/* * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") * Copyright (C) 1998-2001, 2003 Internet Software Consortium. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH * REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM * LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* $Id: t_master.c,v 1.41 2011-03-12 04:59:46 tbox Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Required for HP/UX (and others?) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define BUFLEN 255 #define BIGBUFLEN (64 * 1024) static isc_result_t t1_add_callback(void *arg, dns_name_t *owner, dns_rdataset_t *dataset); isc_mem_t *T1_mctx; char *Tokens[T_MAXTOKS + 1]; static isc_result_t t1_add_callback(void *arg, dns_name_t *owner, dns_rdataset_t *dataset) { char buf[BIGBUFLEN]; isc_buffer_t target; isc_result_t result; UNUSED(arg); isc_buffer_init(&target, buf, BIGBUFLEN); result = dns_rdataset_totext(dataset, owner, ISC_FALSE, ISC_FALSE, &target); if (result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) t_info("dns_rdataset_totext: %s\n", dns_result_totext(result)); return(result); } static int test_master(char *testfile, char *origin, char *class, isc_result_t exp_result) { int result; int len; isc_result_t isc_result; isc_result_t dns_result; dns_name_t dns_origin; isc_buffer_t source; isc_buffer_t target; unsigned char name_buf[BUFLEN]; dns_rdatacallbacks_t callbacks; dns_rdataclass_t rdataclass; isc_textregion_t textregion; if (T1_mctx == NULL) isc_result = isc_mem_create(0, 0, &T1_mctx); else isc_result = ISC_R_SUCCESS; if (isc_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("isc_mem_create failed %d\n", isc_result); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } len = strlen(origin); isc_buffer_init(&source, origin, len); isc_buffer_add(&source, len); isc_buffer_setactive(&source, len); isc_buffer_init(&target, name_buf, BUFLEN); dns_name_init(&dns_origin, NULL); dns_result = dns_name_fromtext(&dns_origin, &source, dns_rootname, 0, &target); if (dns_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dns_name_fromtext failed %s\n", dns_result_totext(dns_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } dns_rdatacallbacks_init_stdio(&callbacks); callbacks.add = t1_add_callback; textregion.base = class; textregion.length = strlen(class); dns_result = dns_rdataclass_fromtext(&rdataclass, &textregion); if (dns_result != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { t_info("dns_rdataclass_fromtext failed %s\n", dns_result_totext(dns_result)); return(T_UNRESOLVED); } dns_result = dns_master_loadfile( testfile, &dns_origin, &dns_origin, rdataclass, ISC_TRUE, &callbacks, T1_mctx); if (dns_result == exp_result) result = T_PASS; else { t_info("dns_master_loadfile: got %s, expected %s\n", dns_result_totext(dns_result), dns_result_totext(exp_result)); result = T_FAIL; } return(result); } static int test_master_x(const char *filename) { FILE *fp; char *p; int line; int cnt; int result; result = T_UNRESOLVED; fp = fopen(filename, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { line = 0; while ((p = t_fgetbs(fp)) != NULL) { ++line; /* * Skip comment lines. */ if ((isspace(*p & 0xff)) || (*p == '#')) { (void)free(p); continue; } /* * Name of data file, origin, zclass, expected result. */ cnt = t_bustline(p, Tokens); if (cnt == 4) { result = test_master(Tokens[0], Tokens[1], Tokens[2], t_dns_result_fromtext(Tokens[3])); } else { t_info("bad format in %s at line %d\n", filename, line); } (void)free(p); } (void)fclose(fp); } else { t_info("Missing datafile %s\n", filename); } return(result); } static const char *a1 = "dns_master_loadfile loads a valid master file and " "returns ISC_R_SUCCESS"; static void t1(void) { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 1, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a1); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_1_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a2 = "dns_master_loadfile returns ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND when the " "masterfile input ends unexpectedly"; static void t2(void) { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 2, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a2); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_2_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a3 = "dns_master_loadfile returns DNS_R_NOOWNER when the " "an ownername is not specified"; static void t3() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 3, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a3); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_3_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a4 = "dns_master_loadfile accepts broken zone files " "where the first record has an undefined TTL, " "as long as it is a SOA"; static void t4() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 4, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a4); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_4_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a5 = "dns_master_loadfile returns DNS_R_BADCLASS when the " "the record class did not match the zone class"; static void t5() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 5, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a5); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_5_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a6 = "dns_master_loadfile understands DNSKEY RR specifications " "containing key material"; static void t6() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 6, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a6); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_6_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a7 = "dns_master_loadfile understands DNSKEY RR specifications " "containing no key material"; static void t7() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 7, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a7); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_7_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a8 = "dns_master_loadfile understands $INCLUDE"; static void t8() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 8, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a8); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_8_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a9 = "dns_master_loadfile understands $INCLUDE with failure"; static void t9() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 9, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a9); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_9_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a10 = "dns_master_loadfile non-empty blank lines"; static void t10() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 10, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a10); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_10_data"); t_result(result); } static const char *a11 = "dns_master_loadfile allow leading zeros in SOA"; static void t11() { int result; t_assert("dns_master_loadfile", 11, T_REQUIRED, "%s", a11); result = test_master_x("dns_master_load_11_data"); t_result(result); } testspec_t T_testlist[] = { { t1, "ISC_R_SUCCESS" }, { t2, "ISC_R_UNEXPECTEDEND" }, { t3, "DNS_NOOWNER" }, { t4, "DNS_NOTTL" }, { t5, "DNS_BADCLASS" }, { t6, "DNSKEY RR 1" }, { t7, "DNSKEY RR 2" }, { t8, "$INCLUDE" }, { t9, "$INCLUDE w/ DNS_BADCLASS" }, { t10, "non empty blank lines" }, { t11, "leading zeros in serial" }, { NULL, NULL } };