll actual actually presents presenting presenter present presented presentation we're wouldn't example examples i'd haven't etc won't myself we've they've aren't we'd it'd ain't i'll who've -year-old kind kinds builds build built com make makes making made you'll couldn't use uses used using take takes taking taken exactly we'll it'll certainly he'd shown they'd wasn't yeah to-day lya a ability able aboard about above absolute absolutely across act acts add additional additionally after afterwards again against ago ahead aimless aimlessly al albeit align all allow almost along alongside already also alternate alternately although always am amid amidst among amongst an and announce announced announcement announces another anti any anything appaling appalingly appear appeared appears are around as ask asked asking asks at await awaited awaits awaken awakened awakens aware away b back backed backing backs be became because become becomes becoming been before began begin begins behind being believe believed between both brang bring brings brought but by c call called calling calls can cannot carried carries carry carrying change changed changes choose chooses chose clearly close closed closes closing come comes coming consider considerable considering could couldn d dare daren day days despite did didn do does doesn doing done down downward downwards e each eight either else elsewhere especially even eventually ever every everybody everyone f far feel felt few final finally find five for found four fourth from get gets getting gave give gives go goes going gone good got h had has have he held her here heretofore hereby herewith hers herself high him himself his hitherto happen happened happens hour hours how however i ii iii iv if in include included includes including inside into is isn it its itself j just k l la larger largest last later latest le least leave leaves leaving les let less like ll m made main mainly make makes man many may me means meant meanwhile men might missed more moreover most mostly move moved moving mr mrs much must mustn my need needs neither never new newer news nine no non none nor not now o of off often on once one only or other our out over own owns p particularly per percent primarily put q quickly r remain remaining respond responded responding responds return ran rather run running runs s said say says same see seek seeking seeks seen send sent set sets seven several she should shouldn side since six sixes slow slowed slows small smaller so some someone something somewhat somewhere soon sought spread stay stayed still substantially such suppose t take takes taken th than that the their them themselves then there thereby therefore these they thing things thi this those though thus three through throughout to together too took toward towards tried tries try trying two u unable under underneath undid undo undoes undone undue undoubtedly unfortunately unless unnecessarily unofficially until unusually unsure up upon upward us use used uses using usual usually v ve very via view viewed w wait waited waits want wanted wants was wasn watched watching way ways we went were what whatever when whenever where whereever whether which whichever while who whoever whom whomsoever whose whosever why wide wider will with without won would wouldn wow wows www x xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx y year you your yours yourself yourselves