Chinese Support

ibus-chewing - The Chewing engine for IBus input platform

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
IBus-chewing is an IBus front-end of Chewing, an intelligent Chinese input
method for Zhuyin (BoPoMoFo) users.
It supports various Zhuyin keyboard layout, such as standard (DaChen),
IBM, Gin-Yeah, Eten, Eten 26, Hsu, Dvorak, Dvorak-Hsu, and DaChen26.

Chewing also support toned Hanyu pinyin input.


ibus-chewing- [59 KiB] Changelog by Ding-Yi Chen (2010-07-06):
- Fixed google issue 965:
  Candidate missing if both "Plain Zhuyin" and "Space As selection" are enabled.
- Revised Basic.macro
- Resolved: #608991

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