NAME App::csvtool - implements the csvtool core commands DESCRIPTION This module provides the main commands for the csvtool wrapper script. COMMANDS cut $ csvtool cut -fFIELDS INPUT... Extracts the given field column(s). --fields, -f A comma-separated list of field indexes (defaults to 1). grep $ csvtool grep PATTERN INPUT... Filter rows by the given pattern. The pattern is always interpreted as a Perl regular expression. --ignore-case, -i Ignore case when matching. --invert-match, -v Output only the lines that do not match the filter pattern. head $ csvtool head -nLINES INPUT... Output only the first few rows. --lines, -n Number of lines to output. If negative, will output all but the final few rows of the given number. sort $ csvtool sort INPUT... Sorts the rows according to the given field. --field, -f The field index to sort by (defaults to 1). --numerical, -n Sorts numerically. If absent, sorting happens alphabetically. --reverse, -r Reverses the order of sorting. tail $ csvtool tail -nLINES INPUT... Output only the final few rows. --lines, -n Number of lines to output. If negative, will output all but the first few rows of the given number. uniq $ csvtool uniq -fFIELD INPUT... Filters rows for unique values of the given field. --field, -f The field index to select rows on (defaults to 1). AUTHOR Paul Evans <>