MListbox-patch patches Tk 3.6 to enable non-contiguous selections in a listbox. MListbox-patch is a patch to the original Tk 3.6 sources. The patch alters the following files: tkListbox.c library/tk.tcl library/listbox.tcl doc/listbox.n After applying the patches you will need to do a make install. To get an understanding of the bindings read the man page and look at the class bindings in tk.tcl. The bindings are somewhat arbitrary, though I did try to make them sensible. Non-contiguous selection ability is off by default. In order to enable this enhancement you need to do configure -multipleselections 1 or create the widget with listbox -multipleselections 1 A value of 0 selects the traditional behaviour, anything else selects the enhanced behaviour. The listbox test fails a number of times bue to slightly different semantics in selection manipulation. Your existing programs *should* not break. If they do, please let me know. Remember, you can undo the patches with patch -R. Please send me mail with any suggestions or problems. Thanks to Heiko Schroeder for the -multipleselections toggle and bringing things up to 3.6! Marc Ewing -