
kipi-plugins - Plugins to use with Kipi

License: GPLv2+ and Adobe
Vendor: Fedora Project
This package contains plugins to use with Kipi, the KDE Image Plugin
Interface.  Currently implemented plugins are:
AcquireImages      : acquire images using flat scanner
AdvancedSlideshow  : slide images with 2D and 3D effects using OpenGL
Calendar           : create calendars
DngConverter       : convert Raw Image to Digital NeGative
ExpoBlending       : blend bracketed images}
FlickrExport       : export images to a remote Flickr web service
GalleryExport      : export images to a remote Gallery server
GPSSync            : geolocalize pictures
HTMLExport         : export images collections into a static XHTML page
ImageViewer        : preview images using OpenGL
JpegLossLess       : rotate/flip images without losing quality
KioExportImport    : export/imports pictures to/from accessible via KIO
MetadataEdit       : edit EXIF, IPTC and XMP metadata
PicasaWebExport    : export images to a remote Picasa web service
RemoveRedEyes      : remove red eyes on image automatically
RawConverter       : convert Raw Image to JPEG/PNG/TIFF
SendImages         : send images by e-mail
SimpleViewerExport : export images to Flash using SimpleViewer
ShwupExport        : export images to a remote Shwup web service
SmugExport         : export images to a remote SmugMug web service
FbExport           : export images to a remote Facebook web service
TimeAdjust         : adjust date and time
PrintWizard        : print images in various format


kipi-plugins-1.3.0-2.fc14.i686 [4.0 MiB] Changelog by Rex Dieter (2010-06-26):
- rebuild (opencv)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.fc14