system environment/libraries

gtkmm24 - C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X)

License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
gtkmm provides a C++ interface to the GTK+ GUI library. gtkmm2 wraps GTK+ 2.
Highlights include typesafe callbacks, widgets extensible via inheritance
and a comprehensive set of widget classes that can be freely combined to
quickly create complex user interfaces.


gtkmm24-2.21.7-2.fc14.src [10.9 MiB] Changelog by Kalev Lember (2010-09-14):
- Dropped gtkmm24-2.21.1-gtkcalendar.patch
- Build docs subpackage as noarch
- Co-own gtk-doc directory (#604169)
- Fixed macro-in-changelog rpmlint warning

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.fc14