#ifndef lint static char *rcsid = "$Id: ucs4.c,v 2003-06-04 00:26:14 marka Exp $"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 2001 Japan Network Information Center. All rights reserved. * * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth bellow. * * LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS * * The following License Terms and Conditions apply, unless a different * license is obtained from Japan Network Information Center ("JPNIC"), * a Japanese association, Kokusai-Kougyou-Kanda Bldg 6F, 2-3-4 Uchi-Kanda, * Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan. * * 1. Use, Modification and Redistribution (including distribution of any * modified or derived work) in source and/or binary forms is permitted * under this License Terms and Conditions. * * 2. Redistribution of source code must retain the copyright notices as they * appear in each source code file, this License Terms and Conditions. * * 3. Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the Copyright Notice, * this License Terms and Conditions, in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. For the purposes of binary * distribution the "Copyright Notice" refers to the following language: * "Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Japan Network Information Center. All rights reserved." * * 4. The name of JPNIC may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this Software without specific prior written approval of * JPNIC. * * 5. Disclaimer/Limitation of Liability: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY JPNIC * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JPNIC BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * Unicode surrogate pair. */ #define IS_SURROGATE_HIGH(v) (0xd800 <= (v) && (v) <= 0xdbff) #define IS_SURROGATE_LOW(v) (0xdc00 <= (v) && (v) <= 0xdfff) #define SURROGATE_HIGH(v) (SURROGATE_H_OFF + (((v) - 0x10000) >> 10)) #define SURROGATE_LOW(v) (SURROGATE_L_OFF + ((v) & 0x3ff)) #define SURROGATE_BASE 0x10000 #define SURROGATE_H_OFF 0xd800 #define SURROGATE_L_OFF 0xdc00 #define COMBINE_SURROGATE(h, l) \ (SURROGATE_BASE + (((h)-SURROGATE_H_OFF)<<10) + ((l)-SURROGATE_L_OFF)) /* * ASCII ctype macros. * Note that these macros evaluate the argument multiple times. Be careful. */ #define ASCII_TOUPPER(c) \ (('a' <= (c) && (c) <= 'z') ? ((c) - 'a' + 'A') : (c)) #define ASCII_TOLOWER(c) \ (('A' <= (c) && (c) <= 'Z') ? ((c) - 'A' + 'a') : (c)) idn_result_t idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf16(const unsigned long *ucs4, unsigned short *utf16, size_t tolen) { unsigned short *utf16p = utf16; unsigned long v; idn_result_t r; TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf16(ucs4=\"%s\", tolen=%d)\n", idn__debug_ucs4xstring(ucs4, 50), (int)tolen)); while (*ucs4 != '\0') { v = *ucs4++; if (IS_SURROGATE_LOW(v) || IS_SURROGATE_HIGH(v)) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf16: UCS4 string contains " "surrogate pair\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } else if (v > 0xffff) { /* Convert to surrogate pair */ if (v >= 0x110000) { r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } if (tolen < 2) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *utf16p++ = SURROGATE_HIGH(v); *utf16p++ = SURROGATE_LOW(v); tolen -= 2; } else { if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *utf16p++ = v; tolen--; } } if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *utf16p = '\0'; r = idn_success; ret: if (r == idn_success) { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf16(): success (utf16=\"%s\")\n", idn__debug_utf16xstring(utf16, 50))); } else { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf16(): %s\n", idn_result_tostring(r))); } return (r); } idn_result_t idn_ucs4_utf16toucs4(const unsigned short *utf16, unsigned long *ucs4, size_t tolen) { unsigned long *ucs4p = ucs4; unsigned short v0, v1; idn_result_t r; TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf16toucs4(utf16=\"%s\", tolen=%d)\n", idn__debug_utf16xstring(utf16, 50), (int)tolen)); while (*utf16 != '\0') { v0 = *utf16; if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } if (IS_SURROGATE_HIGH(v0)) { v1 = *(utf16 + 1); if (!IS_SURROGATE_LOW(v1)) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf16toucs4: " "corrupted surrogate pair\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } *ucs4p++ = COMBINE_SURROGATE(v0, v1); tolen--; utf16 += 2; } else { *ucs4p++ = v0; tolen--; utf16++; } } if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *ucs4p = '\0'; r = idn_success; ret: if (r == idn_success) { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf16toucs4(): success (ucs4=\"%s\")\n", idn__debug_ucs4xstring(ucs4, 50))); } else { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf16toucs4(): %s\n", idn_result_tostring(r))); } return (r); } idn_result_t idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4(const char *utf8, unsigned long *ucs4, size_t tolen) { const unsigned char *utf8p = (const unsigned char *)utf8; unsigned long *ucs4p = ucs4; unsigned long v, min; unsigned char c; int width; int i; idn_result_t r; TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4(utf8=\"%s\", tolen=%d)\n", idn__debug_xstring(utf8, 50), (int)tolen)); while(*utf8p != '\0') { c = *utf8p++; if (c < 0x80) { v = c; min = 0; width = 1; } else if (c < 0xc0) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4: invalid character\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } else if (c < 0xe0) { v = c & 0x1f; min = 0x80; width = 2; } else if (c < 0xf0) { v = c & 0x0f; min = 0x800; width = 3; } else if (c < 0xf8) { v = c & 0x07; min = 0x10000; width = 4; } else if (c < 0xfc) { v = c & 0x03; min = 0x200000; width = 5; } else if (c < 0xfe) { v = c & 0x01; min = 0x4000000; width = 6; } else { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4: invalid character\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } for (i = width - 1; i > 0; i--) { c = *utf8p++; if (c < 0x80 || 0xc0 <= c) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4: " "invalid character\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } v = (v << 6) | (c & 0x3f); } if (v < min) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4: invalid character\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } if (IS_SURROGATE_LOW(v) || IS_SURROGATE_HIGH(v)) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4: UTF-8 string contains " "surrogate pair\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } tolen--; *ucs4p++ = v; } if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *ucs4p = '\0'; r = idn_success; ret: if (r == idn_success) { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4(): success (ucs4=\"%s\")\n", idn__debug_ucs4xstring(ucs4, 50))); } else { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_utf8toucs4(): %s\n", idn_result_tostring(r))); } return (r); } idn_result_t idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8(const unsigned long *ucs4, char *utf8, size_t tolen) { unsigned char *utf8p = (unsigned char *)utf8; unsigned long v; int width; int mask; int offset; idn_result_t r; TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8(ucs4=\"%s\", tolen=%d)\n", idn__debug_ucs4xstring(ucs4, 50), (int)tolen)); while (*ucs4 != '\0') { v = *ucs4++; if (IS_SURROGATE_LOW(v) || IS_SURROGATE_HIGH(v)) { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8: UCS4 string contains " "surrogate pair\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } if (v < 0x80) { mask = 0; width = 1; } else if (v < 0x800) { mask = 0xc0; width = 2; } else if (v < 0x10000) { mask = 0xe0; width = 3; } else if (v < 0x200000) { mask = 0xf0; width = 4; } else if (v < 0x4000000) { mask = 0xf8; width = 5; } else if (v < 0x80000000) { mask = 0xfc; width = 6; } else { WARNING(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8: invalid character\n")); r = idn_invalid_encoding; goto ret; } if (tolen < width) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } offset = 6 * (width - 1); *utf8p++ = (v >> offset) | mask; mask = 0x80; while (offset > 0) { offset -= 6; *utf8p++ = ((v >> offset) & 0x3f) | mask; } tolen -= width; } if (tolen < 1) { r = idn_buffer_overflow; goto ret; } *utf8p = '\0'; r = idn_success; ret: if (r == idn_success) { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8(): success (utf8=\"%s\")\n", idn__debug_xstring(utf8, 50))); } else { TRACE(("idn_ucs4_ucs4toutf8(): %s\n", idn_result_tostring(r))); } return (r); } size_t idn_ucs4_strlen(const unsigned long *ucs4) { size_t len; for (len = 0; *ucs4 != '\0'; ucs4++, len++) /* nothing to do */ ; return (len); } unsigned long * idn_ucs4_strcpy(unsigned long *to, const unsigned long *from) { unsigned long *result = to; while (*from != '\0') *to++ = *from++; *to = '\0'; return (result); } unsigned long * idn_ucs4_strcat(unsigned long *to, const unsigned long *from) { unsigned long *result = to; while (*to != '\0') to++; while (*from != '\0') *to++ = *from++; *to = '\0'; return (result); } int idn_ucs4_strcmp(const unsigned long *str1, const unsigned long *str2) { while (*str1 != '\0') { if (*str1 > *str2) return (1); else if (*str1 < *str2) return (-1); str1++; str2++; } if (*str1 > *str2) return (1); else if (*str1 < *str2) return (-1); return (0); } int idn_ucs4_strcasecmp(const unsigned long *str1, const unsigned long *str2) { unsigned long c1, c2; while (*str1 != '\0') { c1 = ASCII_TOLOWER(*str1); c2 = ASCII_TOLOWER(*str2); if (c1 > c2) return (1); else if (c1 < c2) return (-1); str1++; str2++; } c1 = ASCII_TOLOWER(*str1); c2 = ASCII_TOLOWER(*str2); if (c1 > c2) return (1); else if (c1 < c2) return (-1); return (0); } unsigned long * idn_ucs4_strdup(const unsigned long *str) { size_t length = idn_ucs4_strlen(str); unsigned long *dupstr; dupstr = (unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(*str) * (length + 1)); if (dupstr == NULL) return NULL; memcpy(dupstr, str, sizeof(*str) * (length + 1)); return dupstr; }