Archive submissions should be mailed to if they consist of a single file. Mailed submissions are automatically saved and periodically archived. The incoming directory is no longer available for submissions at the request of Ohio State. Messages regarding problems with the archive, such as missing files or files that won't decompress, should also be sent to this address. Submissions consisting of multiple files should not be mailed. Instead a mail message with the LCD archive entry (see the GUIDELINES file) should be mailed to the archive address with a location from which the tarred and compressed files can be ftped. If you cannot provide the files through anonymous ftp, we will arrange a drop location in private mail. Entries in the LCD (Lisp Code Directory) for packages that are maintained at other locations are also welcomed and encouraged. NEWS FLASHES: ============= Mon Jul 19 15:54 1993 A recent change in the OSU ftpd is making the default permissions of newly archived files unreadable via anonymous ftp. To counter this problem we have set up a cron job that every hour on the hour to correct any bogus permissions. If you run across a file that you cannot read, wait for the next cron job to run, then try again. -- Dave Brennan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dave Brennan ( Dave Sill ( Elisp Archive Maintainers